Mandalay (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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| He ymqege creme ed * ~weewe’? It’s ) KAY FRANCIS | ALL THE WAY! i pam the day ‘Mary Stevens, M.D.” was released, the popularity of Kay Francis has increased phenomenally. “The House on 56th Street’ has definitely set her with your —— top-line femme stars. The fact that right now a record number of requests have poured in for Kay Francis interviews, special stories, magazine portraits (4 covers on the stands this month) is proof that right now Kay Francis is a bigger draw than ever. And when she ‘draws’ — she draws the women, the men — from Woolworth’s and from Tiffany’s — 100% mass draw! » KAY FRANCIS and a name cast! Ricardo Cortez, Lyle Talbot, Warner Oland, Ruth Donnelly, David Torrence, Lucien Littlefield — big-time names for your billing! Let ’em know! KAY FRANCIS in an exotic setting! ‘From ‘The House on 56th Street’ to the other side of the world — and the other side of life’? — a smashing showman’s key to bigger business! KAY FRANCIS and a hit tune! Tell the world that Kay Francis sings! ‘When Tomorrow Comes,’ the show’s theme number, is a standout melody and one of Witmark’s ace sellers. Special free accessories are available in limited quantity (see Exploitation Section). The music angle is sure-fire for lots of easy extra notice — go after it!