Penrod and Sam (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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JUST AS TARKINGTON MEANT MATT MOORE ZASU riy 7s DOROTHY citelaeieieet 2 Here’s your chance to get even with the bully you almost licked! Their reward is a trip to see BOOTH TARKINGTON’S Immortal classic — LEON JANNEY — JUNIOR COGHLAN WINTER GARDEN es ed Kids Are Eating Their SPINACH This Week! A FIRST § NATIONAL § VITAPHONE PICTURE Cut No. 10 Cut 4oc Mat roc Child Pictures Now The Vogue All Over The United States (Current Story) “Penrod and Sam” the First National picture of childhood days now PEBEE NO 0 ac sy Gs Theatre, is drawing record crowds and this fact is encouraging to those who deplore the frequency of the gang picture. “Penrod and Sam” is a gang picture, too, but a different kind of a gang, your gang and mine and everybody’s gang! The gang that will some of these days be the lawmakers or the lawbreakers of the country. It is Bill, and Red, and Skinny, and Slim and the dog, teacher, pa, ma, the neighbors that you will see at the Sec ee ee Theatre. A jolly crowd and a right jolly show, too. The gang meets in the shack on the vacant door next Penrod’s house. Sam is in good standing in the secret lodge—and Herman and Verman, the colored boys—but not Georgie, the goody boy, nor Rod who thinks he is the bully—then there are teacher and pa and the other kids’ irate dads—and all the razzle dazzle that made up the old days as we remember them. There-are a score more kiddies in the cast, among them being Leen Janney, Junior Coghlan, Helen Beaudine, Margaret Marquis, Nestor Aber, Billy Lord, Betty Jane Graham —the colored lads who have created so many laughs, Robert Dandridge and James Robinson—to say nothing of the clever dog, Cameo. The grownups are Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu Pitts, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon and Wade Boteler. Page Eight Coghlan, Veteran Of Films At Fifteen, Plays Sam (Current Reader) Junior Coghlan, featured with Leon Janney in “Penrod and Sam,” First National’s classic of boyhood now playing at the Theatre, is one of the veterans among the child actors of Hollywood. He has been in pictures since 1921], his first part having been in “Mike,” made under the direction of Marshall Neilan. ture he plays the part of Sam. Others in support of Janney are Billy Lord, Nestor Aber, Billy Anderson and “Bumps” Beaudine, the son of William Beaudine, the director. In his new pic Leon Janney Names His New Terrier, “Penrod” (Advance Reader) Leon Janney, the thirteen-yearold star who plays Booth Tarkington’s immortal Penrod, in “Penrod and Sam,” the First National production which comes to the heatre ts 3s, was recently presented with a wire-haired terrier by his mother. He promptly named the new pet Penrod. Included in the amazing cast of “Penrod and Sam” is the dog Duke—a part played by the same dog that played it in the silent version made by First National nine years ago. William Beaudine directed both presentations. Junior Coghlan plays the part of Sam. Don’t miss “Penrod and Sam.” Child Actors Present Home Work For Use In “Penrod And Sam” (Current. Plant 2nd Day) One of the most important scenes “Penrod and Sam,” First Na of _.| tional picture featuring Leon Jan NOY, NOW at: the-s-== Theatre, takes place in a school room. The studio set-dressing and property departments were faced with the task of realistically equipping this room with exhibits of child handicraft always present on the walls and blackboards of the grammar grade. William SBeaudine, director of “Penrod and Sam” asked each of the twenty or more children in his cast to bring to the studio several samples of their school work, explaining to them the purpose. On the following day came the deluge. The cast of “Penrod and Sam” includes Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu Pitts, Junior Coghlan, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon, Wade Boteler, Helen Beaudine, Nestor Aber, Billy Lord, Margaret Marquis, Betty Graham, James Robertson, Robert Dandridge—not forgetting Duke, the dog. “Penrod and Sam” is a jolly adaptation of Booth Tarkington’s most famous boy story. Leon Decorates His Own Room For Scene Of ‘Penrod And Sam’ (Current. Plant 6th Day) Leon Janney, youthful star who plays the featured role in “Penrod and Sam” the First National picture HOW at thee ss See Theatre, designed and dressed several of the sets used in the picture. One of these is Penrod’s room in the parental Schofield home. To make this room obviously one occupied by a boy of Penrod’s Director William Beaudine instrueted Janney to fix it up as he liked. Leon, eager for the chance, spent a day in the studio property department, selecting pictures, college pennants, baseball masks, bats and gloves, and other things of appeal to boyhood. With his assortment he made his room a masterpiece of juvenile interior decoration. The cast includes Junior Coghlan, Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu Pitts, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon, Wade Boteler, Helen Beaudine, Nestor Aber, Billy Lord, Margaret Marquis, Betty Graham, James Robinson, and Robert Dandridge—to say nothing of Duke, the dog. Tomorrow They’ll Be Here, Penrod And His Gang And His Dog (Advance. Plant 1 Day Before) William Beaudine, First National director, can take more than the ordinary quota of credit for “Penrod and Sam” his new smash hit, which comeg-to the 2.252, 5-7 Theatre He is more than ordinarily responsible for the players in his cast of fifteen kids—to say nothing of the grownups—and the dog Both Helen Beaudine, his daughf ter, and “Bumps” Beaudine, his son, is play important roles in the produc tion—Helen as Margaret Schofield, Penrod’s sister, and the boy as one of Penrod’s gang. Beaudine’s daughter is making her return to the screen in “Penrod and Sam”. Up to three years ago she had considerable experience in silent film productions, but this is her first important talking picture role. She plans to continue her career as an actress, Leon Janney and Junior Coghlan are featured as Penrod and his friend. Waldemar Young wrote this new adaptation of Booth Tarkington’s classic story. Among the grownups in -the cast are Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Johnny Arthur, Zasu Pitts, Charles Sellon and Wade Boteler. age, | Junior Coghlan Plays Pal Of The Hero Of “Penrod And Sam”’ (Biography Aug. 15, 1931) Junior Coghlan, featured as Sam in the First National production “Penrod and Sam,” now at the .... Ripe oat Theatre, most talented young members of the Hollywood motion picture colony, of Mutt Makes Comeback As Pet Of Penrod After 9 Years Cameo, the black and white fox terrior, who played Penrod’s pet in the silent version of Booth Tarkington’s great story of child is one of the hood, nine years ago—is again featured in the talking version of “Penrod and Sam’ the First National Leon Janney and Junior Cogh which he has been an active member production featuring for nine years. He was born in New Haven, Conn. on March 15, 1916, and brought to Los Angeles by his parents four He played his first important motion picture role in 1924 in the Marshall Neilan production, “Mike”, His next success was in “Slide, Kelly, Slide,” in which he played Mickey. Other pictures are “Square Shoulders,” “The Girl Said No,” “Yankee Clipper,” “Harp in Hock,” “Country Doctor,” “Let ’Er Go, Gallagher,” “Marked Money,” and “River’s End.” Junior is a typical American boy, a student in Le Compte Junior High School in Hollywood and an avid collector of stamps, old coins, and assorted bottle tops. His favorite sports are baseball, football and swimming. His most recent screen success previous to “Penrod and Sam” was in “The Public Enemy,” with James Cagney. A RARE TREAT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY lan, now at the Theatre. William Beaudine, who also years later. directed the silent version says that Cameo, in the role of Duke, does a much better job of it than he did the first time. “Even if he is a bit gray, and a bit less inclined to frisk around—he seems to have gained in intelligence — and a certain canine dignity” says Mr. Beaudine “as if he says ‘Every dog has his day—and mine’s still on’!”’ The cast of “‘Penrod and Sam” includes Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu Pitts, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon, Wade Boteler, Helen Beaudine, Nestor Aber, Billy Lord, Margaret Marquis, Betty Graham, James Robinson, Robert Dandridge and a freckled, rollicking bunch of kiddies—to say nothing of the dog. RIOTOUS RASCALS YOU‘LL TAKE} TO YOUR {| HEARTI AND SAM All the fun, all the pranks, all the joys and tears of BOOTH TARKINGTON’S im mortal classic brought to the screen by Hollywood’s brightest kid stars. LEON JANNEY--JUNIOR COGHLAN * : af Matt Moore, Dorothy STR AND Zasu Pitts A_FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE PICTURE Cut No.7 Cut 40c Mat roc Peterson,