Maybe Its Love (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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LEN) he Ro OM OORT pee maT PRAY Sree iy Wi 2 “MAYBE 11 5 LUyv ne. —as Flirt Falls in Love .2S Hall and Joan Bennett in “Maybe Its Love A Warner Bros. Production In vamping an “All-American” team to win for Upton, Nan accidently falls in love with Tommy—which almost upsets the big game. Production No. 1—Cut or Mat WARNER BROS. present “MAYBE IT’S LOVE” : with JOAN BENNETT, JAMES HALL JOE E. BROWN THE CAST Nan Sheffield Speed Hanson ___.. Joan Bennett _Joe E. Brown James Hall Tommy Nelson Betty ate Laura Lee mat. pieton 2 Anders Randolf ee RE ae A ER Sumner Getchell President Sheffield... George Irving prene ’ George Bickel Rech Bob Brown... Howard Jones SS ee eee. (fy _.._ Russell. Saunders __.........T'om Moynihan as Schoony___ ers _...W. K. Schoonover Elmer________ -—-------—-——----..-.-----.---. N, Sleight George dg George Gibson ee ee ....Ray Montgomery 2 Se ee Otto Pommerening Ken_____ AROS Sey Kenneth Haycraft oe eee 9, TEE Howard Harpster ge A aS a Pa Brown of Harvard. _..... Stuart Erwin Story by Mark CANFIELD Screen Play and Dialogue by Josery JAcKson Directed by Witttam WELLMAN “Maybe It’s Love”--Collegiate . Comedy Romance of Campus. Cutups and Rah! Rah! Cuties ‘How One Girl Loved All the & ; | (Advance) LOVE,’ Warner | 7 IT’S j Brothers Vitaphone comedy romance of college days, with a cast headed by Joan Bennett, Joe E. Brown and James Hall, is anneunced as the next attraction at the Theatre. A fast-moving story of campus life it presents one of the most authentic pictures of undergraduate days. “Maybe It’s Love” is an original story by Mark Canfield adapted for the screen by Joseph Jackson. Miss Bennett portrays a lovely collegiate belle who succeeds in gathering an “‘all-American” football team to fight on the gridiron for her Alma Mater. Joe E. Brown | has the funniest role of his career as a “has been” footbail star pushed ‘into the background by the arrival of the “all-Americans.” James Hall has the role of a pigskin star opposite Miss Bennett in the leading male part. Laura Lee provides | many amusing moments as the |; campus cutie and sweetheart of Brown. William Wellman, famous for his screen stories of modern youth, di| rected “Maybe It’s Love.” Sidney Mitchell, Archie Gottler, and George Meyer, wrote the theme song, ‘‘Maybe It’s Love,” and other tuneful melodies heard in the picture. The “All-American” is the genuine 1929 group of star players. They are all here: W. K. Schoonover of U. of Ark.; Elmer N. Sleight, Purdue: George Gibson, U. of Minn.; Tim Moynihan, Notre Dame; Ray Montgomery, U. of Pitt.; Otto Pommerening, U. of Mich.; Kenneth Haycraft, U. of Minn.; Howard Harpster, Carnegie Tech.: Paul Scull, U. of Penn.; Russell Saunders, U. | of S. C., and Bill Banker, Tulane. Joan Bennett **All-American”’ Campus Idol (Advance) The “All-American” girl is golden blonde. She is five feet three inches tall. She weighs one hundred and eight pounds. She has blue eyes. | She has a soft speaking voice and is a first class flirt! She is Joan Bennett, who portrays the sweetheart of the “allAmerican” football team in “Maybe It’s Love,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone collegiate comedy romance which opens at the... Theatre next —__ Miss Bennett enacts a lovely coed in this story of campus life and love whose flirting ways succeed in recruiting eleven “all-American” football stars under the banner of her Alma Mater. This all star team is composed of the greatest gridiron talent in the nation selected from the all-American teams of Grantland Rice, the New York Sun, and the coaches team chosen by Coaches Rockne, Warner, Jones and Alexander. The various methods which Joan Bennett employs to vamp the pigskin stars provide many of the comedy moments in the picture. James Hall has the leading role opposite Miss Bennett. Joe #. Rrown and Laura Lee contribute additional comedy as a couple of dizzy campus sweethearts. | THE STORY HE Upton College Eleven hasn’t defeated the Parsons team in twelve years. Because of this, the trustees of Upton insist that President Sheffield will have to resign if Upton does not beat Parsons in the coming season's game. Nan Sheffield, the president’s daughter and a co-ed at the school, and Speed Hanson, the only star of Upton’s eleven overhear the trustee’s threat. Speed hits upon a plan and outlines it to Nan. Scheme Works He persuades Nan to change her | studious appearance by discarding | her horn-rimmed glasses, changing | her plain coiffure, and wearing striking clothes. She is rawishingly |. beautiful. The scheme is for Nan to flirt and recruit a real ‘‘all-Amer| ican” team for Upton. By the time football practice starts Upton has the greatest array of football talent in the country. But the coach needs one man to make it unbeatable. Tommy Nelson, one of the greatest stars of the country, but the pampered and spoiled son of a wealthy father, is the man. 3ut Tommy has been ousted from a dozen colleges because of his lack of decorum. His father’s money, promised endowments and threats do not have any effect on President Sheffield. He will not permit Nelson to enter because of his poor credentials. Tommy Discovers Plan Tommy enters Upton under an assumed name (having already fallen in love with Nan), and is forced to work his way through college because his father thinks! he is at Parsons. Eventually Tommy discovers that Nan has lured each one of the boys to play on the team by pretending that she loved him and, disillusioned, he calls the team together, tells them he is the famous Tommy Nelson, and that Nan has been fooling them. They scheme to get even. Nan hears that the Upton-Parsons game is to be called off and rushes} to the training quarters to find the boys in various stages of drunkenness. Completely frightened, and disgusted with Tommy, she breaks down and cries. They Win for Nan | When she recovers she finds that the boys had been fooling her. They are sober, have forgiven her and tell her they will play the game to win for her. After the game, which has been won by Upton, of course, Mr. Nel. son congratulates his son and forgives him for disobeying him and zoing to Upton, telling him that he understands, now that he has met Nan. Nan tells Tommy that she really loves him and they leave the stadium arm in arm. “MAYBE IT’S LOVE” FAST AND FUNNY (Advance) A brand new college story, “Maybe It’s Love,” the Warner Bros and Vitaphone production featuring Toe E. Brown, James Hall and Joan Bennett. The Mark Canfield story is aided ‘vy the play and song writing trio Sidney D. Mitchell, Archie Gottler and George W. Meyer, recently vigned by this studio, and _ the adaptation is the work of Joseph Tackson. The tremendous enthusiasm with which the public received the comic antics of Joe E. Brown in “Hold Everything” makes “Maybe It’s Love” of special interest. James Hall, the popular juvenile, and Joan Bennett, have the romantic leads in the picture. | be Thrills and Laughs Run Riot in the Warner Picture (Advance) A Southern California college ex| perienced a signal honor during the filming and recording of ““May It’s Love,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone collegiate comedydrama which is coming to the Theatre, next ‘ The first ‘‘all-American” football team ever assembled in the history of football donned gridiron regalia ‘and actually played football as an eleven on the field at Occidental College. This field is the first gridiron in the world on which such an event has. occurred. Joan Bennett enacts the leading role in ‘“Maybe It’s Love” and plays the sweetheart of the “all-Americans” in the film. James Hall has the masculine lead opposite Miss Bennett while the cast also includes Joe E. Brown, Laura Lee, Anders Randolf, George Irving, Coach Howard Jones and others. William Wellman directed. Joseph Jackson did the screen adaptation and dialogue of the Mark Canfield play. Selected from the all star nominations of Grantland Rice, the New York Sun, and the coaches committee composed of Rockne, Warner, Jones and Alexander, the all-Amercan eleven in the picture is made up of such famous gridiron talent as W. K. Schoonover, Arkansas; E. N. Sleight, Purdue; George Gibson, Minnesota; Tim Moynihan, Notre Dame; Ray Montgomery, Pittsburgh; Otto Pommerening, Michigan; Kenneth Haycroft, Minnesota; Howard Harpster, Carnegie Tech; Paul Scull, Pennsylvania; Russell Saunders, Southern California, and William Banker, Tulane, Joe E. Brown Campus Cut-up in New Picture (Advance) Joe E. Brown portrays a “has been” football star in “Maybe It’s Love,” the Warner Bros. newest Vitaphone production, which is coming to the Theatre, on Brown, who enacted the lazy prize-fighter in “Hold Everything,’ has switched his rare comedy antics from the squared circle to the gridiron in this collegiate comedy-drama, in which he plays a pigskin star forced to warm the _ substitutes bench when some real players come to his college. Real “All-American” James Hall and eleven “all-American” gridiron stars, chosen from among the greatest football talent in the country, are seen in action on the field. The blonde and charming Joan Bennett portrays the feminine lead and proves to be the magnet which draws the football stars to her Alma Mater’s campus. William Wellman directed “Maybe It’s Love” which is adapted from Mark Canfield’s stage play, Joseph Jackson did the scenario. Several brand new college songs. and other tuneful melodies are heard in the production.