Man of Iron (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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INSERT CARD DATE SPACE 6-SHEET 7 SELECTED VITAPHONE SHORTS . AND EVERY ONE A HIT! DB: £0 Se ts ee 25 and over 3-SHEET PRICES 1-SHEETS each each each 3-SHEETS each each each each each each each each . WINDOW CARD “REG? LAR KIDS” (Broadway Brevity Series). The Meglin Kiddies sing and dance in this all-color short. (18 minutes—No. 1001) “TWCOOSTET Ss eer rove IN “Man of Iron.” the Fr <S3e pMene “P’S AND CUES” | (Pome Pot Series)... Charles Peterson and Ruth McGinnis illustrate spectacular billiard shots. (10 minutes No. 1806) pee fe Ee Eanes ey ee 25 to 49... each | each each HERALDS IM to 4M_ Rao eat $3.00 per M 5M and over____-_---------------------------2.75 per M LOBBY DISPLAYS MIDGET WINDOW CARD soldier. across. ies). an all-star show. 1-SHEET OFFICIAL BILLING “MAN OF IRON” 100% with Barton MacLane 75% Mary Astor—John Eldredge 60% Dorothy Peterson—Joseph Crehan—Craig Reynolds—Joseph King 25% Directed by William McGann 20% A First National 40% Productions Corporation 5% Picture 25% CAST OF CHARACTERS CBr Ss BERR OT a SS ne ee Si dee Barton MacLane NEGO 3 cee Saas ae ae ae oo te ee oe pee Ree ee Mary Astor Tanakill 2 . John Eldredge 13 2G) CP RRRERE Se ms So = opr eae Otis weer Ue CMe Ores es eae Sack eran cet ie _ Dorothy Peterson FUE oa Ty eee te ee ag eee a se Pee ee ee ee _... Joseph Crehan ___Craig Reynolds Bailie ee — __. Joseph’ King (COUN re ee aes et ene ne eg. Soe : _.. John Qualen Crawford Se ele ee ee ae _ Joseph Sawyer Florence Fair Mrs. Balding _.. area = MM ortega g0i Mi On 2a eS ee A So eons OWA ma weene PRODUCTION STAFF DIV CCL ON oe pe, ee eens SS Pee a Se en See et _ William McGann Screen Play by ...... William Wister Haines ESCH Of SLOP MAD NG = Com eee a cease EO eg ee ee Dawn Powell Photography by L. W. O’Connell DEAE SETA Of ee ne a BS ay ea ee ee eS Terry Morse Art Director Es eee Pe ee ee Hugh Reticker Mariano retlit sn =e ee ee Ee ee Sad Leo F. Forbstein EL BRENDEL in “OKAY JOSE”’ (Broadway Brevity Series.) The Swedish comedian as a Mexican (21 minutes—No. 1002) (10 minutes—No. 1504) “VITAPHONE HEADLINERS” flowers that cartoon. (7 minutes—No. 1401) “JACK DENNY and ORCHESTRA” (Melody Master Series) A few popular tunes by a lad who knows how to put ‘em JAMAS” Series). STORY Because of his thorough mechanical knowledge and his ability to handle men, Chris Bennett (Barton MacLane), is promoted from foreman of the Balding Steel Company to general manager. This is a blow to Tanahill (John Eldredge), assistant general manager, who had expected the position. With Vida (Mary Astor), hie secretary, he plots Bennett’s downfall. When Chris tells his plain, homeloving wife, Bessie (Dorothy Peterson) of his promotion she is not so elated as he feels she should be. She is content with the sphere in which she has been living and with her friends among the women. Uncertain as to how he should act in his new position, Chris accepts the preferred tutelage of Tanahill, and the latter fills his head with grandiose ideas. He becomes a member of a country club and builds a new and pretentious home. Chris is beginning to lose the confidence of his men who think he has gone high hat. He also leaves too much detail to the inefficient and scheming Tanahill and things at the plant are not going so well. But he regains the esteem of the men for a time by saving the factory from being blown up and} rescuing one of the workmen from death. Promoted to vice president, Chris unwittingly lends cooperation to the manipulations of Tanahill and again estranges his men. He not only neglects his actual duties but raises the standard of living to a grand scale to the amused contempt of his new associates of the higher social strata. The night when he is giving a house “FLOWERS FOR MADAME?” (Merrie Melody Series). bloom in Spring—dance in this all-color FIFI] D’ORSEY in “KATZ PA (Broadway Brevity The vivacious French star in her latest comedy. (21 minutes—No. tort) (Bid Time Vaudeville SerThe Mullen Sisters, Eddie Stuart and Nick Lucas in (11 minutes—No. 1604) The the 11 x 14 Photos (8 in set—colored) 75c a set 22 x 28 Photos (2 in set—colored) 80c a set Midget Window Cards (These prices apply to the U. S. only) The. Public Enemy of *G-Men” P hemaahes His Way te Stardom SLIDE BIOGRAPHIES Barton MacLane Barton MacLane was born in Columbia, S. C., on Christmas Day, 1902. He was seven years old when his parents moved to Cromwell, Conn.,where he attended school and Wesleyan University. He played in High School and the college dramas. His first picture work was with Richard Dix in the football movie, ‘‘Quarterback.’”’ After this he played in stock until he got his chance on Broadway in “The Trial of Mary Dugan.” Among his more recent pictures are “T Found Stella Parish,’ ‘‘Frisco Kid’’ and ‘Dr. Socrates.”’ His current production is Tron,”’ which comes to the... PHEAELESs ON i. <..ccjssasecctsecatoseasee warming at his new home, the factory men rebel against an order to work longer hours, which they are led to believe by Tanahill came from Chris. Informed of the trouble, Chris leaves his party and, in his ill-fitting evening clothes, stalks into the midst of a crowd of workers who are planning an attack on the factory. He tries to tell them the order was unauthorized, but they won’t believe him. He is attacked by the men and is being beaten unmercifully when rescued by a police riot squad. Sobered by the affray and the near murder of Chris, the men learn that Tanahill was solely responsible for the order, and in their remorse reaffirm their old loyalty. Mary Astor Mary Astor was born in Quincy, IIl., where her father was an instructor in the local schools. Later she went to Chicago where her mother taught at the Kenwood Loring School for Girls. Mary entered the same school to study diction and drama. Mary then got work in a New York studio playing in short subjects and finally was selected to play opposite Huntley Gordon. Later she played leads with Eugene O’Brien and Glenn Hunter. Finally she turned to Hollywood where she has appeared in a number of outstanding productions. Among her most recent pictures are ‘“‘Page Miss Glory,” ‘From This Dark Stairway” and ‘Red Hot Tires.”’ She is now appearing in “Man of John Eidredge John Eldredge was born in San Francisco, Calif. He was educated at the University of California where he made a specialty of dramatics. In his senior year, he was offered a role with a professional troupe playing comic opera in Oakland, California. His first part was ‘The Prince of Pilson.”’ His first picture work was in a role he played on the stage, which Warner Bros. produced under the title of ‘‘The Man With Two Faces.” He has recently appeared in ‘Hard Luck Dame,” ‘The Murder of Dr. Harrigan” and “Dr. Socrates.” Printed in U.S.A.