Saratoga Trunk (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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An entertaining Warner Bros. Short Subject makes a good a program even better... your WB booker will be happy to help you... why not talk " | H as White Hat, the Magnificent Gambler to him about INGRID your schedule "SYLVESTER ” SUE TUDEVAVAVAVEVAVEVAVOVUUADUVADOOAVAOANAUUOAVOUOEAOOOOOOOATOUEVATG EGTA EO OOOUOU OOOO UTED ET AUER EEG EEO TEEPE EAPO DAE E EEE , as his Clio " New Orleans SUPATATEVAU EN TADETE EA VADETE ET EATA CATE TATA TEED T ATA UE EEA TA PETE TE AAA AE gb AT STAR-T, meAT ACTION vit | ese SE BE BS Sy wee GARY %, = COOPER INGRID = BERGMAN : Saratoga Trunk’ tS ‘ FLORA pita, Ns HALB.W WALLIS peo. : \ DIRECTED BY \\ c SCREEN PLAY BY CASEY ROBI poe ae THE NOVEL SAM WOOD BY EDNA FERBER + MUSIC BY TEINER TEEMING WITH a STAR-TEAM §& ae coo EXCITEMENT! THE SCREEN THEY WERE — ; as Os Sk oe esate HUMPHREY “; pian LAUREN | BACALL | BE SLEEP 2 @e, 2 i ne ek EE BOTH ARE Haves, A HON HANKS, PRODUCTION WARNER BROS. NSIC BY MAX STEINER bes EEN RE-RELEASES FROM acide ¥ oa Mat 202S—2 Cols. x 11's Inches (312 Lines) “SOT ARE TTARNER BROS. RERELEASES Mat 102S—1 Col. x 734 Inches (107 Lines) Page Thre