San Antonio (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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SAN ANTONIO SETS 4 NEW RECORDS! of Texas was read, giving amnesty to all Texas bad men. In addition, an Eastern Airliner took a group of distinguished guests up above the city for a Texas meal, with a special broadcast from the plane. soveeem VSPAPER srrific with of photos phases of is_ well as se and curnding over e. Warners’ world premiere of "San Antonio’ on Thanksgiving Eve shattered all existing records for the Majestic Theatre at San Antonio when it set a new opening day house record, a new record for Thanksgiving Day business, anew record for ANY holiday—and even topped the house's previous all-time high-attendance mark. Illustrated on these pages are the highlights of the premiere campaign which can be adapted, in whole or in part, for exciting and effective local openings. MERCHANTS COOPERATED with record-breaking enthusiasm. Many devoted dozens of windows to displays featuring scenes from the film and tying in special items of merchandise; and entire store fronts were converted into authentic reproductions of stores of the period. Above, models display original Alexis Smith costumes and authentic period gowns supplied by the Witte Museum.