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— “MAYBE IT’S LOVE” — A Warner Bros. Production 5
Has He a Chance?
anes Hall Lead in Campus Comedy-Drama
“Maybe It’s Love” |GAY CAMPUS. : A Good Picture —
(Review) And Well Acted “Maybe It’s Love,” the Warner
Bros. and Vitaphone production
which was shown for the first time
(Review) at the Theatre yester
Breezy is the word that ade.| day is one of the most enjoyable
: college pictures we have seen, The
Story is gay, the players are good,
and there are some highly interesting and thrilling sequences.
It is the delightful tale of a shy
(Biographical Feature)
AMES HALL jumped from the! ¥v musical comedy stage to the | creen less than four years ago. In ess than two years after his ar-| ‘ival in the movie city, he was ‘oted the third most popular male star in a national magazine con-| ‘est. This popularity has steadily | increased during the last two years ind today Jimmy is near the top nh popular favor.
j He has been featured in fifty ature film productions since he feserted the stage for the screen. His newest picture is “Maybe It’s | Love,” Warner Brothers Vitaphone | collegiate comedy romance which marks his first film as a Warner Brothers contract star.
Born in Dallas, Texas, October 22, Hall’s theatrical career began early in life and he appeared in dance and song skits on local ama| teur nights. When 14, he got a job selling booklets in front of the theatre showing “Everywoman.” When the show left Dallas, Hall fan away from home to Zo with them. He played a small part in ‘he production and when it closed n Chicago he returned home.
quately describes “Maybe It’s! Love,” the Warner Bros. and Vita| phone comedy-drama which opened
| yesterday at the Theatre. ited “gree h h hol a , pages: ss ittle co-ed who changes her whole 52 — delightfully eee manner and becomes the most alpicture, imparting the carefree | uring flirt on the campus. She fayety and romance that is part | does it all for dear old Alma Mater, of modern college life. Young the net result of her charm being people will adore it while the old. that a whole “all-American team is lured to Upton College and Upton wins the big game for the few hours of renewed youth and first time in eleven years. amusing memories. The “all-American” team is a One of the outstanding features genuine one and each boy ores himself a good actor as well as a gridiron star. They have been retains a genuine “all-American” cruited from the star selection of gridiron eleven. This is the first Grantland Rice and the New York time that a real team of this sort Sun. Joan Bennett is lovely and convincing as the co-ed and James 4 Hall is splendid in the leading cd role opposite Joan. Joe E. Brown fact that each ‘boy has a role And takes excellent care of the comlow they play football. edy, ably assisted by Laura Lee. The story, refreshing in itself OO ind capably acted by a= clever sroup of film favorites, is of a College. pretends she loves them ‘ovely voung co-ed whose father, all and really does fall in love president of the college. is threatwith one, Tommy Nelson. Of Three weeks later. he ran away ned with a forced resignation course, there are complications but gain with the Otis Skinner comFitotth ek hed shee because Upton has not won a “big it’s all fun and everything turns pany playing “Kismet” and_re: es Zame” in eleven years. The pretty out right for the lovers and dear mained with it until he closed in ‘o-ed, who has been hiding her old Alma Mater. New York. He later obtained a beauty ‘neath horn-rimmed “specs Joan Bennett is exquisite as the lace in the musical show “Chin ind prim clothes suddenly changes co-ed and James Hall, as handsome Khin” and Ziegfeld’s Follies. ‘nto a ravishing flirt. This on the Tommy Nelson. Speed Hanson, in = While in service during the war, advice, and with the assistance of, the person of Joe E. Brown, has : Aall organized a jazz band in which Speed Hanson, the campus clown. many hilarious moments. Laura ‘e played the drums. While on tour
— = oes In this new guise she vamps aj} Lee capably assists Brown with f vith the band Joan Bennett and Joe E.Brown in Maybe Its Love*4 Warner Bros. Production | Star sroup of players to Upton the comedy. fter the war,
0 lle adel
timers can sit back and enjoy a
of this film is the fact that it con
has appeared in a screen production and more interesting is the
{all was playSpeed Hanson, campus clown and “has been” football player, is, ’ ng at an autotrying, in his own funny way, to make a hit with Nan, ADVERTISEMENT
nobile show in tt d f U t Coll A klahoma when pretty co-ed o pton College : e was offered Production No. 4—Cut or Mat WABNER BROS.
a job with the resent
“Girl Revue,” ie \
a vaudeville act playing there.
a He accepted and James Hall JOAN, YOUNGEST OF FAMOUS | Bw ieee | tek 325 BENNETT CLAN, CARRIES ON &
dew York he Cut of Mat h $
eWas the head. Otter Seperetely THE FAMILY TRADITIONS "4
eh cwiay Kies
‘ine dancer of the show. The
r Shuberts then signed him and he ——— } ' i ; sice ITO a . : : z sppeared: in “cs —— sie ae (Feature) ties. Her sister, Constance, is one E {tions as “The Passing Show” and. : : § “Poppy” opposite Madge Kennedy | " ieaaeeorcadesst of histrionic tal-| of the leading stars of the stage and ° ‘during six years of musical com| ent and achievement are be-| Screen, while Barbara, now retired
edies. 2 ; , : Mitohtswaa; 2 : While playing in “Merry Merry.” ‘hind Joan Bennett's characteriza-| ‘rom the footlights, was a promi a) . » s , 79
he was given a screen test and tion in “Maybe It’s Love, the; nent actress. Her father is Richtwo days later was sent to Holly-| Warner Brothers Vitaphone col-| 4’ Bennett, famous stage star.
Sa e P = = " a a j 4 wood, making his bow be fore the | lege comedy-drama now playing at | Theatrical Ancestry jA college education ‘cameras opposite Bebe Daniels in| the Theatre
“The Campus Flirt.” Among his| ' i ,
minus the elass' at h room! — with Joan ks Bennett, Joe E, Bs Brown, James Hall i
Joan is in the seventh generation Outstanding pictures are “Hell's; Joan is the youngest of three| .¢ theatrical folk on her mother's — oe ta Aon beautiful oe rake ss rr: | side. Her grandmother, Rose Wood, Night Kid,” “Hotel Imperial” oppo| of the greatest of stage persona ‘| came to America from Scotland site Pola Negri, “Rolled Stockings,” | with the illustrious Wood family
= ; © 2 “Ritzy,” “Stranded in Paris” and | ADVERTISEMENT | and attained fame on the stage in and Ame rica s great << vi It’s L J Ps aes | New Orleans and New York. She esl gridiron eleven; 3 Maybe s ove,” 7 s P ; se ogee ‘ : : Hall portrays a gridiron Semana , was also in the Philadelphia Stock Schoonover of Ar| Sweetheart of Joan Bennett, Joe) tpg hey ne kansas E. Brown and Laura Lee are also ong Maurice Barrymore. Miss anke , ~ featured in the all star cast. Bennett had for a ee Ot BTORtBanker of Tulane grandfather a distinguished gentle. Harpster of Carneman who managed the old Drury vie Tec] | Lane Theatre in London. Her great ele een. “FUNNY MANS” srandfather was the famous Eng Montgomery of 5 i lish pantomimist, William Wood. >: | k@mkes Moree ae Pittsburgh Joe _E. Brown, screen comedian ee sais S Sn nee, ° 4 \ 2 + ee was" one of the leading stars of Hayeraft of Minneswho plays a featured role in Mayber dat : be It’s Love,” the Warner Bros. = sola and Vitaphone comedy-drama now College Flirt | Gibson of Minne; showing at the Theatre, is : as | @ constant cause of annoyance to ie “Maybe It’s _—— 7 le sota camera-men, directors, and the nett Is seen as a co-ed whose beauPe = oo masters of ‘the microphone. But ty draws the greatest football Seull of PennsylLs the more annoyed they become the players in the country to her Alma Vania zi ae . Mater. James Hall plays the male . | “7 pe 4 so = a lead opposite Miss Bennett while | Pom merening of 3 stu is goin O get over on e : ia : . . : eereen _—e & Joe E. Brown, Laura Lee. Anders | Michigan : =a Randolf and others complete the | ‘ 7 3 Here’s the — Many _re ant The first “all oi an” | Moynihan of Notre in acting a come scene, the es . SE we ox keas y laughter om the casey Heer arena With “the All American | football ies n ever assembled ap \ Dame : , = = Sts 2 | pears in “Maybe It's Love.” This ~1..: the studio drifts through the — football team supplying ae star pigskin aggregation Sher Sleight of Purdue rophon d spoils the scene. This ‘ s ayo aiete iy 7 ee ; = : oe as alt bon aa assemble anew set of thrills on the ally play football as a team in the Russ Saunders of ~S
| picture and play roles under their i; =
and a retake is necessary. Sometimes, several retakes. And what is anybody going to do about it? ie joo, “This a = | — play. Joseph Jackson did the screen
' One Col. Ad—Style C—Cut or Mat! play and dialogue. Two Column Ad—Style D—Cut or Mat i iereeastnesteseptestinasaninihhanentteiitbarisandnissitaaane 8
a ' | gridiron! | real names,
A WARNER "ADNAwr William Wellman directed. The tos | WUT APHOWE a.
rine YTTAPHON: 0k Yi! story is taken from Mark Canfield’s
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