Now Voyager(Warner Bros.) (1942)

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Hern ING as the woman who meets her match in PALL HA ‘An inert ‘best: seller f from the author of ‘Stella Dallas’— paste great role for Bette! iy, hy | < *A HAL B, WALLIS PRODUCTION: ie eR AADRAAAIANINI NN nro ntennnreeAAANANNOOOOODE NON vg aD ENN RDA Ly ALIA ETH Pe SEEN Ngee CLAUDE RAINS cette ore SONze ipviN RAPPER Screen Play by Casey Robinson ® From the Novel by Olive Higgins Prouty * Music by Max Steiner To Poe RE Hens BONDS BUY A BOND AS A SALUTE TO YOUR HERO IN SERVICE Mat 215--5% inches x 2 columns (164 lines)--30c f B the author e) ‘sella Dallas’ with CLAUDE RAINS GLADYS COOPER BONITA GRANVILLE Mat 212 15% inches x : ILKA CHASE 2 columns Directed by IRVING RAPPER Music by Max Steiner (426 lines) Screen Play by Casey Robinsons From the Novel by Olive Higgins Prouty 30¢ Tue Ae + eee BONDS BUY A BOND AS A SALUTE TO YOUR HERO IN SERVICE) 12