Shine on Harvest Moon (Warner Bros.) (1944)

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at her g 4. Yes is wh, im : Wa TK CH it Plendig best en, o, * Nterta, it in, me; = THe Is sure at a premium es-siree! Spare time's you've spared to be mighty glad nowadays. SO when an hour for es we want you y Warner Bros. are on an All the Movi you had. That's wh all-out basis On the entertainment front. day every day, all of us who are Warner Bros. riters, directors, technicians —actors, W —have one purpose and one qnuswones eueranse S LIFE AMERICAN PARENTS Pe ERS: PUES LOT FORTIN we | N MAGAZINE HARPERS AMERICAN ony Bertie dhe SION MAGAZINE FO FOREIGN SERI brighten things for any those who have talking picture itself.) We're glad that | chat way introduced the about "Yankee people fee! Doodle Dandy’ — because if they feel that way they feel good,and t Americans are shi hat's the feeling we ooting for.