Penrod and Sam (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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a as 2 pee eee With the vogue for “kid pictures” t No. 21 Cut joc Mat roc gathering momentum daily, it was only natural that we should expect Booth Tarkington’s “Penrod and Sam” to reach the talking screen. Sure enough, this week the __________.____ Theatre is opening with the First National picturization of the famous story. Leon Janney plays “‘Penrod.’’ Hey Fellers, Your Old Pals Penrod And Sam Come To Town Today (Current. Plant 1st Day) All who are kids, or kids, will be glad to know that “Penrod and Sam,” the First National production, featuring Leon Janney have been and Junior Coghlan, comes to the.. CSREES ore Theatre today. Booth Tarkington’s famous story of boyhood days—with the shack on the vacant lot where the freckleface gang meets—Duke the dog— teacher—pa, ma and sis—Rod the bully—Georgie the goody-good boy —the small black pals of Penrod— Herman and Verman—and all the rest of the folks-you-know-now, or have-known-long-ago, are waiting for WOU se At. s WilO 24, ee Pt ae Theatre. Leon Janney—high in the ranks of the boy scouts—plays Penrod; Junior Coghlan is Sam—there are a host of other kids too—and grownups. In the cast are such favorites as Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu Pitts, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon, Wade Boteler, Helen Beaudine, Nestor Aber, Billy Lord, Margaret Marquis, Betty Graham, James Robinson and Robert Dandridge—to say nothing of the amazing dog—the same mutt, by the way, who played the part of Duke, in the silent version of the picture, nine years ago. Bring all the family for a grand and glorious evening with “Penrod and Sam.” Penrod And Sam Are Pals, You Should See ’Em Battle (Current Reader) A fist fight which probably will not go down in motion picture history along with the memorable Farnum-Santchi battle in “The Spoilers,” but which was every bit as real, fast-moving, and as hard on the eyes, takes place in “Penrod and Sam,” First National’s classie of boyhood, now playing at the Theatre. The fight is between Leon ‘Janney as Penrod and Junior Cogh lan as Sam, and takes place, as in Booth Tarkington’s book, at the very proper birthday party given by Baby Rennsdale. The fight is said to provide one of the most riotous comedy high spots of the picture, which was directed by William Beaudine. | cafe. was. due to. Lunches Preferred By Penrod And Sam And Rest Of The Gang (Current. Plant 5th Day) The candy bar, chocolate malted milk and ice cream soda business recently doubled at the First National studios. The rush in trade, as reported, by the mandees of the studio lot of dozens of vOunEStOrs: appearing in the production of “Penrod and Sam,” Booth Tarkington’s' great story which is now playing at the Gee Theatre. Leon Janney, featured in the role of Penrod, favored a malted milk luncheon, with a chocolate soda for dessert. Junior Coghlan, playing Sam, thinks that a luncheon should include something more substantial, like butterscotch pie, but he admits that a soda is an essential part of the meal. Others in the cast, some twenty children in all, have similar appetites. Seldom, however, do they get enough to satisfy them. Not only their mothers on watchful guard each day, but the studio provides a welfare worker in the alert person of Miss Lois Horn, school teacher ecertificated by the state of California to supervise the studies of all children working in First National pictures. But in spite of the supervision Henry Straub, cafe manager, reports that his candy bar business doubled. Among the many other children in “Penrod and Sam” are Helen Beaudine, Nestor Aber, Billy Lord, Margaret Marquis, Betty Graham, and the two colored boys who play the twins Herman and Verman. Grownups are Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu Pitts, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon and Wade Boteler. To say nothing of the dog, Cameo. Penrod And His Pal Sam Fight For Coy Marjorie (Advance Reader) Penrod and Sam were’ sworn friends as all their freckle-faced, wide-eared pals knew and_ both wanted to win the favor of little pink-and-white Marjorie. It had to be fought out and then they were better friends than ever. That’s but one of the many thrilling and hilarious scenes in “Penrod and Sam,” the First National production which CONOR: 00 the... a Theatre eS ae next. “Penrod and Sam” is the greatest gang picture of the generation—your gang—my gang— everybody’s gang! Take ’em all to enjoy it with you. ste " se ~ CATCHLINES Meet The Real Ainerican Boy. * A Picture For fads, Sons, Sisters And Mothers. * Tt Will Brinig Back Your Youth. x * x The Greatest Child Actor in the Greatest Child Role. * * Come On Down To The Lot And Play. * * * Join Penrod’s Gang. ** x % Forget Your Age—Be A Boy Again. * * * If Yow’re The Sort Who Sees But One Picture A Year, Hare. s The Picture For You. ale 7s Yow ll U ndersiand Your = After You *“See Penrod And Sam”’ Is Your Boy A Problem To You? He Will Not Be After You See ° _renrod and Sam”’ Here’s ‘The Big Parade’ Of Boyhood Pictures. Hey! Dad! Come On Over! Would You Like To Be Young Again? **See Penrod And Sam” Tired Of Gang P ietures? Gang — Penrod’ s Gang. * Boyhood At Its Béme“Poial And Sam.” sl > * Then See THIS on the], “And we've brought all our friends and enemies (darn "em) to give you the time of your life! with LEON JANNEY JUNIOR COGHLAN MATT MOORE DOROTHY PETERSON ZASU PITTS and a score of Hollywood's riotous rascals! A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE HIT Cut No. 11 Cut20c Mat 5c || Shows,” Johnny Arthur Is In “Penrod And Sam” As Georgie’s Pa (Biography Aug. 15, 1931) Johnny Arthur, who plays with such zest the amusing papa of #}Georgie the goodie-goodie boy in “Penrod and Sam,” the First National picture now at the ......... Theatre, Scottsdale, Pennsylvania and at an early age was on the legitimate stage. was born in He later played feature roles with Guy Bates Post, William Collier, Lou Tellegen, Leo Deitrichstein and other famous people. Among plays in which he appeared are Baby,” “Fair and Warmer,” “Parlor, Bedroom and Bath,” “Up in Mabel’s Room,” “Ladies’ Night” and ‘Paid in Full.” He entered pictures in “Madame Midnight.” for several seasons, his first talkie “Some He played in two-reelers role being in “The Desert Song”. This was followed by parts in “The Gamblers,” “Divorce Made Easy,” “Hot Lemonade,” “A Hint to Brides,” “Adam’s Eve,” “Show of “Aviator,” “Personality,” “She Couldn’t Say No,” “Cheer Up and Smile,” “Going Wild” and “Penrod and Sam.” Johnny Arthur is five feet eight inches tall and weighs one hundred and forty pounds. His favorite sports are fishing and boating. JANNEY IS CHAMPION MARBLE SHOOTER OF HOLLYWOOD (Current Reader) Leon Janney is the champion marble shooter of Hollywood, as proved by several hundred commies, glassies and aggies accumulated during filming of “Penrod and Sam,” First National’s epic story of boyhood, now playing at the Theatre. During the course of the production marble games were held on the set daily, and competition was keen. Supremacy finally rested between Janney and Robert Dandridge, the little colored boy who plays Verman in the picture. Dandridge lost when he fudged a shot at a time when Junior Coghlan, the referee, was watching. rr ee ee) BOOTH TARKINGTON’S greatest story of youth i) Re-live your life’s biggest moments. and SAM LEON JANNEY JUNIOR COGHLAN MATT MOORE LAS PLT TS and a dozen of Hollywood’s brightest kid stars. AFIRST NATIONAL % VITAPHONE PICTURE Cut No.3 Cut 20c Mat 5c See The Bully Get His Due In “Penrod And Sam’’ (Advance Reader) Penrod and Sam didn’t want to admit Georgie, the goody-good boy, nor Rodney Bitts, the bully, into the In-and-In-Club. Georgie tried to steal pig-tailed Marjie— and Pen licked him for it—in “Penrod and Sam,” the First National picture featuring eor J anney and Junior Coghlan, and=coming tothe... 5 s.25 ses Theatre next. Penrod And His Gang Turn The Hose On Noisy Crickets During the filming of some night scenes in “Penrod and Sam’, the First National picture featuring Leon Janney and twenty other kiddies, now at the______.-...........Theatre, an army of chirping crickets charged on the set, drowning the voices of the players, big and little, and causing a halt in the grinding of the cameras. Director Beaudine thought of the water cure, and ordered that hose be played on trees, grass and shrubs. All the kids insisted on taking a hand—and the menace of the mike was duly drenched into silence. A _ frog then piped up, but he, too, was routed, and the filming went on. The cast of “Penrod and Sam” —Booth Tarkingion’s greatest story of little girl and boy days —includes Matt Moore, Dorothy Peterson, Zasu_ Pitts, Junior Coghlan, Johnny Arthur, Charles Sellon, Wade _ Boteler, Helen Beaudine, Nestor Aber, Billy Lord, Margaret Marquis, Betty Graham, James Robinson and Robert Dandridge to say nothing of Duke, the dog. Page Nine