Purchase Price (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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Build Present and Future Business We strongly urge, in planning your advertising campaign for this picture, that you make use of some of the larger ads incorporated in the ad section of this mer chandising plan. Apart from the fact that BARBARA STANWYCK has a tremendous following and that her box office draw makes her worthy of a smash campaign, we believe increased advertising space a good business policy to follow in selling ‘“‘The Purchase Price” to the public. Not only are you tapping the vast reservoir of Barbara Stanwyck fans, for immediate results, but you are building even greater patronage for all future Stenwyck showings. OPENING DAY SHE LIVED VIOLENTLY! The Screen’s Most Vibrant Star In STANWY “qe PURCHASE PRICE <— fee. settee with GEORGE BRENT ANOTHER AMAZING HIT FROM WARNER BROS! With Hardie Albright, Lyle Talbot, David Landau CAPITOL Mat 15c STARTS TODAY who faught this _ » girl a lesson! Cut No.22 Out 60c GEORGE BRENT Short Biography Suitable for Lobby Blow Up Born in Dublin, Ireland, the son of a : Dublin newspaperman and the descendant | of a long line of Irishmen who served with i the British army—though George, himself, actually served for two years with the re| bellious Irish in their intelligence service under Michael Collins. Attended National University in Dublin, also acting in some of the Abbey Theatre plays. Came to America and has acted in and owned several | stock theatrical companies. Played on the New York stage with Alice Brady in ‘‘Love Honor and Betray,’’ and in pictures Out No.7 has played opposite such stars as Ruth Cut15¢ Mat5e Chatterton and Barbara Stanwyck in ‘‘So Big,’’ ‘‘The Rich Are Always With Us,’’ ‘‘Children of Pleasure,’’ ‘‘The Purchase Price.’’ DAY AFTER OPENING Vibrant, gorgeous Barbara Stanwyck at her flaming best! See her as the night club temptress who BUYS a husband for $100 .... and tries a dar ing love experiment! BARBARA STANWYeK Te PURCHASE PRICE" «t iron — _ ttardie Albright, Lyle Talbot. NOW PLAYING Uut No. 21 Cut40c Mati0c STRAND BARBARA STANWYCK Te PURCHASE PRICE #GEO. BRENT Mat 5c Cut No.27 Cut 20c She lived violently— and Baie ee Now STRAND Now Mat 10c Cut No. 25 Out 40c Page Seven