Never Too Late (Warner Bros.) (1965)

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ALL § P00 F—it's a gas. One of the best laugh ideas in years. The whole thing turns on ribbing overage fathers — as does ‘NEVER T00 LATE’. On these pages are given many ways to exploit $POOF in your situation—so you can work forward to a bonanza at the ticket-window. Also shown are materials to support $ P 0 O F which can be made up locally or printed from mats available on request to: Campaign Plan Manager Warner Bros. Pictures 666 Fifth Avenue New York 19, N. Y. Okay? Let's go—start SPOOF ing to a winner for your house. SPOOF Exploitation... ¢ Place a table in the theatre lobby and station an usher to hand out SPOOF memberhip cards to patrons. Have a sign inviting them to join. Also display a club charter which you can make up by enlarging the charter mat shown on these pages. ® Hold a special invitational performance for SPOOF members. Notify your local paper about this event, and try to get radio coverage from the lobby. ¢ Plan a tie-up with a photography store whereby the store gives discounts to persons presenting SPOOF membership cards. The store can also give free passes to ‘NEVER TOO LATE’ to some of their customers as an added incentive. Try for a co-op ad on this one, or cross plug in your own ads if the tie-up is strong enough. ¢ Give out ‘NEVER TOO LATE’ cigars at local hospitals to expectant fathers. This is a good place to distribute SPOOF cards, too. e Launch a ‘Father's Day In December” contest in connection with SPOOF. Pick the most deserving overage father and as prizes get him an Avis car for the day, a free dinner for himself and his family, a pass to “NEVER TOO LATE’ and anything else that can be promoted for the occasion from appropriate local merchants. Try for a tie-in with your chamber of commerce and for a TV interview. A biography or article about the winner and his family might be interesting to the local newspaper. e Place a display in the lobby announcing free baby-sitting service, offered by SPOOF, to all new fathers over 60 who wish to attend the showing of the picture. PAGE 6 TRY SPOOF —IT WILL THE WAY TO These "NEVER TOO LATE’ lapel buttons can be made up very inexpensively through local resources. Use light metal or cardboard. Put them outin quantity, make them available in baskets set on a table in the lobby. Each person who takes one becomes a walking ad for you. c for | ne 0, 0 verage | National Headquarters: Room 706 666 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10019 212 ClIrcle 6-1000 Chairman: Paul Ford Public Relations: I. Windisch Print official stationery for letters and press handouts with these SPOOF mats, shown here in reduced size. Actual sizes fit on 8 x 10 sheet of paper. Send out your own messages, or let patrons grab them for kidding around purposes of their own. It’s Never Too Late! ee es ee ee 2 Ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee Tt th ee ee ee ee ee ee | ¢ Hold a ‘NEVER TOO LATE’ diapering contest, sponsored by SPOOF, among new fathers who compete for speed in diapering infants. This can be held on the stage or on a local TV show. Announce the contest in the lobby and in newspaper ads. ¢ Hold a baby-carriage race to the theatre, under the auspices of SPOOF. The race can start from a department store, from Avis or Greyhound, or the center of town. Prizes can be an Avis car for the day, a Greyhound trip or a give-away from the local store which is the starting-point of the race. Try for a co-op ad announcing the race and an article in the paper about the event.