My Reputation(Warner Bros.) (1946)

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Use these items all together as a 2-column feature, or individually as fillers. If used in the latter way, be sure to include your playdate credit in each paragraph. Gossip About ‘MY REPUTATION’ Verity of theme and its adult treatment in Warners’ new romantic drama, ““My Reputation,” currently at the Strand, are credited with having influenced Barbara Stanwyck, the picture’s star, to abandon her successful free-lance status and to sign a long term contract with Warner Bros. At the time she signed the contract, the actress explained, ‘Stories are my number one concern. Any action | take is always with this in mind.” * * * My Reputation" was adapted for the screen by Catherine Turney from Clare Jaynes’ best-selling novel of a few seasons back, ''Instruct My Sorrows. The "novelist'' is really two successful young Chicago writers, Jane Mayer and Clare Spiegel, whose current book, ''These Are The Times,’ is gaining in popularity every day. * * * The same quality in the screenplay for ‘“My Reputation” which attracted Barbara Stanwyck, the film’s star, to the production appealed so strongly to Curtis Bernhardt, film director, that he asked to be assigned as its Seekiok * Henry Blanke, motion picture producer whose latest film is ‘My Reputation,'’ soon celebrates his twenty-third year under the Warner Bros. banner. He has always worked on the principle of avoiding trite, conventional stories with sure-fire plots, and has been responsible in the past for such outstanding successes as "A Midsummer Night's Dream,” "The Petrified Forest," ‘Anthony Adverse,’ ''The Green Pastures'’ and a score of others. As a promise for the future, he will soon produce the film version of Ayn Rand's ''The Fountainhead. * * * Infinite care was given to the selection of the cast for “My Reputation.” Besides George Brent, who plays the male lead opposite star Barbara Stanwyck, the topnotch company includes Eve Arden and John Ridgely as close and understanding friends; Leona Maricle and Jerome Cowan as the Van Ormans, equally close but not so understanding; Lucile Watson as Barbara Stanwyck’s widowed mother; and Warner Anderson as a family friend and legal adviser. * * Jerome Cowan, who plays a featured role in the picture, was originally brought to Hollywood by Samuel Goldwyn because of his comedy talents but won his screen fame by playing a long succession of film villains. * * * The background music for “My Reputation”’ was composed by Max Steiner, one of the world’s great, musicians, with Leo F. Forbstein as musical direc, tor. Steiner, like the great artist he is, wrote a | score that augments the emotional impact of the | action but never intrudes on the screen. The tempo | increases in the picture through Miss Stanwyck’s § realization of bereavement to a crescendo at the } climax of her fight for a new life. cl * * * The toughest casting problem for the whole picture was the choice of Barbara Stanwyck's two young sons, Kim, 12, and Keith, 14. After a four month search during which dozens of boys were tested and interviewed, Scotty Beckett and Bobby Cooper were selected because of their striking resemblance to Miss Stanwyck and their ‘'family resemblance’ to each other, as well as their outstanding acting ability. Both accomplished veterans, Bernhardt attributes their understanding performances to the time he spent before each scene, explaining to them the problems of adjustment that would be required under similar circumstances in real life. * * * 2 Both Barbara Stanwyck and George Brent are|? accomplished skiers in real life but had to have addi-\é tional coaching before the ski scenes were shot for'# “My Reputation” in order to learn how to fall ong skis without injuring themselves. Both were nurs-!™ ing bruised chins after the filming was completed} on the winter sports scenes. | * * * Barbare Stanwyck, who has had her quota of being kissed in pictures, sets a new record in |My Reputation,’ with Jerome Cowan and George Brent vying for osculation honors. With the norm long established as one or, at the most, two fadeout kisses to a picture, ''My Reputation'’ boasts five scenes in which Miss Stanwyck is kissed a total of twenty-two } times. Perc Westmore, ace makeup artist for War| ner Bros., claims that the wear and tear on lipstick |. reached an all-time high. | ' Barbara Stanwyck Tells Movie Scene Packs All About George Brent Opinions in Hollywood have always been interesting and sometimes explosive. Public figures don’t like to commit themselves either on matters controversial or about other people. One star, however—Barbara Stanwyck—is famous for her opinions, though with the mellowness gained by experience, she is now more reserved than she once was. Recently, during the filming of Warners’ “My Reputation,” in which she is currently starred at the Strand, the actress was discussing leading men she had known and worked with. “Well, what of George Brent?” she was asked. Brent plays opposite her in “My Reputation.”’ A smile came into her eyes, danced to her lips. “T like George a lot because he is so easy to work with, because he is a very fine actor and knows his job, and because he is very considerate.” Miss Stanwyck chuckled. “His sense of humor is certainly different. He has a dry wit and points his fun at things and circumstances rather than at people. Now, I like that in a guy. He has a quip to raise the spirits when we get a bit low at the end of a long day and his cheerful greeting at when we come on the set, is as good as a cup of coffee.” “Another thing I like about him is that he is as affable with the technicians on the set as he is with me.” It must not be assumed from this that George Brent is a paragon of virtue. He has his moods and he’d be the first in the world to admit them. Between scenes of “My Reputation,” he would go to his dressing room, close the door, and relax. He was always ready when director Curtis Bernhardt called for a rehearsal. Brent believes in and prefers the quiet life. You won’t find him at the night-spots or at the resorts popular with the movie colony. In days of peace he used to do a great deal of sailing and the method of transportation he likes best is flying. He had his own plane and he is a good flier. He prefers to do good quietly and unostentatiously. He is generous and kindly, but he insists on doing things his own way. With a twinkle, he maintains that this is merely his Irish obstinacy at work, and the results will be the same in the end. Barbara Stanwyck sums up her opinion of her fellow-worker, George Brent, this way: I think he is a gentleman, a kind soul, and a really fine actor.” eight o’clock in the morning, Still MR 539 Mat No. 209—30c Barbara Stanwyck and George Brent make an engaging pair of screen lovers in Warner Bros.’ latest romantic drama, "My Reputation," which opens tonight at the Strand Theatre. Also featured in the film are Warner Anderson, Lucile Watson, Eve Arden and John Ridgely. Crack Movie Cameraman Reveals Trade Secrets It’s an odd formula for a man so much sought after by the stars, but James Wong Howe, Hollywood’s Chinese photographer who has photographed almost all of filmdom’s “greats,” says that the best way to get ahead in Hollywood is to forget all about them. In the long run, you’re doing the stars a favor too, he adds. As Howe, who photographed the current Warner drama, “My Reputation,” which stars Barbara Stanwyck at the Strand, explains his method of operation, it becomes apparent that he is probably the No. 1 friend of the unknown actor and actress, because with him at the camera they have a good chance of landing at the center of the screen. “There are two ways of operating,” says Wong. “You can direct the camera at the star or on the focal point of drama.” The two don’t always coincide, he explains. “In many scenes the point of drama lies with a minor player. Then the cameraman has _ to choose between this player and the star. I never hesitate. I concentrate on the minor player.” Story Takes Precedence According to Howe, the story always takes precedence over everything, including the greatest stars, and this works out to the benefit of all, because nothing is so beneficial to everyone concerned as a picture with a smashing story. He recalls that in the early days cameramen as a matter of job security attached themselves to certain stars with the result that they saw every scene in terms of the star. Heavy Wallop As Realism Hits Home Barbara Stanwyck, whose husband, Robert Taylor, was still flying for the Navy during the filming of her current starring film, Warners’ “My Reputation” at the Strand, portrays in the picture the widow of a man killed in this war. During production, director Curtis Bernhardt called for silence at one point as a scene began. The door bell rang, Miss Stanwyck stopped her conversation with her leading man George Brent, and walked over to the door. It was a messenger with a telegram from the War Department, announcing the death of her husband. Her face fell, her shoulders stooped as she skillfully registered despair. Director Bernhardt SO Miss Stanwyck looked up and saw a real messenger standing beside her secretary, who had torn open an envelope and was reading the telegram. The star’s face fell and her shoulders stooped. But this time she wasn’t acting. “Who is it from?” she asked, tremulously. “The War Department.” There was a moment of absolute silence as the secretary read on. “They’re thanking you for that Army show you did.” called: ‘My Reputation’ Shown Early to G.I.’s Overseas Among the newer films shown overseas to American soldiers serving in various armies of occupation, as part of the policy initiated and executed by the Army Overseas Motion Picture Service, is Warner Bros.’ moving drama, “My Reputation,” currently playing at the Strand Theatre. Starring Barbara Stanwyck, the film’s cast also includes George Brent, Lucile Watson, Warner Anderson, John Ridgely and Eve Arden in important supporting roles. Adapted for the screen by Catherine Turney from Clare Jaynes’ best-selling novel, “Instruct My Sorrows,” the film tells the heartwarming story of a beautiful woman’s struggle to find love and happiness for herself and her family. Directed by Curtis Bernhardt and movingly scored by Max Steiner, “My Reputation,” was photographed by James Wong Howe and pro duced by Henry Blanke.