Men in Exile (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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Forgotten Men—and Women Who Want to Forget Js Whrrwuer rov.’ CAMPAIGN PLAN (Lead-Off Story) ‘Men in Exile’ Sea Isle Film Due at Strand “Men in Exile,” an intriguing romantie adventure story of an island paracise in the Caribbean, has been booked as the next feature attraction at the Theatre, where it will open on A First National production, it marks the first directorial effort of John Farrow, novelist and sereen writer, who finally has been persuaded to combine his writing talents with directorial responsibility. He has a story, packed with thrills, romance and action for his first effort. With a cast headed by Dick Purcell, June Travis, Alan Baxter, Margaret Irving, Victor Vareoni, Olin Howland, Veda Ann Borg and others, he has succeeded in turning out a number one entertainment. The story concerns the adventures of a former gangster who flees from an unjust aceusation of murder to an island in the Caribbean which has no extradition treaty with the United States, to start life anew. He becomes involved with a friend of the old days who is engaged in smuggling firearms and helping promote a revolution but his determination to go straight, is strengthened when he falls in love with the beautiful daughter of the hotel proprietress. The girl’s brother, in love with the smuggler’s wife, betrays him to the police when a cargo of machine guns is being smuggled ashore under .cover of night. Thirsting for revenge, the gangster starts after his former pal determined to kill him. He learns the identity of his betrayer but as he draws his gun the youth whips out his weapon and shoots him down. The boy’s sister, a witness to the killing, hides the gun in her sweetheart’s pocket which results in him being arrested on a murder charge. She repents her rash act and tries to force her brother to confess, which he finally does when he thinks the other man is facing a firing squad. Restored to good standing, the ex-gangster and the girl decide that marriage for them means happiness ahead and they are on their way to the nearest minister Country (Opening Day Story) Thrilling Movie “Men in Exile” Opens at Strand At this time few places are left from which criminals cannot be extradited—and__these are overrun with men wanted for every crime from embezzlement to murder. “Men in Exile,” the First Na ‘tional melodrama which opens to day at the Theatre, is laid in one of these ports in the Caribbean sea. The settings are said to be entirely out of the beaten track of movie tradition and the lives of the characters are naturally colored by the bizarre nature of the environment. The daily routine of the people, their habits of life, their constant and suspicious vigils set them apart from citizens of other com munities. Diek Purcell plays an innocent murder suspect who flees to Caribo. Criminals who have sought refuge here try to draw him into their net. Even in this queer corner of the globe, romance is not barred. He meets June Travis, daughter of the hotel-keeper, and their love story is interwoven with the perils in which they find themselves. “Men in Exile,” is a mysterystory dealing with a boy who was forced to leave the U. S. and goes to Caribo, one of those southern islands from which he may not be extradited. He has many exciting adventures there. The leading role is played by Dick Purcell and the romantie interest by June Travis. This picture was directed by John V. Farrow, from a screen play by Roy Chanslor, based on ideas by Marie Baumer and Houston Branch. Others in the cast are Alan Baxter, Margaret Irving, Victor Varconi, Veda Ann Borg and Norman Willis. as the picture comes to its conclusion. | Purcell has the role of the reformed gangster and Miss Travis is the object of his affeetions. Willis is the sinister smuggler, while Alan Baxter is the double-crossing weak brother of Miss Travis. Veda Ann Borg, charming young red-haired actress, makes her debut with First National in this picture as the wife of the smuggler. Film Star Has To Duck Duels And Use Fists Victor Vareconi, who plays a colorful Latin character in “Men in Exile,” at the Theatre, is recognized in Europe as one Of the most deadly pistol shots and fencers with regulation duelling weapons. He acquired the reputation during his youth in his native Hungary. As a result, Varconi, when travelling in Europe, even today, isn’t immune to challenges to duels. He has learned to be pretty handy with his fists. He has had many fencing matches with foils and _ sabers, and an oceasional target match with pistols but few Europeans except professional boxers care to take up the suggestion of settling an argument with fists.” Varconi, well-known on stage and sereen for the past ten years both here and abroad, supports Dick Purcell, June Travis and other favorites in the cast of the exciting First National picture, “Men in Exile.” Love in Exile Dick Purcell and June Travis have the leading roles in the romantic thriller of the South Sea Islands, “Men in Exile,” the First National picture’ which the 3 Theatre on ee s Mat No. 102—10c (Review) Exotic South Sea Islands Locale for ‘Men in Exile’ New First National Film Melodrama Features Dick Purcell and June Travis — An intriguing and romantic adventurous story of an island paradise in the Caribbean Sea, packed with action and thrills —is ‘‘Men in Exile,’’ First National feature production which had its first showing before enthusiastic audiences yesterday at the With an excellent east headed by Dick Pureell, June Travis, Alan Baxter, Margaret Irving, Victor Varconi, Olin Howland and Veda Ann Borg, “Men in Ex ' ile” packs more punches than a Louis-Schmeling fight and is certain to please those who like stirring entertainment. The story concerns the adventures of Purcell, who flees from an Atlantic seaboard city when he is unjustly aceused of murder. A former gangster, he makes connections with an associate of the old days, who gets him aboard a tramp steamer for Caribo, an unextraditable port in the Caribbean. Norman Willis, head of a smuggling ring operating on the island, takes Purcell in and tries to involve him in his nefarious operations but Purcell, determined to go straight, manages to escape. Staying at the Imperial Hotel, he meets lovely June Travis, daughter of Margaret Irving, who operates the place, and promptly falls in love with her. He gets a job in the hotel but is constantly importuned by Willis and by Alan Baxter, who plays the role. of June’s brother. Willis, Pureell learns, is in league with. Carlos De Valdez, who is planning to overthrow the existing administration. Feeling that Purcell knows too much about him and his smuggling and revolutionary activities, Willis determines to put him out of the way when he refuses to put in with him. Meantime, however, he has to land another cargo of machine guns arriving on an incoming ship. Baxter, in love with Mrs. Willis, played by Veda Ann Borg, tips off Victor Varconi, head of the local police, and the cargo is captured, but Willis escapes. om Willis suspects that Purcell has betrayed him, but en route to the Theatre. hotel to get revenge encounters a pal who tells him that Baxter is the guilty one. Baxter beats him to the draw and kills Willis, and hides the body in the hotel. June, witness to the shooting, hides her brother’s gun in Purcell’s coat, a fact which leads to his arrest. June, then realizing that she loves Purcell, begs her brother to confess and when he refuses, goes to Vareoni and tells him she shot Willis: Purcell tells Vareoni the girl is lying and insists on taking the blame. As he is led out to be shot, Baxter breaks down and admits his guilt. He is absolved of blame for the killing on the grounds of self-defense, but has to pay the penalty for his revolutionary activities. Miss Travis has never been more effective than in her role as Sally. Haines, and Purcell gives a well-balanced, convincing performance of the reformed gangster, who is determined to stick to going straight. Willis is a menacing gang leader and Baxter makes a thoroughly despicable villain. Miss Borg, playing ‘her first part for Warner Bros., reveals talent and beauty that should speedily win her sereen’ popularity. Vareoni, a veteran of the screen, is excellent as the chief of police. Notable among the many thrilling scéenes in the film, is the near-execution of Purcell at the hands of the firing squad. Superbly acted by the three men, Purcell, Vareoni, and Willis, it brings the audience to a high pitch of excitement, before Willis, tortured by the sight of an innocent man going to his death, confesses the crime he has committed. “Men in Exile,” which marks the directorial debut of John Farrow, veteran novelist and sereen writer is a fine achievement. of origin UY. $, A. Copyright 1937 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.