Princess Orourke (Warner Bros.) (1943)

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PICTURE TITLE IS TOPS FOR DEPARTMENT STORE TIE-UP See the display manager of your leading local department store about a series of window displays based on the title of your showing. Here are three suggestions: | WINDOWS DRAMATIZE REAL-LIFE PRINCESSES: Photos of Princesses Elizabeth of Great Britain, Julianna of the Netherlands and Martha of Greece—also O'Rourke of Warner Bros.—are used as atmosphere in windows displaying objects and fashions from these various countries. TEASER FASHION DISPLAY: A beautiful “royal’’ ensemble is displayed as an outfit Fit for a Princess.’ Give it a Cinderella promotion by offering the complete ensemble to the local “princess’’ who meets its measurements (those of Olivia de Havilland). Here they are: Bust 32/2"; Waist 23”; Hips 33"; Sleeve 23”; Skirt 41”; Neck 1342"; Shoe 4/2AAA. STORY PRINCESSES INSPIRE FASHIONS The famous and familiar Princesses of the children’s fables should serve as an inspiration for a display of fashions along “princess-style” lines. Suggest the display in windows of these Aesop Fable books together with stills and posters about the modern-day romantic fable of “Princess O'Rourke and the Pilot.” “PRINCESS” ITEMS: : Another window features “Princess” articles such as “princess-style dress’’—or coat; royalty-titled perfumes and cosmetics; royal blue fashions, etc. Stills from your playdate are included in all displays, of course. INQUIRING REPORTER’ Use the “So You Want to be a Prince’ Display idea suggested on page 9 as the basis of an Inquiring Reporter stunt for newspaper or radio. Idea is to have the Question Man ask men in uniform if they would be willing to marry Princess O’Rourke if they had to comply with the conditions set forth. The answers should be interesting and illuminating, since one condition is that the Princeto-be must give up his American citizenship. Royal Coach for save Gas’ Bally Get a bevy of very pretty girls to ride in royal coach to your theatre on night of opening. Newspaper story and pictures hit the “save gasoline” angle. Current with run continue this street bally with a display placard reading: “We're saving gas—but there’s no ration on laughs at the Strand Theatre ... see Olivia de Havilland and Robert Cummings in ‘Princess O'Rourke’ . . . the happy-go-lovingest love story in years... at the Strand Theatre.” WESTMORE'S BIG NATIONAL CO-OP AD CAMPAIGN The House of Westmore has scheduled an important national fan magazine ad campaign starring Olivia de Havilland in all of the major fan magazines. In addition, numerous newspaper ads will appear in various cities day and date with the picture’s opening. Most local outlets for products of the House of Westmore have display material on hand for co-op windows. Supply them with stills and posters for their windows. Also arrange for distribution through these stores of the teaser throwaway shown on pages 10-11, with co-op merchant copy imprinted on the back. ‘PRINCESS O'ROURKE’ SAYS... Spot a number of teaser cards around your lobby and in windows of cooperating stores based on the line: ‘Princess O'Rourke says...’ Some suggested sayings: “LOVE CONQUERS ALL... but it won't beat the Axis. Keep buying War Bonds and Stamps.” “A STEP IN TIME SAVES LIVES ... It's exactly 40 steps to the nearest War Bond Booth.” “HASTE MAKES WASTE—for the Axis! So hasten right over to the nearest Bond Booth and Buy! Buy! Buy!” Illustrate these cards with star head and scene illustrations from the mats shown in the Publicity Section. Honorable Song Gives You a Hit Music Tie-Up The grand new tune, ‘Honorable Moon,’ was written by Ira Gershwin, Yip Harburg and Arthur Schwartz. The writers turned over the money they received from the sale of the rights to China War Relief. The publishers have prepared this special new sheet music cover crediting the picture and are advising all their dealers to work closely with local theatres on co-op promotions. Start early to get radio breaks on the song and window displays in local music shops. China War Relief is also advising all music stores and radio bands to give this song a big send-off. For lobby or local music windows, the publishers are making available a limited supply of title sheets— FREE! Write for these to CHAPPELL & CoO., INC. Ns JANE,WYWAN eee q RKO Building, Radio City, 3 New York, N. Y.