Never Too Late (Warner Bros.) (1965)

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AVIS TRIES HARDER IN CAMPAIGN FOR ‘NEVER TOO LATE A tremendous coast-to-coast ‘NEVER TOO LATE’ pre-sell has been done for you by AVIS. Thousands of copies of the counter card shown on this page in an advance artist’s sketch have been distributed to Avis stations and offices throughout the country. Letters of cooperation ... like the one shown here... have been sent to Avis city managers to assure them — and you, too—of the most intensive tie-up promotion possible. Avis has gone all-out. It’s up to you to follow through. Here are some of the things that you can do right away: * Contact your city manager for Avis and make sure the counter cards are being displayed at all his local outlets. * In cooperation with him, arrange for the counter cards to be displayed in as many other locations around town as can be developed. se Lt] TERE ee ee ee ee ee ee eet For Further Cooperation... During early engagements of ‘NEVER TOO LATE’, extensive cooperation was worked out with Avis involving contests using giveaways as prizes. Warner Bros. suggests you contact your Avis city manager to check out the possibilities of developing such contests on a local level. To assist you in contest planning, here are some suggestions to follow or elaborate on as you wish: ee ee ee ee ‘REP ER EEE REESE REERES SEES ELE ELE ee 1. Place a sealed button bowl in the theatre lobby and have movie patrons guess the number of buttons in the bowl, with an Avis car for the weekend as a first prize. 2. Obtain a life-size Avis girl cardboard cut-out. These are obtainable from Avis city managers. Place her in the lobby, with coupons for a drawing in her hand. The winners of the drawing would receive an Avis car for the weekend, or passes to the theatre. 3. Stage a “We Try Harder” amateur night at the theatre. The prize could be contributions from the audience and an Avis car for the weekend. rn srs ee ee pace TO DATES Its S never too late’ nor too early — to reserve an | AVIS @ar. ate: ear ¥ i) IS ak pn the 8S : Ww: ie Nee oe JONES ot LU NON ip ace ame \° on ve ee EXILES te lle pNE WT me oee® meeceoe a r roadway eer Eanes aire new eee® Oe 2 9 on ORO CONN This is an advance sketch of the attractive two-color, 9 x 12 inch counter card Avis distributed to all its stations and offices. Avis customers—yours also—will be alerted for ‘NEVER TOO LATE’ if you see to it that the card is displayed at Avis — and elsewhere. AV/S MEMO (FOR INTER-ORGANIZATION USE ONLY) ALL SYSTEM MEMBERS . Jack Wagnild SUBJECT: "NEVER TOO LATE" PROMOTION ANSWERING YOURS OF NO _SALUTATION OR FORMAL “CLOSING is NECESSARY _ During mid-December Warner Brothers Pictures will be releasing nationally a film entitled "Never Too Late" in which Avis receives prominent identification. Briefly, a key scene between the film's stars, Maureen O'Sullivan and Paul Ford, takes place in front of an Avis counter. To supplement our identification with the film, you will be receiving a supply of counter cards to be placed on rental counters if space and policies permit. Any other location where the cards may be displayed, such as department stores or travel agencies, should be considered. You may be contacted by local theatre managers to participate in promotional programs in your city i.e. opening nights, etc. You are asked to cooperate in any way possible to obtain maximum exposure for your city and Avis in general. This is the letter of co-operation that Avis sent to city managers throughout the country. Contact your city manager immediately . . . chances are he has some good promotional thoughts that will be of great benefit to you.