Romance on the High Seas (Warner Bros.) (1948)

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SIX HIT TUNES? Written by Jule Styne and Sammy Cahn ... Sheet Music by Harms, Witmark and Remick. 7 Plugged On The Air and Recorded by Gordon MacRae, Bob Crosby, Andrews Sisters, Margaret Whiting, Jack Smith. a Dick Haymes, Tony Martin, Doris Day, Hoagy Carmichael, King Cole Trio and others! For Decca, Victor, Capitol, Musicraft, Mercury, Columbia, MGM, Majestic . . . with MORE ON THE WAY! '! LK SSS, @ yy THE Tour sT B aa ; CJ ~~ U Promotions! FANS galore (radio and recordings!) want to know about her screen debut! DISC JOCKEYS—Contact them about an “AII-DAY” Program featuring tunes from the film. RADIO CONTEST — Listeners identify Doris Day recordings from a group of un-announced female vocalists. LOBBY — Phonograph plays Doris Day numbers—nearby lobby board features her picture and copy: DORIS DAY FANS Watch this board for BIG news about the GREAT ‘DAY’—-SOON! | (Follow with special announcement of her screen debut in ‘‘Romance on the High Seas’’!) FR Ke y Dy gf Title-Sheets and Hangers are available in limited quantities for “IT’S MAGIC”! Address requests to: Se eet) Vice: Ethel Shapiro, Music Publishers Holding Corp., 1250 Avenue of the Americas, New York 20, N. Y. > p. a H Country of Origin U.S.A. Copyright 1948 Warner Bros. Pictures Distributing Corporation