My Dream is Yours(Warner Bros.) (1949)

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leg The Cast Martha Gibsar 06.0 2 oS we DORIS DAY. Poug Bldke oi. oO Oe eA. CARSON Gory MENON: oe eos ts Ow MAN PROMS? TAULELUET 8 si (a anes ad case nk Adolphe Menjou Vela Martine en eh alee: STak ed aids Pee Eve Arden PLGA OLOR ih Mes oig tia Retieies Bear Me aes eae ene Saal Reda Ho fey. ee as sre rane Gabary awe hens ...Selena Royle Martha Sa Som:) 0 s.o3 Walk. 5 BARON tenes Dunean Richardson Win elec GHanlie hie ge a). eb cate ks ....Edgar Kennedy CEI ES oe RN aaa None A cow apenas Saha dale Sheldon Leonard Sounpuss Manager iin ses Als anys ss Cae Franklin Pangborn CRGRACKETACLON 3 0. eo ee ROP uct eectog re John Berkes Herselfercitoc: MLN VoMlad asic zene ci eine ....Ada Leonard Frankie Carle and his Piano THE BIG-TIME SPRINGTIME LOVE-TIME MUSICAL America’s Honey-voiced Honey of the Bob Hope Radio Show! >.< FROM WARNER “ cas ae anne MENIOU cw ARDEN. SZ.SARALL an Harry Kurnitz and Dane Lussi shir abil) cnkoche MICHAEL CURTIZ eae Nea Weed’: pales et na eroreces Ray Heindorf Mat 402—4 Cols. x-9 Inches (504 Lines) If your playdate is later than spring, ; Th S use this copy to replace the headline e tory in the ad. j (Not For Publication) Jack Carson, a radio talent agent discovers a new singTHE ALLTIME ing star in Doris Day for his Hour of Enchantment. The program is threatened when the star, Lee Bowman, refuses BIG-TIME lo sign a new contract. Doris auditions for the sponsor, S. Z. Sakall, and he likes her but does not sign her up. She struggles along with small club dates until her little LOVE-TIME boy, played by Duncan Richardson, rejoins her. Her happiness is now reflected in her singing style. When Lee MUSICAL is unable to broadeast at the studio one night, Sakall breaks his contract and to sub for him gets Doris. Now she FR clicks solidly. Bowman continues on the down hill and O M Carson, for old times sake has him sing impromptu at the Cocoanut Grove before some high radio execs. But Lee’s WAR N R voice has faded and Doris jumps to his assistance and voeal izes with him during the chorus. When afterwards he snubs 5 R re) 5 i , her, Doris knows that he is not her man, that it was Carson e all along. Buia 3 Running time: 101 minutes.