Scarlet Pages (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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~*~ Your Kind Of A Picture! The Kind 1nat Sends Your Patrons Out Boosting! OFFICIAL BILLING FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES, INC. we GOES CTE : eS Presents “anothing -_voutdhavel| = “SCARLET PAGES” 4 ss = meant love, With ELSIE FERGUSON MARIAN NIXON, GRANT WITHERS Supporting Cast Includes: John Halliday Helen Ferguson De Witt Jennings Charlotte Walker ~ Wilbur Mack Directed by Ray Enright = -—___ -_ , ELSIE FERGUSON Cut No. 19 Cut 40c, Mat 10c CATCHLINES A-mother’s supreme sacrifice for her daughter! Based on A First National and Vitaphone Production He was forced to prosecute the daughter of the woman the daring From the stage play by Samuel Shipman and John B. Hymer he loved—for murder! stage play Dialogue by Maude Fulton Elsie F ; LE by ‘Sam’l Sercen adaptation: by Walter “Anthony sie Ferguson returns to the screen in her greatest role! Shipman She bared her soul to save her daughter’s life! and 5 John B. . She acknowledged her shame before the world to save Hymer Break Film Custom een daawheer! Make Use Of The The scarlet pages of a woman’s life laid bare to the world! AN AGR AM She admitted killing her father—but wouldn’t tell why! The dramatic pages of a woman’s past—who thought the Service On Page 5 book of life was closed! . She courageously faced disgrace—the bitter criticism of It’s New And Novel! ect: | In Casting For “Scarlet Pages” Elsie Ferguson and Marian Nixon Secure Roles Through Sheer Acting Ability ELSIE FERGUSON (Advance) with Grant Withers Contrary to the popular eee custom of “casting to type,” the Marian Nixon First National and Vitaphone drama C AN A BRO ADW AY “Scarlet Pages” presents two lead Cut No. § Cut 20c, Mat Sc ing actresses in unusual roles, thereby giving them exceptional opportunities for creative work. Elsie Ferguson, who during her A FIRST NATIONAL & pene ee ape oe the screen has found a new stardom on VITAPHONE PICTURE |the New York stage, has hitherto been known as an extremely feminine type. Tall, light and slender, she is a remembered { for Bee Oe xr wictf1 Se ges ach “Nora” in Ibsen’s “The Doll’s House.” In “Scarlet Pages” she plays the part of an efficient, highly successful criminal lawyer, deftly CUTIE GET AWAY WIth ae Ni malt wel iL PATIONAL PICTURES: <a coping with masculine minds in This is pleading her cases before the bar. {ora Tiny Marian Nixon, one of the : screen’s daintiest actresses, also Mason, a @& plays a less sympathetic pee a eee is customary to her, althoug New York through the influence of love the cutie who characters of both women become softened as the drama reaches its put Honclimax. Miss Nixon, known most b lately as the delectable countess in or above “General Crack,” with John Barry : .|more, in the new picture plays a Life, faced the blazing head hardboiled chorus girl on trial for . ... A killer|the murder of her father. lines of scandal The capability with which Miss with the face of an angel and a|Ferguson and Miss Nixon handle their roles evidences a_ versatility heart secret that only her mo-| which is said to open up a wider scope for each in her profession. ther could understand. Her “Scarlet Pages” is now playing at story is written in Life’s blood|the ----... Theatre. and told thrillingly, tensely and daringly in the most sen‘Scarlet Pages”’ sational of all mother love) Marks Return Of oar Elsie Ferguson (Current) Elsie Ferguson makes her return Ito the screen in her first talking tables on the counpicture-role in “Scarlet Pages,” the try’s greatest woFirst National and Vitaphone drama < : z z= d current at the.......... Theatre. WS : = man tawye an sent her kneeling at the feet of Ameri| ca’s most no— torious gun-girl. Which Woman Was to Blame? The mother who forgot her child in a mad dash for fame? Or the daughter who put honor above everything else and defended it with a | blazing gun: Fate turned the A few years ago, Miss Ferguson was one of the leading actresses of ‘silent films. During the past sev‘eral years, she has been a promi_nent footlight star both in New York and other leading theatrical centers. In “Scarlet Pages” Elsie FerguIt startled and Cal Ne 8 son enacts a brilliant woman lawyer thrilled Broadwa ut 60c, who takes the case of a girl charged d y Mat 15c for months. Now it is on the screen— bigger, stronger, tenser than the stage play! with the murder of the man she believes to be her father. One of the most sensational screen trials ELSIE FERGUSON is filmed and recorded in this dra matic story of a woman who sacri GRANT WITHERS and fices her career to save her daugh ter from disgrace. A Superlative Cast Headed by the Celebrated Star of Stage and Screen ELSIE FERGUSON MARIAN NIXON Marian Nixon enacts the girl schiks ae rc ae Mk while the all star cast includes MARIAN NIXON-GRANT WITHERS = oT Siesta Se eae John Halliday, Helen Ferguson, Wilbur NATIONAL and others. Ray Enright directed Mack, Charlotte Walker, DeWitt Jennings & |“Scarlet Pages” which is based on = the eace stage play by Samuel A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE PRODUCTION VITAPHONE PICTURE Shipman and John B. Hymer. Page Three