Parrish (Warner Bros.) (1961)

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Pocket Book » On sultry suinmer day a young man looks out across | the fertile Delds of a tobnere plantation. _ His name is Parrish. His first wemplation is te run--trom the binding sus, ‘the tension of a valley seathing with the mrotal coaticts of a land war. But he will Slay. And becavee of him the valley will Gever 88 the same. Then there will be the lempintion af love. Many women will love hint, Each, lke generays, pre Wiscuens, Hteanyear-old Lucy, has something te give. Each, like the hot-biosdad aristocrat ‘Aisen Post, wants mere than fave in return. And there will be the temptation of wealth ‘god power, olfered by a millionaire tyrant whe wants te qwn people as well as lend, Parrish. ¥ arrisn. fest sighisen new—unsure, innocent, 7 alone. But in the violence af ambitien @ aod the scorch ef passion, that hoy will be forged inte = man. The original hard-cover edition of “Parrish” by Mildred Savage was enthusiastically received by literary critics and was a Literary Guild selection. Pocket Books has now released a Giant Cardinal Edition of the best selling novel as a paperback. The full color cover provocatively features Troy Donahue and Connie Stevens in an embrace and hard-hitting copy crediting the Warner Bros. Technicolor production. Contact local bookstores and paperback dealers to arrange for counter and window displays and tie-ins to bring both the book and Warner 9 Bros.’ exciting romantic drama to everyone’s attention. Seeger Television RE Sa TE Take full advantage of the national popularity of Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens and Diane McBain Exploitation Baby Photo Contest Emphasizing the youthful appeal of “Parrish” by spotlighting its four young stars, a special 3-column contest mat has been prepared for your use in local newspapers. The mat consists of starheads of Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens, Diane McBain and Sharon Hugueny —numbered I, 2, 3, 4 and properly identified in the entry blank—and baby photos of the same four—lettered A, B, C, D. Contestants are simply required to match the stars with their baby photos. (Before reading further, try to pair the stars and photos yourself. Then check with the correct answers below.) You can offer passes to your engagement of “Parrish” or additional locally promoted merchandise as prizes. The correct answers are 1-D, 2-B 3-C, 4-A. Order your “PARRISH” CONTEST MATS now from: Exploitation Manager Warner Bros. Pictures 666 Fifth Avenue New York 19, N. Y. _ oon dicen esarcoaparrinnsns bac Masoud a Pair These Young Parrish Stars With Their Baby Photos-And WIN! Eye” TV series and bring “Parrish” to the attention of local TV audiences by using the six provocative TV trailers which have been prepared for the film. Two one-minute and three 20-second trailers and one 10-second spot — with “open ends” so that local announcers can fill in your theatre and playdate information — are available FREE at your Warner Branch. Trailers Bringing your screen alive with the turbulent youthful romantic drama that is the substance of “Parrish,” a regular production trailer and a teaser trailer have been prepared. The unique teaser trailer is introduced by Troy Donahue who presents the beautiful young stars who are the “three loves of Parrish.” Order these trailers new from your Warner Branch. PLAY YOUR TEASER TRAILER TEN DAYS TO A WEEK IN ADVANCE OF THE PRODUCTION TRAILER. RS ET RA | ENTRY BLANK | EAL ETA LEE ITE TRE EEE 4 Radio Troy Donahue Eight ticket-selling radio spot announcements Connie Stevens have been prepared on a single transcription record and can be effectively coordinated with . 3. Diane McBain Gi. gee een 3 ees : your “radio-active” exploitation campaign (see page 6). 4. Sharon Hugueny You ean obtain the transcription of the four one-minute and three 20-second radio spots FREE from: Name Address THADDEUS SUSKI PRODUCTIONS Troy Donahue, Connie Stevens, Diane McBain and Sharon Hugueny are the four bright young stars who with 165 West 46th Street Claudette Colbert and Karl Malden head the cast of Warner Bros.’ PARRISH, the Technicolor romantic New York 36. N drama<openinah.. eee ata heusn es seer er a Theatre. If you can match the baby pictures shown above ew York 36, N. Y. with the proper young star you can be a winner. Prizes include? ...c:c:c:c:ooseueneooen Fill in the entry blank above and _mail it to: PARRISH CONTEST wu ccccssnnmmmmnn (designate either theatre or newspaper). Enter now! SLE RE LS ES ELE EE ETNIES FEAR ERE Ae PIRES a RO ASS RT ITN GG ABR Ej ORE TR EGE LAIST II DI EES: Sf Page Four