Mr Chump(Warner Bros.) (1938)

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EXPLOITATION MEET MR. CHUMP Dress a gawky-looking fellow in ill-fitting suit, narrow trousers, large hat, extra lange tie; send him through the streets, sign on his back crediting title and theatre, blowing a trumpet. If possible put two or three such men on the streets on your opening day. Might have ‘em tour the nite spots and play the film's hit tunes. THREE CONTESTS Here are three contests based on the stock market angle in picture. Financial editor of local paper might help as it is necessary for contestants to look at financial pages in order to solve. |. Entrants are given $1,000 paper credit and asked to choose that much stock; sending in their full report as to number of shares and buying price. After three days the entries showing the greatest paper profit win guest passes. 2. Contestants most accurate in predicting the number of shares traded on the N. Y. Stock Exchange on a certain day are awarded guest passes to film. 3. Newspaper prints number of real "sucker" stories (from the files of local better business bureau) — situations are given but the “catch'' is withheld. Contestants are asked to see through the deception, and vie for prizes. CHUMP RAFFLES Revive the raffles contest for this picture. You know the details. Man known as Mr. Chump tours streets and big stores. Paper gives description and hints as to his route each day. Person who is first to approach him with a copy of cooperating newspaper and identify him as Mr. Chump is awarded guest passes. TEASER ADS "Wanted — someone who can blow a hotter trumpet than 'MR. CHUMP.’ Apply Strand Theatre next week. ''Wanted — someone who can make more money on the stock market than 'MR. CHUMP.’ Apply Strand Theatre. "Investors — how to make $50,000 in one week. See 'MR. CHUMP' at the Strand Theatre." 6 | Say It With Music Boost your show with the two song hits, ‘As Long as You Live’ and “It’s Against the Law in Arkansas,” which are featured by Johnnie “Scat” Davis. Go to your local music dealer and arrange for window and counter displays of title pages, stills and posters and tie in your billing and playdates. Broadcast songs through P. A. hook-up in lobby. Contact local dance bands and see that they are supplied with orchestrations. Title pages may be ordered direct from SAM SERWER — REMICK MUSIC CORP., 1250 6th Ave., N. Y. C. AMATEUR HORN-TOOTING CONTEST arranged with cooperation of local daily should bring out a flock of would-be Johnnie Davis’. Let 'em compete for prizes with town's best known band leaders acting as judges. Try to arrange for all contestants to pose for picture breaks. "MR. CHUMP" SWING CLUB could be started locally with midnight broadcasts from theatre stage. Members are recruited from neighboring night clubs. "Big" names are invited to sit in on jam sessions. Patrons could be allowed to stay after the show and join the fun. MR. CHUMP GOES TO TOWN: get together a three or four piece swing band (small but loud); set them up in an old battered "jallopy" with appropriate labels and let 'em "swing it." Car stops on busy corners and band passes out heralds to pedestrian "alligators." TRUMPETER ON ROOF-TOP gets a crowd of curious looking up. When crowd is large, ushers raise banner plugging film and playdates. Dealer Tie-Up Stills JOHNNIE DAVIS: ON ite cits es Seka cae x0 bv tone cnvdy JD 16 SUMIBIEK SOOEE DMIEE. Fic cds ces she eevee cine die: JD 41 OP eh SAS IEE LER py See an Re PENNY SINGLETON: a PINT 6 no og a ccs oth vndee cen ee eee eee esr er eres ee ereeeeeeeeeesesesesesesesesens Pim ee Fee is ec eichasg ana shvasb its oc¥eae Order these specially prepared stills from Campaign Plan Editor. Complete set of 9—75c; individually 10c. MUSICAL QUIZ 'Man-on-the-street" interviews passersby. Questions relate to famous band leaders and musicians. Might lead off with a few easy ones like: ''Who is known as the 'King of Swing'? (Benny Goodman); Who is billed as ''The Trumpet King''? (Henry Busse); Who is the swing-mad trumpeter from Fred Waring's Band whose nickname is 'Scat'?"' Those interviewed are given guest passes to picture. MUSIC STORES Stores handling musical instruments will welcome displays featuring the trumpet and trombone. Order stills Nos. MC 200, MC 201, MC 204, from Campaign Plan Ed. showing Johnnie Davis tooting his horn and Donald Briggs trying to compete with a trombone. Plant them with scene stills from the picture in as many music stores as possible. Be sure showing carries title of film and playdates. WALL STREET Ticker tape machine promoted from local brokerage office is set up in lobby. Charts and graphs serve as background. P. A. system plays hit songs. Highlight large blowup of Johnnie Davis tooting a trumpet. Copy: "When he plays the market . . . Wall Street trembles! When he plays that trumpet . . . the whole world swings! See Johnnie ‘Scat’ Davis as 'Mr. Chump’ at this theatre beginning Friday." BOOK DISPLAY Contact local book dealer and arrange display of popular books about stock market tips and stories of suckers who have been roped into stock swindles. Surround with flock of scene stills and tie in billing and playdates. Copy: "When he plays the market Wall Street trembles. See why — See ‘Mr. Chump’ at the Strand now." CUT IT OUT In planning your theatre front and lobby display don't let your artist overlook the many cut-out possibilities of the posters. One glance will bring to mind a variety of ways in which to snap up your front at no extra cost.