Sit Tight (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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“SIT TIGHT’—A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Production By whirlwind campaign in this instance, we refer to a concentrated drive for a box-office record, bringing into play the augmented advertising mediums you would usually employ, doubled and tripled, together with every other exploitation medium that \structively hook up with these “Sit Tight” is the biggest picturé you have ever played. That is a fact you must sell to your public in the most convincing way you have ever sold anything. BILL LIKE A CIRCUS The posters and other accessories on “Sit Tight” are of strictly big-time calibre, the liberal use of which is bound to accentuate the importance of this wonderful attraction. Beg, borrow or steal every stand location in town. Plaster every available ‘shot? with the smaller posters. Lithograph every empty window. Bill the limit with window cards. Herald the town as it has never been heralded before. SUPPLEMENTARY BILLING Don’t be satisfied in grabbing off every standard poster location. Send out a ‘bucket brigade’ along the highways, the site of buildings under construction and being dismantled, barns, fences and every available spot where a snipe can be posted. For this campaign get out type one and three sheets with copy similar to following: _GOOD LUCK IS HEADED YOUR WAY SIT TIGHT UNTIL WINNIE LIGHTNER and JOE E. BROWN SHAKE YOU LOOSE FROM YOUR LAFFS Get out tack cards with same copy and “hit”? every post, tree and spot available. No matter where a person Novel News paper Contest Here’s a peach of a newspaper con-| test that no livewire newspaper editor will fail to grab. WHO HAS THE WIDEST MOUTH IN TOWN? Can’t you just picture your newspaper full of open mouthed illustrations? This is not only a funny cont‘ut it sells Joe Brown in “Sit as no other contest can. Of _zes in both money and passes for-tne three largest mouths in town. In order to make this contest equal for tall and short people whose facial proportions are in keeping with the rest of their anatomy it might be necessary to judge the mouth’s expansion by the proportion of their face. However, this is only a minor detail that can be worked out with your editor. The main idea is what you have to sell and you will find this contest an easy selling proposition. with WINNIE LIGHTNER JOE E. BROWN Cut No. 18 Cut 20c Mat sc 14 Lines WHIRLWIND CAMPAIGN turns let your “Sit Tight” message meet his gaze. PLACE CARD This unit in itself establishes class. Deliver generous supplies of neatly executed place-cards bearing copy suggested here, to managers of principal hotels, and headwaiters of your leading restaurants and _ cabarets. These should be welcomed on account of the gesture of friendliness these cards embody for their guests and patrons. for the cooperating parties are in order and arrange that in the case of hotels, these cards are placed in each mail box or under the glass top of desk in rooms and in restaurants at the plate of each patron. Here is your copy: WE LIKE TO FEEL THAT YOU ARE OUR HONORED GUEST, BECAUSE YOU ENJOY THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE. APPRECIATE OUR EFFORTS TO PLEASE AND OUR PERSONAL PLEASURE IN MAKING YOU WELCOME. MIGHT WE SUGGEST FOR YOUR FURTHER ENJOYMENT, THE WITNESSING OF THAT HIGHLY RECOMMENDED LAUGH LOOSENER “SIT TIGHT”—CO-STARRING WINNIE LIGHTNER AND JOE E. BROWN AT THE STRAND THEATRE. THE MANAGEMENT. With a slight alteration of copy, these cards are ideal for taxis and bus lines, also as counter cards in leading stores and smart shops. PAPER BAGS An additional angle is furnished here, namely supplying one or more grocers with a few thousand standard sized paper-bags carrying the following imprint: THANK YOU. CALL AGAIN. IN FURTHER APPRECIATION MIGHT WE MAKE A SUGGESTION THAT WILL MAKE YOUR SHOPPING EXPEDITION ALL THE MORE PROFITABLE. BY ALL MEANS SEE WINNIE LIGHTNER AND JOE E. BROWN IN ‘SLR LG AT tHe STRAND. The usual complimentaries They Tell Me Pm HARDBOILED! If I am, ‘‘Sit Tight’’ is certainly the greatest softener I’ve ever seen. I had to look away from the screen during the showing of ‘‘Sit Tight’’ in the projection room to give my stomach muscles a rest. How I laughed! How the rest of the gang laughed. For the love of Mike, Mr. Showman, get out the old pep, dust off the superlatives and sell “Sit Tight’’ to the limit. You can’t go wrong! —Press Sheet Editor. OFFICIAL BILLING Warner Bros. Present______.______ : ‘SIT TIGHT" Se aie ae a 100% WINNIE LIGHTNER “OE BROWN. 75% Claudia Dell 50% Paul Gregory. 50% EG 1 ode 50% Hobart Bosworth. 20% Penk Haney 2 20% Grits Pwerde je 20% Fedware Georgé 2 20%. Screen story and adaptation by Rex Taylor___....__...___-------------3% Screen dialogue by William K. Wells ._--_--.-----.------------------------------2% Directed by Lloyd Bacon __-----__--_20% A Warner Bros. & Vitaphone Production... 10 % Pole Sitting Stunt A very pat idea for exploitation of the title “SIT TIGHT” would be to employ a pele sitter to sit on the flag pole of your theatre or other vantage point, during the run of the picture. This stunt would draw big crowds and create a lot of interest. The pole sitter may be advertised as climbing the pole and sitting on it at certain hours. He can throw down throwaways—certain ones of which are advertised to bear a lucky number, entitling the finder to a ticket to the picture. Amateur Wrestling Arrange for an amateur wrestling match for the prologue. Or let an expert at punching-bag manipulation do his stuff before the showing of the picture. Display in your lobby all sorts of athletic paraphernalia which may be had from local store for mention on ecards. Also use enlarged pictures of Brown and Lightner. Making Your Own Ads If you make your own ads a good aid is to be had in the photograph shown on another page of this press sheet—showing a caricature in wash drawing of Winnie Lightner and Joe E. Brown. This very effective drawing may be used in many ways in your ads. It is available at your local Warner Bros. exchange. It is ineluded in the press stills. Marquee Faces Have your card painter make a dozen or more large laughing faces of men, women and children—and the laughing face of a dog. Place them around the outside of the marquee with the words “EVEN THE LITTLE DOG LAUGHED AT WINNIE AND JOE IN ‘SIT TIGHT.’” The all-talking trailer on “Sit Tight” is one of the most effective that you have had to sell any of your engagements. It is full of typical Lightner pep and Joe Brown nonsense. But best of all, it leaves a lasting impression—a desire to -see the kind of fun the trailer gives a taste of. It sells! Get it on your screen! Stop in at your local Warner Brothers exchange and ask to see the trailer. And look over the trailers we have for forthcoming pictures. Make trailers a habit. It’s a good one to cultivate. STARS in one big hit !— Twice the fun of “Life Of The Party.”’ Twice the laughs of “Going Wild.” Ten times as good as the best time you’ve ever had! SIT TIGH WINNIE LIGHTNER The life of any party Begins Today Claudia Dell Paul Gregory Lotti Loder Hobart Bosworth Cut No.1 Cut 6oc Mat rsc JOE E. BROWN funniest man on the screen Begins Today 294 Lines