Man Wanted (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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ae eee Bros., ——— _ FEATURES AND SHORTS Advance Shorts Polo Capturing Interest Of Hollywood’s Stars The royal and ancient game of polo has become the reigning fad of Hollywood’s stars and picture executives. Many of them own their own ponies: and playing fields and have already organized several clubs and teams for the sole purpose of fostering the sport of .maharajahs. Polo games have also been shown in several recent films, Kay Francis’ first starring vehicle for Warner “Man Wanted,’’ now at the 3: Se eee Theatre, showing [several chukkers of the thrilling game in detail. The large supporting cast in ‘‘Man Wanted,”’ which was directed by William Dieterle, includes David Manners, Andy Devine, Una Merkel, Virginia Sate, Claire Dodd, Charlotte Merriam, Edward Van Sloan and Elizabeth Patterson. William Dieterle directed. . “Spirit Of Notre Dame’”’ Player Scores In “Man Wanted,’ New Kay Francis Film Andy Devine, who scored a personal triumph in “‘The Spirit of Notre Dame” last year, has made great progress since his first screen role. Devine has been cast as a prominent member of the cast of ‘‘Man Wanted,” Kay Francis’ first starring vehicle for Warner Bros. which comes USES aS aoe ale a cnc Theatre next In the picture he appears as a college chum of David Manners. Together they attempt to make their way in the world _ after graduation. In addition to Kay Francis, Manners and Devine, the large ‘‘Man Wanted”’ cast includes Una Merkel, Kenneth Thomson, Claire Dodd, Charlotte Merriam, Edward Van Sloan and Elizabeth Patterson. William Dieterle directed. “‘Man Wanted”? German Director’s Third English Picture The first Kay Francis starring pic ture for Warner’ Bros., ‘‘Man Wanted,” is Director William Dieter'-’_ third English-speaking picture. jieterle was brought to Hollywood jirect foreign language versions of rner-First National pictures, but ealed such an unusual directorial .aent that he was transferred and given English pictures to direct. His first was the well-remembered ‘The Last Flight,”’ starring Richard Barthelmess, and his second was Marilyn “Mer’s ‘Her Majesty, Love.” He is qual the best work of Amer ectors in ‘“‘Man Wanted,” {| be shown at...... Se as ee er eT Advanee Feature Kay Francis—A Biography Kay Francis was born in Oklahoma City on a Friday the 13th, the month being January, the year being—the young lady’s secret. When she was a year old her parents moved to Santa Barbara, Calif., then to Los Angeles, and then to Denver. When she was four years old her mother took her to New York City. The mother, Katherine Clinton, ‘a wellknown actress, returned to the stage and Kay was sent to school. She was prominent in school athletics. She began to have a leaning toward the theatre. She wrote a play and played the leading masculine role. Outside of this her only ambition was to have a good time. She was determined to go on the stage. By a lucky chance she secured the role of the ‘‘Player Queen’’ in the ““modernized’’ version of ‘‘Hamlet’’ which was a New York success. Then she spent a season with the Stuart Walker Stock Company, playing Cincinnati, Indianapolis and Dayton. Returning to New York she appeared on Broadway in ‘‘Venus,”’ ‘“‘Crime’”’ and “Elmer the Great.” : Then the movies. She learned that a leading woman was being sought for Walter Huston in ‘‘Gentlemen of the Press.’” She had played with Huston in ‘‘Elmer the Great.’’ There was an obstacle. The director wanted a blonde for the role, but Miss Francis’ tests were good. P. S.: She got the job. Her work. was so satisfactory that she was sent to Hollywood. She likes both the stage and the screen, but prefers the screen just a little bit more. Her favorite stage role was in “Elmer the Great.’’ On the screen she prefers ‘‘Street of Chance.” She does not like interviews. She loathes posing for portraits and ‘‘still’’ photographs. And, although she is hailed as one of the _ best-dressed women on the screen she dislikes “fittings.” Her beauty secrets? Sunshine and fresh air, and keeping your face clean. Her favorite authors are Schnitzler and Ernest Hemingway, and she likes detective stories. Also likes loads of other authors. She names her husband hobby. She has other pets. of pets. Two dogs, two cats, a parrot, a rabbit, a canary, goldfish and frogs. She drives a Ford and a Cadillac—also navigates her schooner, the ‘‘Pamet-Head.”’ Her important pictures include, “Gentlemen of the Press,” ‘‘Street of Chance,”’ ‘Raffles,’ ‘‘For the Defense,”’ “Virtuous Sin,’’ ‘‘Passion Flower,’ ‘“‘Vice Squad,” ‘‘Transgression,” ‘Twenty-Four Hours’ and “Girls About Town.” Under her contract to Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., she starred in “Man Wanted’? which comes to the e Wie next oc Ss, as_ her Plenty Current Shorts “Gravel Voice’”’ Secures Fame For ““Man Wanted” Piayer What is technically known as a “gravel voice,’’ and an irregular pro file, have brought fame to Andy Devine, young player in ‘‘Man Wanted,” the Kay Francis starring picture for Warner Bros. which is now playing at the Theatre. Devine has a high-pitched, cracking voice which is naturally funny. He discovered that it is one of his chief assets in pictures. In addition, he is big, awkward and likeable. He first came. to public attention in ‘‘The Spirit of Notre Dame,” last season’s success. Devine is the comedy support in “Man Wanted,” appearing to good advantage as the collegiate ex-football player who rooms with David Manners, portraying the secretary with whom Miss Francis falls in love. Wedding Anniversary Postponed Shooting On “Man Wanted” Kay Francis’ first wedding anniversary postponed for one week-end the first shooting of ‘‘Man Wanted,”’ her first picture for Warner Bros. which. comes fo. the...) = =, Theatre next........ Eee The cast was assembled on the appointed Saturday, with all the technical crew ready to begin turning the cameras on the first scenes. Word came from the main office to the effect that camera and sound recording would be postponed until the following Monday, Kay Francis having decided to celebrate her first wedding anniversary over the week-end. Miss Francis is married to Kenneth McKenna, famous director. Yachting Favorite Diversion Of Kay Francis Kay Francis, now appearing at the ene oa ose Theatre in ‘‘Man Wanted,” her first Warner Bros. picture, spends her time between pictures boating in the Pacific with her husband, Kenneth McKenna, prominent director. Kay acts as chief cook and bottlewasher while McKenna navigates their thirty-five foot yacht. Their yachting costumes consist of bathing suits and overalls. In ‘‘Man Wanted”’ Miss Francis is supported by David Manners, Kenneth Thomson, Una Merkel, Andy Devine, Claire Dodd and a large cast. William Dieterle directed. Current Feature “‘Man Wanted” Reveals Trend For Original Film Stories The growing importance of the original screen story in motion pictures is emphasized this year in the nominations for awards made recently by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. The five pictures selected as deserving of the honor of competing for the gold statuette awarded the author of the year’s best original motion picture story, were all tremendous boxoffice successes. as well as worthy artistic achievements. Four out of the five were Warner Brothers First National pictures, made from stories selected by J. L. Warner, vice-president in charge of production at that plant and Darryl Zanuck, co-executive, both of whom have been pioneers in talking pictures and in championing the original screen — story for production purposes. With the introduction of talking pictures many studios and studio executives believed the original screen story was doomed as picture material and that in the future the screen would of necessity look to the novelists and playwrights for all worthy material. Neither Mr. Warner nor Mr. Zanuck ever subscribed to that theory. The staff of writers employed by Warner Brothers-First National was increased in size and constantly improved in personnel and every suggested original story received serious consideration. These executives — searched: the other market system-— atically too, and made dozens of successful pictures from plays, novels and short stories, but they never lost sight of the value of material written expressly for the medium in which they dealt and they proceeded to build up the writing staff and the reading departments rapidly. — As a result of their policy, another great original screen story is now at the: Theatre, where Kay Francis appears in her first Warner Bros. picture, ‘‘Man Wanted,” especially written for her by an anonymous author and adapted and dialogued by Robert Lord. The beautiful and gorgeously attired Miss Francis is supported by a special cast including David Manners, Kenneth Thomson, Andy Devine, Una Merkel, Claire Dodd and Elizabeth Patterson. William Dieterle directed “Man Wanted.” WATCH your im-| printing on the window card. See back page for instructions.