Night Nurse(Warner Bros.) (1931)

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_ -'Heiress,""ana-mwarner ANOTHER HIT FROM DORA MACY Ben Lyonof Atlanta Wins Fameby Living ~ UpToFightingName (Biography, June 15, 1931) Ben Lyon, who appears in support of ‘Barbara Stanwyck in “Night Nurse” the Warner Bros. production now at the.. Theatre was born in Atlanta, Ga., February 6th, 1901. He was educated at Park School and City College in Baltimore, Even as a small child he was intensely interested in the stage and screen and at the age of fifteen started to do screen work, extras and bits. Discouraged at lack of success he went on the stage. He finally played leads in “Wonderful Thing,” “Mary the Third,” and other hits. He was sent to New York City to attend school but still hankers to get into pictures. When passing old Famous Players Studios one day he saw a sign “Extras Wanted,” stopped and went into the casting office, was successful in procuring work and started immediately. Some of the more important pic‘tures in which he played are: “So Big,” “Prince of Tempters,” “Flaming Youth,” “Lily of the Dust,” “Wages of Virtue,” “Air Legion,” “Exodus,” “Bluebeard’s Seven Wives,” “For the Love of Mike,” and “Hell’s Angels.” He was featured in the First Na Cut 15¢ Cut No. 20 Mat Se tional — Vitaphone productions “Queen of Main Street,” and “Hot = na. CONN. DIUS, ivy Past” and “Night Nurse.” His favorite sports are aviation, motor racing, swimming, boxing and sailing. Ben Lyon is six feet tall, weighs one hundred sixty two pounds and has dark gray-blue eyes, and brown hair. He was married to Bebe Daniels in June 1930. Winninger Winning Laurels With Each New Role He Plays (Biography, June 15, 1931) Charles Winninger who plays the part of the head doctor in “Night Nurse,” the Warner Bros. production starring Barbara Stanwyck now at. the S..; Theatre fits naturally into the glamorous scenes of the play which has to do with the life in a great hospital, Mr. Winninger knows all there is to know about gypsying as he ran away from his home in Athens, Wisconsin when a boy, to join a medicine wagon and afterward followed various circuses. His people for generations had been musicians but none of them had taken to the road, so he says. Mr. Winninger’s first Broadway musical show role was in “The Yankee Girl” one of the big hits of 1909. Six years later, when he was thirty-one, he took a fling at the movies, appearing in “Summer Bachelors,” “The Canadian,” “Fighting Caravans” and “The Westerners.” _ He recently created a notable part in the Broadway stage version of “Show Boat.” He was the father of the heroine in Warner Bros. “God’s Gift to Women” and “Children of Dreams.” _ Mr. Winninger is five feet six inches tall, weighs one hundred and sixty pounds and has blue eyes and gray hair. He is the husband of Blanche Ring and the brother-inlaw of Tom Meighan. *Wait'll I tell what I know about Dr. Ranger!” —NIGHT NURSE Page Six BPAL “NIGHT NURSE,” VIVIDLY PORTRAYING AN UNEXPLORED PHASE OF THE LIFE OF TODAY, WINS HEARTY APPROVAL Barbara Stanwyck Starred Now At The.............. Theatre, Aided By Ben Lyon, Joan Blondell, Clark Gable, And Charles Winninger (Review Featuring the Story) “Night Nurse,” which details the romantic adventures of a young girl who enters a great city hospital as a student nurse, and leaves it to a woman who knows life from its depth to its heights—was received with every evidence of approval by last 2 neatre, night’ large crowd at the..... SHOCKED! .... Even a night nurse who has seen EVERYTHING gets the shock of her lifetime on THIS, night watch! — K¢ \ One lovely woman among — men of the night! Barbara TANWYC Night Nurse BEN LYON JOAN BLONDELL CLARKE GABLE ma NIGHT ot NIGHTS s ZRPALACE Cut No. 8 Cut 20c, Mat sc Rolfe Harolde Is Here In New Role (Biography, June 15, 1931) Rolfe Harolde who plays the part Dr. Ranger in “Night Nurse” the Warner Bros. production starring Barbara Stanwyck, now at the...... Theatre was born and educated in Pittsburgh, Pa. and at seventeen joined a stock company there. He appeared in twelve plays and then joined the marines for six months of service, after which he rejoined the stock company. Wanting to do bigger things, he hit out for New York where, like many others, he literally starved until he got a break. Then followed engagements in New York and stock companies throughout the United States. Following a twenty-six week appearance in “The Front Page” in the Los Angeles stage, he decided to follow pictures exclusively. He has played in “Officer O’Brien,” “Framed,” “Young Desire,” “Dixiana,” “Check and Double Check,” “Hook, Line and Sinker,” and “Smart Money.” He was under contract to R.K.O., but sacrificed it when he thought he was being “typed.” \ \ iu apie yuug seuss we In Warner Bros. Drama, The picture is based on the sensational best-selling novel by Dora Macy who also wrote “Ex-Mistress.’ The human and dramatic phases of hospital life are portrayed as never before. Beside the unusual story “Night Nurse” has been given the superb direction of John Francis Dillon who did “The Public Enemy” and “Wings.” It should be stressed that while the sequences of “Night Nurse” are largely in a hospital, the gruesome is never in evidence—rather the humanness of the throngs that frequent it, from the surgeon in command to the humblest orderly. It is the night nurse herself, who steals the picture and holds the imagination and sympathy of the beholder from first to last. Lora Hart is her-name, and she has the great luck to be interpreted by Barbara Stanwyck, remembered for her recent performance in “IIlicit.’ Miss Stanwyck has beauty and talent but it is an indefinable quality which makes her dominate any scene—and her portrayal of Lora, torn between temptations, fears, loves, ambitions and loyalties —is unforgettable. ‘Love finds Lora after many a long day—in the person of a likms aie ae ranch urha eames to her for the treatment of a romes the role. Joan Blondell is Lora’s jazzy pal, also a nurse. Many other screen favorites play notably— among them being Clark Gable, Charles Winninger, Charlotte Merriam, Edward Nugent, Allan Lane, Blanche Friderici, Vera Lewis, Ralf Harolde, Walter McGrail, Betty May and two quite astonishing seven-year-olds, Marcia Mae Jones and Betty Jane Graham. Comedy, romance; drama, tragedy, all play their parts in “Night Nurse” —and Barbara Stanwyck fixes herself more firmly than ever in the affections. “Night Nurse” is one gunshot in’ the arm—Ben Lyon makes much of Two Interesting Seven-Year-Olds | In “Night Nurse (Biographical) “Night Nurse,” the Warner Bros. production starring Barbara Stanwyck and now at the........ Theatre has a large and important cast featuring Ben Lyon, Joan Blondell, Clark Gable, Charles Winninger and many other favorites of the screen, and not last, if least, are two sevenyear-old girls who have already made their mark in pictures. They are Marcia Mae Jones and Betty Jane Graham. Marcia Mae Jones was born in Los Angeles on Aug. 1, 1924. She was one year old when she first entered pictures, playing the part of Dolores Costello as a child in “The Mannequin.” She has appeared in a number of Educational Comedies, also in “King of Jazz,” “Four Sons,” “Waiting At The Church,” “Night Work,” “Bride of the Regiment,” “Bishop Murder Case,” “Love, Live and Laugh” and “Night Nurse.” Betty Jane Graham was born in Los Angeles on July 17, 1923. When she was four years old, Warner Bros. gave her a part in “The Little Snob” with May McAvoy. She was so popular at that studio that she was made Little Miss Vitaphone Graft? Crime? Vice? Say, the newspapers don’t know the half of it’? —NIGHT NURSE BelascoProtege Seen Herein “Night Nurse” (Biography, June 15, 1931) Blanche Friderici, who plays the part of Mrs. Maxwell in “Night Nurse” the Warner Bros. production starring Barbara Stanwyck, now-at the: =... Theatre received her early histrionic instruction from the late David Belasco, Dean of the American stage. Twenty-eight years ago she made her first appearance at the Republic Theatre in New York. Since that time she has played with practically every leading actor and actress. Eight years ago she began screen work and has stayed with it almost consistently since then. Having played in the stage production of “Rain,” Gloria Swanson gave her the same role in the picture. during Warner’s Silver Jubilee. She| She has also appeared in “The has also appeared in “Fires of|Trespasser,” “Courage,” “Trifles,” Youth,” “Queen of Hollywood,”|“The Flattering World,” “Kismet,” “Top Speed” and “Wonders of|“The Office Wife,” “The Lady Who Women.” Dared” and “Night Nurse.” Sensations! Thrills ! Secrets! Hot from the diary ofa night nurse who “has s2e2. everything”! She risks all to blast the veil of mystery from the night watch! of the pictures you simply can’t af-| § ford to miss. $ Clark GablePlays Part InStanwyckPict ure (Biography, June 15, 1931) Clark Gable, who plays the part of Nick, the hard guy, in “Night Nurse” the Warner Bros. production starring Barbara Stanwyck, now at Wie ee. Theatre was born in Cadiz, Ohio, Feb. 1, 1901. He started a stage career by working as call boy in a small stock company and playing during summer vacations. After scoring a big success in “What Price Glory,” he again came into prominence in “The Last Mile.” _ This latter work won him a part in his first picture, “The Painted Desert.” He has since appeared in “The Easiest Way,” “Dance Fools Dance,” “The Secret Six,” “A Free Soul” and “Night Nurse.” **Night Nurse” Player Was Reared In Army Posts (Current Reader) : Charlotte Merriam, who appears in support of Barbara Stanwyck in the Warner’ Bros. production, “Night Nurse,” now playing at the shispaeecs Theatre, spent a great deal of her childhood in army posts, where her father, Colonel Henry C. Merriam of the U. S. Army, was stationed. She entered motion pictures when fourteen years of age. Ben Lyon and Joan Blondell are featured in “Night Nurse.” William Wellman directed. BARBARA (tanwyck Glorious Star of “Illicit” makes Dora Macy’s great story twice as great! NIGHT NURSE with BEN LYON JOAN BLONDELL CLARKE GABLE STRAND ALLAN LANE Cut No. 1 Cut 40c, Mat 10c