Rampage (Warner Bros.) (1963)

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wees Fee Cast am | | MONEY-GETTING EXHIBITOR-AIDS ROBERT MITCHUM .......................05. Harry Stanton ELS AMMAR TINEI LUI a. «ter, See. segs sttrtactn «s etesscee Anna PACKAGING co65 os icivvewsre ane Otto Abbot for your 4 & RAM PAG FE 7 7 engagement PAN eg c aun tees hone cvroas Kaeo Tete RS e Lace Gcr es skavenatusasuciue Talib ely Carrio tes nee reese riiateen teeter sestrs Chep e Seer) dikes sae ah Theatre Trailers... bis Stefan Schnabel 624 65. cc ciscsacssfisnnoonsescvas ces Saki Chief a Animals, jungle, danger, love — these are all present in the stirring David uGadiente) -cscccccascacs tas teessesvstissomicsarecetasee Baka “Rampage” trailers Warner Bros. has ready for you. One isa teaser trailer, the other a regular trailer. Together, they can mean business, business, iL aa — business at your boxoffice — if you start using them right away. The “Rampage” trailers are available now from your Warner Bros. Branch office. —__— The Credits a Song: “Rampage’’—Lyrics by Mack David Dyiclx Wea to DINOCLOR: vesesassencessesersenss Richard Talmadge Miss Martinelli’s clothes Makeup Supervisor ............ Gordon Bau, S.M.A. Supervising Hair Stylist .... Jean Burt Reilly, C.H.S. —Music by Elmer Bernstein Assigned. DY —sanpoctesssdsscstcctsyes Oleg Cassini Produced by Talbot Productions, Inc. —— The Billing Warner Bros. 25% Pictures Presents 5% A Seven Arts Production 25% Starring ROBERT 65% MITCHUM 100% ELSA 65% MARTINELLI 100% JACK 65% HAWKINS 100% in “RAMPAGE” 100% with SABU 15% Technicolor® 15% Music by Elmer Bernstein 5% Screenplay by Robert I. Holt and Marguerite Roberts 15% Directed by Phil Karlscn 15% IPitofonbte(=rol ono ere a renee ea William Fadiman PR ; e AS t Directed bir. ..csccscise.sincsssseassccnconsaresousas Phil Karlson e | | oO po § © ete Scrocmpleyilye ..nrcpctsccenshtes ntessesctetae es Robert I. Holt and Marguerite yer Th up rs dj ' h 1 Bad OMG BOVE) DF Siencsecescesssesnanevacsans Alan Caillou e ampage”’ radio spots nave a Director of Photography ....Harold Lipstein, A.S.C. the zing zip and sell you have come to an Director 5. cogent acqrees Harold Blumenthal f W } Pil Edler 2208 TSRRIS FO 225 Gene Milford expect from Warner Bros. materials. Soundtby tae ee SS Stanley Jones Properly — and promptly — used, these Set Decorations st....:2-.c8305,.3 George James Hopkins ; ASSIST DIRCCLOR hcssaceasscxcscsensveaacossssClark Paylow radio spots should pk you get a hand Associate Producer... Thomas D. Tannenbaum some gross for your “Rampage” run. The ProdictoneSupomgsOn » <dsee.ssaoces!mseotes Abe Steinberg spots have a lot of flexibility, too. There INMUSIC Deas iecistarsceis aes ecsestaaaedise-posiss Elmer Bernstein are three 60-second spots; two 20second spots; and one 10-second spot. What’s more, the disc is FREE. Order your “Rampage” ET today from: Thaddeus Suski Productions 165 West 46th Street New York 36, N. Y. Television Spots... The drama, the punch and the scorching triangle love-story of “Rampage” are just the thing to plug on video for extra business. Warner Bros. has prepared a set of two 60-second, three 20-second and one 10-second television spots that will really excite the video audience. Get them today—use them now. For your FREE set of “Rampage” television spots, request immediately from: Campaign Plan Manager Warner Bros. Pictures 666 Fifth Avenue New York 36, N. Y. (Not For Publication) A West German zoo commissions b:g-game trapper Harry Stanton (ROBERT MITCHUM) to capture two tigers and a legendary animal, half-leopard and halftiger, known as “The Enchantress”. Stanton is to be accompanied by Otto Abbot (JACK HAWKINS), a noted big-game hunter familiar with the Malayan jungle where Stanton will operate. Though each man respects the other for achievement, the unbridgeable difference between trapper and hunter becomes evident at their first meeting. The difference is sharpened when Stanton is introduced to a beautiful young woman, Anna (ELSA MARTINELLI), who is Abbot's mistress, for there is an immediate attraction between the two. Anna, slated to go along on the safari, warns Abbot that Stanton may prove significant, but Abbot remains confident of his hold on her. By the time the trio reaches Malaya, Anna feels compelled to explain her relationship with Abbot to Stanton. She secretly visits him in his hotel room to reveal that Abbot did not seduce her but, rather, that she gave herself in gratitude. When Stanton tries to make love to her, she repulses him. In the jungle, the expedition shapes up under the stewardship of Talib (SABU), “head boy” of the trackers and beaters, who is accompanied everywhere by his loyal wife Chep (CELY CARRILLO). With Stanton directing, the first catch of two tigers is successfully made. Abbot, however, causes difficulties with the natives. Stanton, to the growing admiration of Anna, deftly corrects the situation. But matters are again complicated by Abbot, who kills a forbidden type of deer. The trail of “The Enchantress” is now picked up and followed. On the way, Abbot deliberately destroys a rhino, an animal the natives worship as a symbol of virility. The implications are not lost on anyone in the party. Chep, Taiib’s wife, even goes so far as to ask Anna which man she belongs to, Stanton or Abbot. “The Enchantress” is tracked to a mountain cave and Stanton prepares to net her. Abbot ruins the plan by invading the cave “to prove himself” by tackling the cat single-handed. He is barely saved by Stanton. With the necessary animals caught and caged, Stanton, Anna and Abbct return to Germany. On the ship, Anna tearfully informs the unbelieving Abbot that their relationship has come to its end. Then she goes to Stanton to open!y declare her love for him. Revenge now fills the mind of Abbot. He lures Stanton into a baggage-car on a train, uncages “The Enchantress” and leaves Stanton to his supposed death. When, at its destination, the baggage-car is opened, “The Enchantress” leaps out upon the waiting crowd. Panic ensues, and a chase is started for the dangerous animal. “The Enchantress” is cornered on a rooftop. When Stanton and Anna get there, they find Abbot, too, rifle in hand, ready to give Stanton a choice of death by bullet or the claws of the beast. He miscalculates, however. “The Enchantress” hurls herself on him, instead, and destroys him. Anna, whom he had trained in marksmanship, shoots the animal. Now, finally, she and Stanton are free to carry their love forward. Running Time: 98 Minutes PAGE 6