Show of Shows (Warner Bros.) (1929)

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a yy By No Flight of the SY Imagination Can You Anticipate the Thrill That Awaits You In TY < oF ty ‘ 5! a eS Sa ‘a a 2 ¥ st i Dee B a> NE | ss _—, f 2 as W, , x 3 < a 5 : | ge ; 100 SHOWS IN ONE From the moment the first feature of this “Show of Shows’ flashes on the screen, your senses will reel, and you will be transported into an enchanted realm of the most gorgeous entertainment ever conceived in your most extravagant fancies. From the first scene until the final fadeout you will sit spellbound as John Barrymore, Beatrice Lillie, Irene Bordoni, Frank Fay, Georges Carpentier, Ted Lewis, Alice White, Richard Barthelmess, Dolores Costello, Monte Blue, Nick Lucas, Winnie Lightner and a host of others set forth entertainment that will enchant, inspire and delight. NAT ICTURE IN TECHNICOLOR Associated Artists Productions telephone MUrray Hull 6-2323 345 Madison Avenue, New York 17, N. Y.