Little Big Shot (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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YOU'RE PLAYING YBIL JASO A NEW STA HAS EVERYTHIN says Variety Daily “Little Big Shot” ( Warner) Hottywoop, July 28.— Aside from being top“tgech entertainment slated for fancy grosses at the boxoffice, this one introduces a new child actress who should give other youngsters plenty of competition for an audience following. The story, tailored on the .“Little Miss Marker” formula, unfolds swiftly and smoothly, containing a pleasing blend of comedy and pathos, Intelligent showmanship should build for excellent results. The story, although not entirely new, is handled deftly. Sybil Jason, a talented newcomer, is thrown in with two petty racketeers, Robert Armstrong | and Edward Everett Horton, who sell fake watches. The child becomes the ward of the team when her father is put on the spot in a gangster mixup. The dramatic and comedy situations built on a series of incidents bring the story towards its climax with Glenda Farrell, Armstrong’s romantic interest, contributing a reforming influence. Miss Jason suddenly reveals a singing and dancing talent and the boys start a sideshow ballyhoo with Miss Farrell intervening for the child’s welfare. Armstrong’s yen for big dough finally gets him in trouble with gangsters and Miss Jason goes to an orphanage. The dramatic climax revolves around Armstrong’s love for the youngster and his efforts to regain custody. The film has the sus serene seneing. slings Michael Sony , directed wit gh calibre 3 ay Jeuiy Wald, Talius Epstein and Robert ee is aus Harrison Jacobs did the original, No production code seal. Running time, 75 minutes. “G.” z IN A PRODUCTIO SLATED FOR says M. P. Daily WITH A STORY. THAT'S TOP NOTCH 22222" ENTERTAINMENT M. P. Daily They li thrill when this 4.0 pound bundle of mischief and happiness shakes down two chiseling wise guys and the toughest mob on y And A BIG CAST OF FAVORITES INCLUDING- GLENDA FARRELL « ROB'T (G-Man) ARMSTRONG EDW. E. HORTON °* JACK LaRUE and many others