Maybe Its Love (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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5 A SH ET DESCRIPTION: Title letters are magenta in graded tones. Pictorial effect is color7 ful and decorative on a light orange background. Small credits are medium blue. SLIDE INSERT CARD SIX-SHEET PRICES “The More You Buy— the Less It Costs” } 1-SHEETS % 50° 10799 os eee 13e each 100 and over___._________ lle each 3-SHEETS D tora Se ae 40c each 25 and over_..______..____ 36c each 6-SHEETS d Alpe 7 eas! Si ecole ts a -75e each LOS to LO" 2 Ss iene 7O0e each 20 and over __ 65¢e each 24-SHEETS Upto’ 24°. $2.00 each 25 and over __._.__... 1.75 each 1 to 49 Te each 50: to::99 2 6c each 100 and over 5 %e each INSERT CARDS l to 24 25 each ao to 49) 82s eh 22¢c each G0 to 99) 0s eek 20c each 100 and over 18c each HERALDS 1M to 4M __..____ $3.00 per M 5M and over. 2.75 per M LOBBY DISPLAYS ll x 14 Photes._______75e a set (8 in set—colored) 22 x 28 Photos________ 80c a set (2 in set—colored) Slides : _..... 15e¢ each Stills —. 10e each Midget Window Cards. 4c each Merchandising Plans Gratis These Prices Apply to U. S. Only THREE-SHEET ET AEE Si SONNET LEONE IE OR NRE RT NEE: ONT CY ATS ENCE ms ONE-SHEET, WINDOW CARD MIDGET WINDOW CARD PRINTED IN U. 8. A.