On with the Show(Warner Bros.) (1929)

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Z0 ON WITH THE SHOW’’—First 100% Natural Color, Talking, Singing WARNER BROS. DO IT AGAIN! — THE HIT OF Hh rs Cores production. with BETTY COMPSON ARTHUR LAKE JOE E. BROWN SALLY UOUNEAL LOUISE FAZENDA ETHEL WATERS SAM HARDY beauties! IN TECHNICOLOR 3 Column Cut—Style VN—Cut or Mat A new milestone in film progress ! The first 100% natural color, talking, singing, and dancing picture, a Warner Bros. Vitaphone The FAIRBANKS TWINS and chorus of 100 dazzling , Danci i 08, ; ing, Dancing Picture—A Warner Bros. Vitaphone Production—in Technicolor IS HERE!| FIRST 100% NATURAL COLOR PICTURE “Greatest Attraction of the Age,’’ says the press With BETTY COMPSON, ARTH ' UR LAKE, SAL 4 ig JOE E. BROWN, LOUISE FAZENDA, ETHEL S, The FAIRBANKS TWINS, SAM HARDY. IN TECHNICOLOR he 1) A NEDO Sie ase Ss SES SS =. << | | 2 Col. Ad—Style VO—Cut or Mat f) Etre—first 100% ‘\'] natural enieri sing\ ing, talking, dancing \ preture in color ae \ 1-Col. Ad—Style VP—Cut. or Mat ee 28 + | —— Ae er me ee SOMETHING NEW! SOMETHING DIFFERENT! The first 100% natural color, talking, singing, dancing picture. It’s full of pep and snap, gaiety an girls! AlN WT APHON| ei IN TECHNICOLOR 3 Column Ad—Style VR—Cut or Mat