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Night Nurse(Warner Bros.) (1931)

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came nis slogan. i START THE TRAILER EARLY “NIGHT NURSE” DIRECTOR, WORLD WAR FLYER, IMBUES PICTURES HECREATES WITH THEFEELING OF SWIFT FLIGHT William A. Wellman, Who Directed ‘‘Wings” Applies Same Technique To The Direction Of The Warner Bros. Thrilling Mystery Romance, Starring Barbara Stanwyck, Now At The Strand (Interesting Human Interest Feature For No. 1 Sunday Paper) The possibilities of the modern picture camera has been exploited by many directors but by none more effectually than by William A. Wellman, who directed the thrilling sequences of Warner Bros., “Night Nurse” starring beautiful Barbara Stanwyck, now at the......... The clever Boston man was an aviator during the World War and did not enter the picture world until 1920, which, as pictures go, was a very long time ago. It was before the advent of the talking film that his first dealings with the magic lens were carried on. He battled with the crudeness of the early sound apparatus, when it was necessary for the camera to be enclosed in a sound-proof booth to silence the whirring noise, and when it was possible to shoot at but one angle. The camera was as static as the audience, and it remained for dialogue to create interest. These conditions chafed the man who had by this time directed “Wings,” which had convinced him that the fixed tripod was one of the most deadly forms of monotony. In his epoch-making air picture he had used automatic cameras strapped to the wings of planes. They had flown thousands of feet into the sky, recording scenes that literally left audiences breathless. With such shots as a basis Mr. Wellman felt that it would be absurd to try to get ground shots from static angles. ~ Movement in photography, be phe unwi ten a that no scene be longer than three or four minutes in duration, meant nothing to him. Neither was he content to catch long shots and closeups separately. He disliked jerkiness, sudden cutting and flashing in a sequence. He insists that his sets be built as a continuous whole. The old system of building one room of a ground floor on one stage, and another room on a stage several hundred feet removed from it, irritated him. For “Night Nurse” he had the entire ground floor of a_ hospital constructed with each room and corridor connecting as they would in an actual hospital. Even exteriors lead into real interiors. Under Wellman’s direction movie sets get away from the false-front stigma and take on all the appearance of reality. But there were other reasons why he had continuous sets created for “Night Nurse.” The hospital floor is used for one of the longest scenes ever filmed on a studio stage. Mounted on a moving “dolly,” the camera first shoots from the street to the ent . Theatre. rance of the emergency clinic. An ambulance clangs into the scene, stops before the entrance and wunloads a patient on a stretcher. The stretcher is wheeled inside with the camera following close behind. Without any scene-shifting, the audience is enabled to go straight from the exterior into the interior, following the stretcher as it is wheeled into the corridor, stopping at a desk for the necessary red tape, and down the long hallway, to the elevator where someone else joins the group. Still without cutting, the camera turns a corner with the group and enters a large ward, where the patient is wheeled to a bed, unloaded and put between the sheets. Mr. Wellman feels that he is not only creating continuity of action, but augmenting interest. It is realism —the camera representing the eye of the audience. He thinks of the lens in: terms of the eye. Mr. Wellman does not employ the montage technique of the Russians, the sudden flashes of closeups. Instead, while centering interest on the moving characters of the story, he also tries to take in every detail lof the scene, building up a picture ant 22 RA Vita nad antinfarie'e T tliat IS eUmpiCic amu ~.avidsyaa se wc" = fore taking a scene, he watches rehearsals through the eye of the camera, being quite as meticulous in his instructions to cameramen as to players. Many times a retake is orered, when the acting has been at its best, to get the advantage of a different camera slant. He succeeds in getting the movement of flight, aided no doubt by his experiences as a flyer in the Lafayette Escadrille. He is vibrant with nervous energy. The eye accustomed to peer down machine gun sights to pick out objectives in a widespread landscape or skyscape, has not forgotten its training. He can see at a glance just what he wants to get, and he knows how to get it. Barbara Stanwyck is supported in “Night Nurse” by Ben Lyon, Joan Blondell, Charles Winninger, Charlotte Merriam, Edward Nugent, AlIlan Lane, Blanche Friderici, Vera Lewis, Ralf Harolde, Clarke Gable, Walter McGrail, Betty May, Marcia Mae Jones and Betty Jane Graham. The picture is based on the sensational novel by Dora Macy. THREE WHOM FATE THREATENS Ben Lyon, Marcia Mae Jones and Barbara Stanwyck in a dramatic scene from “Night Nurse,’ the Warner Bros. book of that name. Picture based on Dora Macy’s sensational The film now showing at the Strand has been acclaimed as one of the outstanding melodramas of the year. Cut No. 21 Page Ten Cut 30c, Mat 10c Tonight . her flaming story bursts forth Absorbing! on the screen! Astounding! The intimate diary of a night nurse who’s been through the mill! Live with her for one thrill-packed hour among the men and mysteries of the night! Vital! CBarhara. STANWYCK Ki A WARNER BROS. | DP) Cut No. 4 Real Milk Used In This Milk Bath (Current Reader) A milk bath is an antiquated cure but nevertheless it is used in a scene from ‘Night Nurse,” the sensational Warner Bros. production starring Barbara Stanwyck, now at the..... Theatre. On this particular bath the studio was not allowed to fake it with colored water. On the order of Dr. Harry Martin, hired by the produc ‘/ers as technical adviser, several gal lons of actual cow’s milk had to be secured and heated to the right temperature for bathing purposes. This was necessary on account of the tender age of the young actress, Marcia Mae Jones and Marilyn Harris, both seven, so that the bath might not affect their sensitive skin. Those featured in support of Miss Stanwyck in “Night Nurse” are Ben Lyon, Joan Blondell, Charlotte Merriam, Edward Nugent, Allan Lane, Blanche Friderici, Vera Lewis, Rolfe Harolde, Clark Gable, Walter McGrail, and others. William Wellman directed. & VITAPHONE PICTURE Cut 4oc, Mat 10c rr oe DP. Isadora Duncan Was Model For Youthful Barbara Stanwyck Star of “Night Nurse,’ Warner Bros. Picture Now at.............. Strand Danced Her Way to Fame (Current—Plant 4th Day) Barbara Stanwyck, now at the eo Theatre, as the star of Warner Bros. “Night Nurse,” was deeply impressed as a child by the glorious art of Isadora Duncan whose later tragic passing stirred the sympathy of the world. Barbara wanted to interpret everything by dancing. She followed the hurdy gurdy man through the streets of Brooklyn. She was forever listening for music, hearing it in everything. The wind or the rain on the roof or the sound of the waves when she made a trip with her parents to Coney Island— all made patterns which she tried to recreate by intricate and graceful steps. This natural genius for rhythm is one of the reasons that her presence is so satisfying on the screen, her walk so gently impressive, and unstudied. Her first stage role was in “The Noose” where her personality at once made itself felt. This followed a revue on the Strand Roof in which she was able to dance to her heart’s content. Her most recent pictures are “The Locked Door,” “Ladies of Leisure” and “Illicit.” The cast which supports her in “Night Nurse” includes Ben Lyon, Joan Blondell, Charles Winninger, Charlotte Merriam, Clark Gable, Edward Nugent, Allan Lane, Blanche Friderici, Vera Lewis, Rolfe Harolde, Walter McGrail, Betty May, Marcia Mae Jones, Betty Jane Graham and a dozen newborn babies who are seen in the amusing maternity ward sequence. William — directed. ee ea ee ee ener nate Ben Lyon Grows In Screen Popularity (Current Reader) Ben Lyon, who is now to be seen at thee -seos. ; Theatre in support of Barbara Stanwyck in Warner Bros. “Night Nurse” grows in popularity with each picture in which he appears. His manly and personable presence has made him a favorite with all sorts and conditions of people. Mr. Lyon was married to Bebe Daniels more than a year ago. He has won distinction by his flying prowess and made his first big bid for fame in “Hells Angels.” Others featured beside Mr. Lyon in “Night Nurse” are Joan Blondell, Charles Winninger, Charlotte Merriam, Blanche Friderici, Clark Gable, Edward Nugent, Allan Lane, Walter McGrail and many others, William Wellman directed. CATCHLINES Star of “Illicit” Greater as ‘Night Nurse” % % * “Night Nurse” Knows All Hearts Except Her Own. * % * Intimate Life-Story of a Fair “Night Nurse.” *% % * % Confessions of a “Night Nurse.” % % Many Patients to Serve—Only One to Love! Let the “Night Nurse” Tell You All! * % % “Night Nurse” Loyal! Daring! Hiding Her Love For One Man—By Her Care For Many! % % %% Barbara Stanwyck as “Night Nurse”—All Your Mother Was * —All Your Sweetheart Is! % % Let “Night Nurse” Be Your Doctor.