Man of Iron (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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A SPECIAL ACCESSORY RENTAL PLAN THAT CUTS YOUR DISPLAY BUDGET! | A Plan Keyed To The | Tempo Of The Times With this new service, your lobby and front displays will no longer represent an outlay of large sums of money for items that are valueless after the film’s run. WH, MEGA Now you can RENT displays instead of buying them. The weekly rental fee is reasonable enough to enable the average exhibitor to plan on typical deluxe Broad way fronts and displays on all attractions. 40x60 OIL PAINT PROCESS DISPLAY : Brilliant color schemes are blended to pro: I eee Se JOHN ELDREDGE | seeeteeeetecetie 5 jb, This new : 7 AT A LOW RENTAL COST! ing job. This new rental plan places this fine type of advertising within the reach of all. Frames are loaned free. Made by the Masters of 40x60 PHOTOGRAPHIC ENLARGEMENT AND MAT Displayed in shadow box. It is brilliantly illuminated and tells your A a a2 of &, Bs LAY _ story to lobby-shoppers at a_ glance—amem ae ot dobby sAicoley,_ This frame is also loaned free to users of our rental service. In launching this new service Warner Bros. have secured the cooperation of THE AMERICAN DISPLAY CO., Inc. an organization which, through years of service to theatres, has made itself recog24x82 OIL PAINT PROCESS BANNERS nized ° ° Reproduced from original layout and painted on roll board. Strik as one of the mestimportant figures ing colors give these banners all the flash you could desire. Shown in Special Accessory Display production. in frame which is loaned free. AMERICAN DISPLAY CORP, 30x40 OIL PAINT PROCESS POSTERS 525 WEST 43rd STREET Faithfully reproduced from original art : NEW YORK CITY work by Broadway’s leading artists. Illustration should give you an idea of how attractive it would look in your lobby. 24x60 PAINT PROCESS BANNER Ten to twelve colors and produced on heavy roll board. The brilliance of the painting makes this a valuable accessory. In vivid colors on heavy roll board. IlIlustrated in the frame that is loaned free as part of the rental service. AO Units Available a] i i | i i i | | i i i i | i | i i | | i i i i | | | | | i i | i i i i i i i | t i i t | i i | i i i | | a i | | | t i | i t | | | | | | i i AMERICAN DISPLAY CO., Inc. 521 West 57th Street New York City, N. Y. MAIL THIS Gentlemen: Please send me complete information regarding your RENTAL PLAN and how | can secure DISPLAY FRAMES for use in my theatre FREE, as advertised in the CAMPAIGN PLAN on “‘Man of Iron.’’ This request does not obligate me in any way. te bese ee ea ee ae On All Coming COUP ON Ete em gn oe eee eee eee, W arner and TODAY Additss io co pe es ae ee es eee First National Attractions! Number-of Seats:< Sc, ee Number of changes weekly Pa SR BS SEE SSP SE SE PE SES ee ee ee a ae ees ee ee le ee ae ie ee eee ee ieee ee 2 tt he ee Page Eleven