Mandalay (Warner Bros.) (1934)

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cay FRANCIS sweeping from her triumph in “House on 56th Street” A the other side of the world and the other side of life! . = Meg (EAEEII eae ee in the arms of Ricardo Cortez — nestling in the arms of Lyle Talbot! . . Mant Vitti! singing the rapturous new love | song “When Tomorrow Comes”! | cAay FRANCIS working her magic in the loveenchanted East—where the dawn — comes up—to end bewitching | nights! .. <Aay FRANCIS playing-her heart cut as the | woman no other star was beauti| ful enough — brilliant enough — or brave enough to be... «Kay FRANEIS on the Road to Mandalay— strewn with the hearts of men who knew her! : RICARDO CORTEZ: LYLE TALBOT 604 Lines—Mat No. | 3—20c. Available also in 3 col. size — 342 Lines — Mat No. 12 — Lde. eee eeeeeenee....| Page Three