Love Begins at 20 (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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“LOVE BEGINS AT 20° PUBLICITY Dishes Bounce But Refuse to Break In a scene from the First National picture, “Love Begins at Twenty,” which comes TOSTHOw es eee theatre on Ci err , Patricia Ellis and Warren Hull wash a stack of dishes. Inasmuch ag they are lovers, intent on a kiss or two, they drop a considerable number on the floor. In taking the scene Patricia let a fragile china dish fall. To her astonishment the dish bounced, but did not break. She tried another, and then several more, all with the same result. The floor proved to have been made of a soft fibre composition in order to deaden the sound of scraping feet. It was removed and a wooden floor put in. Comedienne Makes Her Film Bow Dorothy Vaughan, character comedienne playing in the First National comedy romance ‘Love Begins at Twenty” now showing Ab Cileess eet eee theatre, had one of the most popular headlining acts in vaudeville for many years. The actress was billed as “The Cheerful Singer of Cheerful Songs,” and appeared in variety theatres all over the world. “Love Begins at Twenty” is her first picture. Cavanaugh Plans to Hunt Gophers Hobart Cavanaugh, First Netional comedy player now enacting a featured role in “Love Begins at Twenty,” which comes to TRE ee oe thieseres On... cee, r is taking lessons in pistol marksmanship from a friend on the Los Angeles Police Force in order that he may be adept at bringing down the hundreds of gophers that overrun his fiveacre ranch near Encino. Patricia Ellis Never Keeps Beaux Waiting Hollywood swains who have dates with Patricia Ellis who has the leading feminine role in the First National comedy romance, “Love Begins at Twenty,” which comes -to the............ theatrevonecee ee » never have the experience of waiting for hours in the parlor while the actress decides which dress she will wear for the evening. Pat has all her dresses catalogued. A description of every dress, and its logical accessories is kept in a special desk file. When Patricia learns the nature of the evening’s entertainment, she selects the right wardrobe by the filing system. Herbert So Clever His Dog Bites Him Hugh Herbert, who has the leading comedy role in the First National picture, “Love Begins at Twenty,” now showiromrat Oe... leben theatre, boasted to members of the cast that he had mastered the art of ventriloquism. He kept throwing his voice around the stage until Direetor Frank MeDonald became peeved. “This is no Punch and Judy show,” he declared. “Go home and try it out on your dog.” That night Hugh did. The dog took out the seat of his pants and some of the skin with it. “Love Begins at Twenty...” Hugh Herbert (left) Patricia Ellis and Warren Hull—who have the leading roles in the First National comedy, “Love Begins at Twenty,” now at the... Cer. Wr eet eee oe CEN: Mat No. 201—20c Patricia Ellis Has File Of All Her Boy Friends Feminine Lead in “Love Begins at Twenty” Classi fies Them By Index The worid of business lost the perfect private secretary when Patricia Ellis, now playing the feminine lead in the First National picture, ‘‘Love Begins at Twenty,’’ which CORTES TO THE ee woke theatre. 2 ee se ie eee de cided to become an actress: If at this moment Pat were not at the top of her profession in the cinema art she would undoubtedly be filling away confidential reports for the President of a railroad or tke ambassador to a foreign country. Patricia is a world champion when it comes to a systematic idea of keeping strange but useful records. A special room in her Hollywood apartment, which a man would eall his “den,” is devoted to this practice which the actress ealls the “Ellis Old Reliable Filing System.” Here are her ecabinets in which she keeps files on everything from a strange mixture of Arabian salad to a list of the plays in which the immortal Sarah Bernhardt played the stellar role. Pat’s filing system began as a hobby. That was ten years ago in Detroit when the actress, then a school girl, was forced to stay in bed for almost six consecutive months due to a complication of childrens’ diseases. Pat didn’t care much for toys, so she amused herself by writing down recipes of favorite food concoctions. She used up three gets of card indexes on these, and then began on a rather complicated system of filing her personal wardrobe. She made out a separate ecard for each individual piece of clothing, noting its color, its age, or length of service, other articles of clothing with which it would mateh, and in which closet or drawer it was kept. This took almost four months and exhausted eight more index boxes. Various files within the files included her nightgowns, shoes, riding boots and stockings. After her recovery, Patricia went right on filing things. She began filing inventories of all her personal possessions, including jewelry and personal beauty aids. A list of all her acquaintances followed, including a special (and locked) file of the names of boy friends who had taken her out more than one time. Although she is reticent about disclosing the contents of this particular file, she admits that under the names she keeps their age, complexion, habits of dressing and other such notes. Other files which the actress keeps include indexes of her scripts used in moving pictures and on the stage. The picture is a hilarious comedy drama based on the play by Martin Flavin. Besides Miss EIlis the cast ineludes Warren Hull, Hugh Herbert, Hobart Cavanaugh, Dorothy Vaughan, Clarence Wilson, Robert Gleckler and Mary Treen. Frank MeDonald directed. Comedy Team Hugh Rerbert Ellis are teamed for the first time in “Love Begins at Twenty” the First National comedy which OMG TUS Chane ees ee a a Theatre on Mat No. 102—10c¢ and Patricia Singing Actor In Great Demand As Straight Lead Consequently Warren Hull Does Not Warble in “Love Begins at Twenty” He went to Hollywood to sing, and although he has appeared as the leading man in several pictures he has only sung in one of them, Conceded that Warren Hull has a fine voice, and is a thoroughly experienced singer, several thousand feminine fans throughout the country have informed the young man and the First National studios that they want to see him in any sort of picture, musical or not. Because feminine movie fans are the mentors of a cinema actor’s life, Warren Hull has become one of the busiest young men in the film colony. His latest picture is “Love Begins at Twenty,’ which comes to the Needs GWCALTO RON. sae st. Musicals are not made every day around motion picture lots, and Warren wasn’t kept sitting around his home awaiting a call for the next picture of this type. In the space of a few months’ time he has become one of the most sought after leading men around the studio, and if you don’t hear him break forth into song in a picture it’s because he hasn’t time. In the few months that he has been at the studio, Hull has enacted the leading male role in five pictures, an average of almost one a month. This is no mean record for a newcomer. Of these pictures, “Freshman Love,” a musical-romance, is the only one in which Hull has been allowzd to warble a few tunes. The letters poured in after the showimg of this picture. People wanted to know if the studio didn’t realize they had a great singing discovery in this handsome actor. Why hadn't they heard his singing voice before? The answer, in a roundabout way, is that Hull is too much in demand for straight romantic pictures to be kept sitting around waiting for an occasional musi Cavanaugh Ruins Moustache and His Wife’s Soup Hobart Cavanaugh’s false moustache almost caused a marital rift in his home during the production of the First National comedy-romance “Love Begins at Twenty,” which comes to the A aie theatre ony. 4.5 Se. s In the picture he wears a trick moustache. Rather than take it off when he went home in the evening after work, Cavanaugh kept it on night and day. Everything went fine until the one night when the actor’s wife served him some of her own home-made soup. Hobart leaned over the bowl to take his first sip and the moustache fell off into the soup. Later in the evening he ealled the studio make-up department and asked them to have a new soup strainer ready in the morning. The original was altogether useless after its wetting. So also was the soup. “Love Begins at Twenty,” combines hilarious comedy with plenty of thrills and glamorous romance. Besides Cavanaugh the cast includes Warren Hull, Patricia Ellis, Hugh Herbert, Dorothy Vaughan, Clarence Wilson, Robert Gleckler and Mary Treen. Frank MacDonald directed the picture from the screen play by Tom Reed and Dalton Trumbo, based on the play by Martin Flavin. Warren Hull He was a noted radio singing star before he became one of Hollywood’s most famous leading men. Hull has the romantic role in “Love Begins at Twenty” the First National comedy playING: Giathern = aie ae Theatre. Mat No. 103—10c eal. When a picture of this type goes into production, Hull is more than likely in the middle of another picture and is not available for casting. The young man was signed for screen work because of his singing powers. When he arrived in Hollywood his sponsors found they had obtained the rare combination of singer who could act as well. They’ve kept him acting ever since. Hull went to Hollywood following a successful career on the musical comedy stage and in radio. He sang leading roles in such popular light operas as “The Love Song,” “The Student Prince,” “My Maryland” and “Follow Through,” following which he deserted the stage for radio, becoming a singing master of ceremonies. Although he isn’t singing as much as he would like to in pictures, Hull is keeping up his voice by several hours of daily practice under the guidance of his personal teacher. “Love Begins at Twenty,” combines hilarious comedy with plenty of thrills and a glamorous romance. Besides Hull the east includes Patricia Ellis, Hugh Herbert, Hobart Cavanaugh, Dorothy Vaughan, Clarence Wilson and Mary Treen. Frank McDonald directed the picture from the screen play by Tom Reed and Dalton Trumbo, based on the play by Martin Flavin. Actor Combs Suit to Save Pressing It Hugh Herbert, First National comedian, has a suit made of ecamel’s hair which he combs instead of having it pressed. He wears the unique outfit for a scene in “Love Begins at Twenty,” now showing at the RGN Ra theatre. Page Seven