Maybe Its Love (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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ff * “MAYBE IT’S LOVE” —A Warner Bros. Production — ———————y Ee EXPLOITATION SUGGESTIONS ? ee ee ee ee BALLOON | scoot parapE | THROW D I S Pp L A : g On the opening night get the local A W A e 3 S college or high school band to parade to the theatre playing the song hit from the picture. Have them carry a large banner, in the Autographed Football Print colored throw If a football game is playing in your locality shape of a football saying they are aways in the shape of a b) going to see “Maybe It’s Love.” football with: arrange to stage a balloon display. Have balloons “See ‘Maybe It’s Love,’ anchored near the playing eee the greatest college picture | ‘ever made. A real ‘all‘American’ football team appears on the screen for the first time in a thrilling | | gridiron battle. Joan Beneee nett, Joe E. Brown and — —— } James Hall in the great, WILL ATTRACT ATTENTION eS ee eee DISPLAYED IN WINDOW OF ~— Theat” | SPORTING GOODS SHOP « Y . = z . e E Give these away at foot-| end for still Pub. A3. It is a photoball games, school dances, graph of the first football autographed by etc., and place them inlay “All-American” team. It should be parked automobiles. é field and near them place) } large banners reading: “See the ‘All-American’ r team in action! They are staging the greatest grid iron battle of the season | in “Maybe It’s Love,’ the | campus comedy-drama at I the _ Theatre.” Ee Decorate your lobby|§ F displayed in a sporting goods store win. . : : ——o | with pennants of various| ez 2 : Joel Brown and Laura Lee Make local school play-| dow, surrounded by photographs of the colleges and have ushers nMay be Its Love’A Warner Bros. Production ers guests of honor at/star es Indivi 5 a ; ‘ct and _ box office people Speed Hanson and his girl friend sta Pp ye Se LTIC er up pic entertain the campus crowd your theatre on opening ° q . s Ts r : , wear rooters’ hats. Production No. 9—Cut or Mat night. of the c player are also available, : ; F PLEASE CLIP AND SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ON THE FORM BELOW . = READ CAREFULLY ; ?. Enclose remi with order, if | ADVERTISING ORDER WARNER BROS remiteance shipment will not be BF Z sities 2: * shlpeett will beet ee ae VITAGRAPH, Inc. bse egy D. shipments of : Li DISTRIBUTORS = i a s 3 Gove a VrorwghtZo Clttesdorieg Mr. Exhibitor: You can increase your box-office receipts by using more Accessories. The more you buy the less the cost! : Here’s the SLIDING SCALE of PRICES (The reductions in prices apply to quantity purchases for Accessories on ONE PICTURE only.) Please ship the following order by mail Enclosed find check sbi: Rt OPE ea 6 i ol ay express money order Date / Pn : ; sab Succibaipialeaie ga stele seas ni | POSTERS | winpow Lossy | INSERT | SLIDE HERALDS | MATS | scene AD pee ] CARDS | COLORED | CARDS cuts | cuTs ONE SHEETS THREE SHEETS SIX SHEETS TWENTY-FOUR = } SHEETS | | | t = | «< | } $ | 2 } Bsa = = = < $ , oe «< | es | se & | PRODUCTION be _— ao be eee | be ee Ue ee “eas ee v » = oe a BNSE | * ol Yrs = 2st eee 2 Be : se se fom : Se tt eee 2x Ss sa = 2283 | 2 8 : =. 8 ee. : 3; 33 tee | ; £2 = & 22s a 2s i ssy et | 3 “36 ae "= | 56 26 “256 8 ¢ "| | a a iS Bees Beets oc occas | | rc bs 3 | 4 | ' & Niitane cosets = se ¢ Sis | } i-— : cosets a | ) TT | 3 | | | | | | s Press Sheets and Music Cues Gratis—Mail this order with your check early enough to insure advertising reaching you before play date —_ ~ lll ————— ——= = ——————_— == =— == == ee ———SS aw i: ae. es —-asitendseunoaiiaen en ee eS el = PRIS ieee igen 4 THESE PRICES FOR U. S. A. ONLY zy