Man Wanted (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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i ate = } Mon of \ 5 4 : Peo YOUR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN F 0), O You’re positively daring in your first starring role for Warner Bros. Your love scenes with David Manners are going to be the talk of Pittsburgh for months! It’s better than “Street of Chance’’ and “Girls About Town’! . You’ve never worn such & devastating gowns. s, They’re going to be the envy of every Paris stylist! This whole town is preparing to give you a royal reception next Thursday. She’s a Dangerous Brunette! Directed by William Dieterle er a Lesa neat Ba ey ST GSS AA NLEY iiite2> ~ f 2; A Peamste . Pieters neonate rote, toi es NPE AI Silo’ EPSON SUNT ALRN It RO Ms St ee Ser EE RC Ey Deine Moe tion ee RTOS xg LENE OT m1 x ids Ree AE PEER aT OTN ies a St Cut No.5 Cut 60c Mat rsc oe