Now Voyager(Warner Bros.) (1942)

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happens in the best O families... , a yee : WARNER BROS: TRIUMPH BETTE DAVIS more radiant, more exciting than ever — in love with FAUL HENRETD the man, at last, to match her every emotion, in with Olive Higgins Prout d A ALIDE RAINS ssets conver: sonra | ote cetcraar Naat GRANVILLE ILKA CHASE in the best-selling novel that shocked Boston speechless! W A L [ | S Directed by IRVING RAPPER Music by Max Steiner PRODUCTION Screen Play by Casey Robinson + From the Novel by Olive Higgins Prouty Pa eee T H F g D A F 44] BUY WAR BONDS AT THIS THEATRE A E A T R | | AS A SALUTE TO YOUR HEROES! Mat 401--14% inches x 4 columns (808 lines )--60c (For 3-column size of this ad, see page 13). 15