Picture Snatcher (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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EXPLOITATION UNUSUAL PHOTOS BY AMATEURS FOR NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION Sell your local newspaper on the idea of publishing unusual photo graphs of persons, news, sports and photographers. on the opening day of “PICTURE Use the publicity story printed below, in’ breaking the announcement of the contest and follow it up with daily stories along the same lines, stressing the type of photographs that will be considered for publication. Offer guest tickets or other prizes to the persons submitting the photos social events submitted by amateur SNATCHER.” printed in the cooperating newspaper. If you want to go a step further, it is a good idea to get copies of the photos selected by the newspaper for publication and display the photos in your theatre lobby, giving credit to the persons submitting them. (Suggested Publicity Story) Nens To Publish Unusual Photos Made by Amateurs Free Strand Tickets Daily to James Cagney’s “Picture Snatcher’”’ for Best Photos Sent In C’mon you picture snatchers, here’s your chance! How many times have you happened across an unusual event that presented a striking picture and said, “Wouldn’t that make a swell pic ture for the newspaper.” And how was worthy of being published? Well, here is your chance to send us just that kind of a picture and to have it printed in the Daily News. But, the picture has to be different It has to have uews value; or a good comedy note; or it may even be an art study or something of wide interest. Now dig out the exceptional picture you took last summer and send it to us, or get your trusty camera and see how good a “Picture Snatcher” you are! Starting tomorrow and for the next six days, the Daily News will print three photographs daily submitted by amateur photographers. However, the subjects or events photographed must be of unusual in CAPTIONLESS PHOTOS CONTEST WILL SELL CAGNEY’S ROLE > Egat bn «Pp Ic T URE SNATCHER” amos Saaney. is a star mewspaper seat But like “most. newspaper photographers he can’t write the story that should go with it. Just give James Cagney the “Picture Snatcher” himself any kind of a camera and a pack of film and he’ll get the picture by hook or crook But someone else will have to write the story. This angle affords a splendid exploitation stunt for “PICTURE SNATCHER,” which can be very effectively tied-up with your local newspaper. Here it is: Get the newspaper to publish a photograph daily without any caption or explanation. Just have it appear with this line:-— PHOTO BY A _ PICTURE SNATCHER — CAN YOU WRITE THE STORY THAT WILL FIT THIS PICTURE? (eeccocomerae creat PLANT POPULAR MAGIC SQUARE Cut No. 80 Cut 15¢e Mat 5e Success which has without fail attended the use of the Magic Square as a newspaper tieup, has Jig-Saw Puzzle From 1-Sheet for Window Guessing Contest Capitalize on the jig-saw puzzle craze by putting the regulation one sheet from “PICTURE SNATCHER” to work for you in dealers’ windows. Mount the one sheet on a piece of compo board and draw heavy lines in jig-saw style on it. The merchant displays the one “HOW MANY PIECES IN An article of merchandise is offered as a prize to persons guessing often have you seen a picture that terest. Photographs that are printed will entitle each sender to 2 complimentary tickets to see James Cagney in “PICTURE SNATCHER” at the Strand Theatre next Friday. beginning Be sure to write your name and address on the reverse side of—the photographs you submit, so that you may receive your reward in the event you are chosen as one of the daily winners. Start this oe off wir a regular. s pict é' he second day “One of the scenes from “PICTURE SNATCHER.” Then follow TURE SNATCHER” alternately with a general news picture until the end of the contest. We suggest you use scene cut No. 7 in this merchandising plan, and stills No. 38 and 39 in this contest. Readers are asked to write the most appropriate heading and a brief news item for each picture. Offer guest tickets for the ten best answers daily. Use of the title in your question as given above will in itself plug the picture, while your theatre and playdates should be mentioned in the publicity offering the guest tickets as prizes. In the story announcing the contest, use the information given in the first paragraph. made us decide to offer it as a regular feature on all pictures. The present magic square, coneeals a sentence descriptive of the hero of the picture. It is “PICTURE SNATCHER THRIVES ON SCANDAL AND SENSATION.” It is solved by beginning with the circled Square, moving one square up or down, right or left, (not diagonally) and ending with the square containing the period. Plant it with your local newspaper by offering ten pairs of guest tickets to the 10 persons first sending in correct solutions. This feature is proving so popular that many of the larger newspapers are using “The Magie Square” in The pieces do not have to be cut out, but the entire display should look as if the puzzle has already been assembled. two columns, by having their art department make their own cut. sheet together with a card reading: THIS JIG SAW PUZZLE?” the. correct number of pieces in the entire puzzle, You can also offer guest tickets as prizes, but the local dealers should give the prizes in return for the display and announcement card which you supply, plus the general idea which is bound to get crowds looking at the window displays. thru spotting a scene from “PIC STRAND s KNOWS WOMEN FROM EVERY ANGLE Advanee Teasers The title “PICTURE SNATCHER” is a very good one for advance teaser advertising and sni This en can be used as an advance stunt and wind up ping. The more you plant the title in the public’s mind, the more interest it will create ye the. picture. Here is some suggested copy: SHOWS YOU PLENTY “PICTURE SNATCHER” COMING STRAND WATCH OUT FOR “PICTURE SNATCHER” COMING STRAND HE’S GOT WHAT “TAKES” THE GIRLS “PICTURE SNATCHER” NO W “PICTURE SNATCHER” NO W STRAND THEATRE Reporter Column, a Natural Tie-Up Besides making an _ interesting topic for general discussion, and earn for your theatre a lot of wordby-mouth advertising, the inquiring reporter idea for “Picture Snatcher” is is_exceptionally appropriate. PR ag your lotal newspaper aircauy is using this daily feature, it will be easy for you to plant this question. However, every newspaper knows the value of such a column and will gladly use one, The cooperating newspaper asSigns a reporter who asks people on the street their opinion of the following question: “SHOULD NEWSPAPER PHOTOGRAPHERS BE PERMITTED AT AN EXECUTION?” The following day the newspaper prints the five best answers, exactly as they were given to the inquiring reporter. If possible use small photos of the people whose opinions are published. These people are presented with guest tickets to see James Cagney in ‘‘PICTURE SNATCHER.” Be sure the introductory paragraph in the Inquiring Reporter Column gives full credit to your theatre, the picture, playdate and announcement about the free tickets that have been awarded to each person whose answer is published. This paragraph should also mention that the question is prompted by an exciting sequence Snatcher.” in “Picture Special Blow-Up Special enlargements of James Cagney are available to: you. Enlarged to regular one sheet size (28x42) and mounted on heavy beaver-board, it can be had in either black-and-white or beautifully colored. Especially priced at $2.00 for black-andwhite; $3.00 for full color, F. O. B. New York. Not carried at Exchange. Order direct from PHOTO-CGLOR STUDIOS, 220 West 42nd Street, New York, N. Y. DOORKNOB HANGER RESEMBLES A CAMERA THE PUNCHIEST ROLE OF HIS CAREER ata ‘PICTURE SNATCHER The doorknob hanger on this picture has been designed along the lines of a box type picture camera. Printed on a good stock it makes a very attractive advertising piece. Use it for house and auto mobile distribution. Price including theatre and playdate imprints as follows: 1M Order. direct from BSS cls seeserestiete $4.25 per M sae $4.00 per M ECONOMY NOVELTY COMPANY 239 West 39th Street, New York City USE “PICTURE SNATCHER” AS CROWD GETTING STUNT Use this idea as a street stunt to arouse interest and firmly plant the title “PICTURE SNATCHER” in the public’s mind. Arrange to have three people work in the following manner. One, a young man who poses aS a newspaper photographer, and carries a regulation graflex or any other type of newspaper camera. The other two people are seen walking together—a middle-aged dignified gentleman, and an attractive aoe lady. The photographer ap Yuus pie these two people and “is about to take a picture of the couple walking arm in arm; the elderly man objects, raises his cane and causes quite a scene, attracting a large crowd, finally shouting at the photographer, “You’re another “Picture Snatcher” aren’t you?” Whereupon the photographer quickly shoots the photograph using a blank. As he shoots, have him drop a sign attached to the camera reading: “Don’t Fail to See JAMES CAGNEY in “PICTURE SNATCHER” His Greatest and Most Exeiting Hit At The STRAND. See es REESE This stunt should be repeated at regular intervals in various parts of the city. It can also be pulled in dance halls, out-door events; or any places where it is easy to attract a crowd in quick time. neonate maemparninrteniy GET CROWD PHOTOS FROM GIANT CAMERA ON TRUCK With a little extra effort this idea can be turned into an _ effective stunt to exploit James Cagney in “PICTURE SNATCHER.” Build a giant camera, or a box arrangement to look like a camera and put it on a truck. Send the cruck thru the streets, visiting all important business sections. schools, ball parks and publie squares. Signs on the truck announce: “IF THE DAILY NEWS PICTURE SNATCHER GETS YOUR PHOTO IT’S WORTH A FREE ‘TICKET TO SEE JAMES CAGNEY IN ‘PIcTURE SNATCHER’ NOW PLAYING STRAND THEATRE.” Watch for your picture in the News—See it in the lobby. of the Strand theatre. Arrange with your local newspaper to assign a photographer to be planted in this giant camera and shoot pictures thru a_ concealed opening in the camera, unknown to the people he is photographing. In order to add to the effectiveness of the stunt have another man posing as a photographer in the act of taking pictures, but faking it—in order to get the attention of the crowds so that the real cameraman can get his pictures. The photos that are taken are to be printed daily in the cooperating newspaper during the run of the picture at your theatre. Prizes to be awarded to the persons encircled on each photo, who properly identify themselves. ———_____, 3 WAY TIE-UP THAT WILL NET YOU FREE ADVERTISING The advertising manager of your local newspaper will want to use this idea in promoting additional advertising for his paper. The newspaper’s staff photographer is sent to various stores to get pictures of one or two people purchasing some article in each store. The photo is then used by the store in an advertisement with this copy: a ce ae eee THE DAILY NEWS PICTURE SNATCHER Made This Picture Of Mr. JOHN JONES Who Purchased One Of Our $15. SPECIAL SPRING SUITS PERRIE & COMPANY “Clothiers to The Well Dressed Man” Any merchant in any line of business will see the value of such an advertisement as it puts the personal touch in his copy. However, be sure to have the merchant secure permission from the individual person photographed, stating the purpose for which the photo will be used; further explaining the presentation of the complimentary tickets to see “PICTURE SNATCHER.” It will mean extra copy for the newspaper and has a strong possibility of pooling a full page advertisement for your theatre. All you ask of the newspaper in return for the idea is a streamer heading the combined advertising, announcing the award of» guest tickets to the persons appearing in the photos used in the advertisements, to see James Cagney in “PICTURE SNATCHER” playing at your theatre. Page Thirteen i