Show of Shows (Warner Bros.) (1929)

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HVHLULUAULUAUQUUUEOVUUELUUUGUULULUAUAELOIOUOUSUCUUUUUGUUUNEELUUUUAULUCEUUUU LUGO te = po = = ARMIDA WINNIE LIGHTNER = = JOHNNY ARTHUR BEATRICE LILLIE = = WM. BAKEWELL JACQUELINE LOGAN = = JOHN BARRYMORE MYRNA LOY = = RICHARD BARTHELMESS NICK LUCAS = = NOAH BEERY TULLY MARSHALL = = SALLY BLANE SHIRLEY MASON = = MONTE BLUE OTTO MATIESON = = IRENE BORDONI CARMEL MEYERS = = HOBART BOSWORTH PATSY RUTH MILLER = = ANTHONY BUSHELL BULL MONTANA = = MARION BYRON LEE MORAN = = GE@RGES CARPENTIER CHESTER MORRIS = = ETHLYNE CLAIRE JACK MULHALL = = JIMMIE CLEMMONS EDNA MURPHY = = RUTH CLIFFORD PHILO MCCULLOUGH = = WM. COLLIER, JR. MARIAN NIXON = = BETTY COMPSON WHEELER OAKMAN = = HEINIE CONKLIN MOLLY O’DAY = = CHESTER CONKLIN SALLY O’NEIL = = DOLORES COSTELLO GERTRUDE OLMSTEAD = = HELENE COSTELLO KALLA PASHA = q WM. COURTENAY ANDERS RANDOLF | = ‘ oe miei E. J. RATCLIFFE = = MARCELINE DAY aang o = = SALLY EILERS = = DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. ee = = FRANK FAY SOJIN = = LOUISE FAZENDA BEN TURPIN = = PAULINE GARON ADAMAE VAUGHN = = ALBERT GRAN ALBERTA VAUGHN = = ALEXANDER GREY LOLA VENDRILL = = LLOYD HAMILTON H, B. WARNER = = HARRIET LAKE ALICE WHITE = = LUPINO LANE TED WILLIAMS = = FRANCES LEE LOIS WILSON = = LILA LEE GRANT WITHERS = = TED LEWIS LORETTA YOUNG = EMM UUM UU Myrna Loy, Betty Compson, Richard Barrymore Tragedy Barthelmess, Grant Withers and Superb Thrill in Gay Patsy Ruth Miller. John Adolfi “Show of Shows’’ directed under the supervision of : Darryl F. Zanuck. jake be ek Pao of at Leading Ladies Led ow oO ows arner ros. By Bluebeards super-revue,is the portrayal by John Barrymore of the Duke of Glouces enough leading ladies to fill the ter (later King Richard III) in -a cast sheets of several pictures appear scene from “King Henry VI.” ‘in one special number in “Show E. J. Ratcliffe and Anthony °f Shows,” Warner Brothers super Bushell appear in Barrymore’s suprevue : This group of stellar feminine, er as well as thirty supernumer’. jot is composed of Carmel aries. The scene is in technicolor./\{eyers, Ruth Clifford, Sally Eilers, This bit of tragedy is in high Viola Dana, Shirley Mason, Ethcontrast with the glittering melo-lyne Claire, Francis Lee and ; t f the “Show of Julanne Johnston. chat gees eioe alee : 4 “ Ted Lewis and his’ musical Shows,” which contains scores upon «,KjJowns” are featured in this seores of stars and has over five|sketch while the eelebrated cast also hundred in the ensembles. Among included such screen villains as tho. at mani he wontioned irene Noah Beery, Wheeler Oakman, oer LE eainhorigices iets Tully Marshall, Bull Montana, Bordoni, Beatrice Lillie, Lightner, Georges Winnie|kKalla Pasha, Anders Randolf, Otto Carpentier,|Matieson and Johnny Arthur. : daneing, she asserts, is the best ex “SHOW OF SHOWS,” GLORIOUS MEDLEY OF MELODY AND MIRTH FILMED IN GLOWING NATURAL COLOR “Show of Shows,’ Warner Bros. and Vitaphone super-revue in natural color, is drawing enthusiastic crowds soliloquy from Shakespeare’s “King Henry VI.” Irene Bordoni and Georges Carpentier have separate numbers with large companies—and each give performances which do credit to their Parisian background. Winnie Lightner is there with her antics, and Bull Montana, and many of the younger lights such as Grant Withers, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Myrna Loy, Patsy Ruth Miller, Richard Barthelmess and Nick Lucas. John Adolfi directed the “Show of Shows” and those international geniuses of dance creation and execution, Larry Ceballos and Jack Haskell, directed ‘stage presentations. This glittering and H. B. WARNER HAS UNIQUE ROLE IN melodious picture is the crowning ‘“ py SUCCESS of Warner Bros.—which is SHOW OF SHOWS another way of saying that it is the most spectacular production in the talking sereen world. This extravaganza, the most stupendous yet screened, has _ scores upon scores of the famous stars of stage and screen, many musical and dancing units and people numbering over half a thousand. There is such a variety in the numbers that every moment is filled with laughter and suspense. li. B. Warner appears in Warner Bros. super-revug. Mr. Warner, who is regurded as one of the outstanding screen stars of the period was born in London, England on October 26. His father was Charles Warner, a celebrated actor. After being graduated from a college preparatory school in London, Warner began the study of medicine, and had pursued HOBART BOSWORTH MOCK VILLAIN IN “SHOW OF SHOWS” Ilobart Bosworth, who plays the part of the mock-heroie executioner in the prologue to the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone super-revue, “Show of Shows” ‘porn in Marietta, Ohio in 1867. His education was received in New York and Paris. He was at sea for three years and wag known ss a wrestler and fighter until 1885 when he became a super in the old California Theatre, San Francisco. He was for ten years with the Augustin Daly Co. of New York and London and later was leading man for Julia Marlowe, Mrs. Fiske, Henrietta Crosman anil Red Hair and Green Eyes of Myrna Loy Technicolor Well In the old days of B. V. that is, Before Vitaphone--and before the wonders of technicolor photography it was necessary for screen audiAmelia Bingham. He wrote diences to take for granted the prorected and acted in pictures, bemise of fair words, made by the lips ginning in 1905. Mr. Bosworth for of Miss Loy and to believe or not.a time produced his_own pictures assertions of publicity writers that and later acted and directed for the mysterious lady has hair that is many of the big producers. Among flaming red and eyes of pronounced his pictures are “The Sea Wolf,”, green. Now the time has come “Behind the Door,” “Cup of Life,” or admirers of the fair lady to!“Sea Lion,” “Annie Laurie,” prove the truth of the claims made. “Chinese Parrot,” “Blood Ship,” “My Best Girl,” “Sawdust Para They may see, hear and believe ise," Shen Rania, a tac Marna. “Eo with Nick “King of the Mountains.” The BosLucas, the eae troubadour and ,Worthian sports are painting landa chorus of one hundred dancing Sc@pes and riding. beauties, in a setting of rainbow ~SUUHNHNNNNUUALAEAUUA EAU loveliness—enacts a delicate Chi2 wee nese Fantasy. Military Parade At home Miss Loy is a studious, featuring industrious person who keeps her MONTE BLUE own house and occupies herself with ead new roles and new books. She set out on her life career with the intention of becoming a dancer, for THREE HUNDRED DANCING GIRLS ercise for a woman—but pictures with offered more creative work and less competition—and now the natural color talkies have come along and given the voice and the tints that make up the striking personality of Miss Loy. Pasadena’s American Legion Fife and Drum Corps Staged by Jack Haskell AUHUUUOUUQNONAQONSOQONOONQSQN4QQ44O440040400G08GNEHRHOOEEANEONOREUNGEEAUEOAEAASUONULOAON: