Skin Deep (Warner Bros.) (1929)

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ba MONTE. BLUE in “SKIN DEEP” with DAVEY LEE and BETTY COMPSON—A Warner Bros. All-Talking Vitaphone Picture 7 FEATURES AND REVIEWS MUCH UNDERWORLD LINGO HEARD IN: TALKING “SKIN DEEP” The variations of language have been a constant source of interest to students and there is a wide field for study in usage and accent. In China, for instance, almost every district has so distinct a lan iy that each requires a separate sta y.In the British Isles there is a wide difference in dialects. The broad Laneashire and Welsh accents vary greatly from that of England. In Harris and Lewis, an Island west of Scotland, and Englishman has to have an interpreter in the interior of the Island and the dialect BEAUTY MORE THAN “SKIN DEEP,” SAYS MONTE BLUE AIDE Just how important is a woman’s face either in the business world or in the home? Why, “A woman’s face is her fortune at all times!” says Betty -Compson who plays a featured role in support of Monte Blue in “Skin Deep” Warner Bros. all-talking Vitaphone picture at the Theatre. “What business man wants a homely secretary around his office? What husband wants to come home to a wife who would stop a clock? His wife must be as charming and pretty as the girls he meets in business. Of course, there are those frumpy old sayings about love being blind and about none being so blind as those who will not see, but, by and large, prettiness does count and is an important factor, whether it be in gangdom suchas we show in ‘Skin Deep’ or in the highest sort of society... Beauty is woman’s best weapon,” -coneluded Miss Compson definitely. now of the Shetlanders, a mixture of Seotch and Scandinavian, is also difficult to understand. The idiom of the crook is no less involved. While there are terms found generally throughout the English speaking world, each section has certain usages only found locally. In preparing for his role in “Skin Deep,” Warner Bros. all-talking Vitaphone production—now at the MORELOS a ere Monte Blue made a close study of erook dialects and their pronunciation so that he might, in speaking, not only use the words correctly, but have the exact pronunciation. The perfection he achieved is one of the amazing features of “Skin Deep.” few of the terms most generally used in the underworld: ‘lip?’ means attorney; ‘big is the penitentiary ‘rod’ is a gun; ‘moll’ a girl; ‘ice’ means diamonds; ‘hot’? is used to denote stolen goods; ‘rap’ means a ‘pinch’ or arrest; ‘top’ is to hang and ‘fry’ to electrocute; a ‘grand’ is $1000; ‘harness bull’ is a policeman; ‘dick’ isa plainclothesman, while a ‘pointed toe dick’ is a smart detective; a ‘D. A,’ is a district attorney. A colorful and thrilling tale of the underworld, “Skin Deep” presents the human side of crookdom and many expressions of gangland are heard on the screen. Betty Compson and Alice Day have the only two feminine roles in support of Monte Blue while the cast To mention a house’ also in cludes John Davidson, Davey Lee, John Bowers, Georgie Stone, Tully Marshall, Robert Perry, and others. Ray Enright was the director of “Skin Deep” which was adapted by Gordon Rigby from “Lucky Damage,” a magazine story by Mark Edmund Jones. RAY ENRIGHT DIRECTS BLUE IN TALKING “SKIN DEEP”’ directed latest Warner Vitaphone pic who the talking Ray “Skin Bros, all ture starring Monte Blue, now at the Theatre, UEUAAGUEONEUUNELOOEOUUUOUNUUAAELONSTUECUOUCUORUCTEOEDUSURROEASCUUTEDOOC OREO UCLA EET ETT PMU = | MONTE BLUE in “SKIN DEEP” Enright, Deep,” 2 u \r They say, best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most, become much more the better for being a little bad. — SHAKESPEARE “Measure for Measure” id 2 MT = AUMEAUENEOHOEDHOSDEDAEAAUHEESERAUEOERUASSOOD DUADUAOROUOOETERDONAEDDOEUOUEBEOOECOCEOOOUNODEONDOOOOGUEOORUSENEROPBINES was born in Anderson, Indiana. He was educated in Los Angeles and worked for a the His picture while on “Times.” first work was as cutter, on the earlier Chaplin pictures. He was with Mack ~— Ray aright Sennett for seven years, Stock S-117 . . ‘ Cut or Mat Whe Ps in ad Order Separately dition as “gag man” and became editor-in-chief of all comedies. Mr. Enright served with the A. EK. F. in France did editorial work and on his return for Inee, later coming to Warner Bros. as cutter. He was chosen to direct Rin-Tin“Tracked by the Police.” His signal success in that picture obtained for him the direction of “Jaws of Steel,’ and the handling of the megaphone for the under: world melodrama, “The Girl from Chicago,” with Conrad Nagel and Myrna Loy. His next picture was “Domestic -Troubles.” This was followed by “The Little Wildeat,” “Land of the Silver Hox” “Stolen Kisses” and “Kid. Gloves.” Tin in | SADIE BIDS JOE GOOD BYE Scene from’ Skin Deep’ starring Monte Blue -$ Warner Bros. Production Production No. 12——Cut or Mat MONTE BLUE WINS HIGH PRAISE IN ALL-TALKING GANG PLAY ere attentions THEATRE—Warner Bros. present Monte Blue in “Skin Deep,” and all-talking Vitaphone picture of the underworld. Founded on the magazine story “(Lucky Damage’”’ by Mark Edmund Jones. Adapted for the screen by Gordon Rigby. Directed by Ray Enright. THE CAST JOE: DALE Y2o Se) es ie eee District Attorney Carlson’s son. SaditesRocers. 2) a Elsa Langdon________-------Rice eed! & Blackie: Culver6 ee stiles ate ee eee MONTE BLUE bit eet Be. xa. Sint Davey Lee Lo eee Pann x Betty Compson ere cia Toes Alice Day EEA Aree Or eee ares John Davidson (bee Fee Wig a Bee John Bowers gS apis Sele i en! Georgie Stone Sole Rattan a oe ae Pa ae Tully Marshall FE ees er ROE ee A RED Robert Perry Once more Monte Blue may have been said to have gone into the rough. Not so long ago he appeared in the unusual form of a disheveled and fighting Marine, now he descends to the level of the city slum, and shows what he can do with a distinct and contrasting type of character and acquits himself nobly in the effort. Warner Bros. presented Mr. Blue in “Skin Deep” at the Theatre last night. It is an all-talking Vitaphone picture and, judging by the audience, it is a type of play which finds a large and enthusiastic public. Mark Edmund Jones is an established teller of tales, his stories appearing in many notable publications. “Skin Deep” is founded on a story which was printed under the title “Lucky Damage” and Gordon Rigby has adapted it to the sereen so that the original values of the story are all retained. In this story there is an unusual twist. To be sure it deals with gangland, but the gangsters are made human and not merely puppets. They really live. Joe Daley is the leader of a downtown gang and his chief enemy is Blaekie Culver who controls the uptown district and is a Beau Brummel. They are both in love with Sadie Rogers. Now Sadie has lived her life in the cabarets and is all for ‘Sadié, so, deciding that Joe is the best catch. after playing with both the men she marries Joe. This makes Joe so happy that he determines to reform. Sadie does not care for this and causes his arrest and conviction then takes up with Blackie. She visits her husband in prison and convinces him that the District Attorney has put him away, and aids him to escape to wreak his revenge. Joe gets out but is hurt in an accident, put in a hospital and has his face remade. He falls in love with the daughter of the Doctor but seeks his revenge when well. A stirring scene is had with the District Attorney and his child, the Police come and Joe, convinced of the duplicity of Sadie turns in the gang. During the fight Sadie is killed and Joe goes on his way with his dog to find Elsa. Ray Enright has made a good job: of the direction and every member of the cast from Monte Blue down give spirited and intelligent performances. BLUE ACCLAIMED IN “SKIN DEEP,” BIG GANGLAND TALKIE Warner Bros. Present Monte Blue in “Skin Deep,” from the Magazine story by Mark Edmund Jones, adapted for the screen by Gordon Rigby, Directed by Ray Enright. The cast includes Monte Blue, Davey Lee, Betty Compson, Alice Day, John Davidson, John Bowers, Georgie Stone, Tully Marshall, Robert Perry. An all talking Vitaphone Picture. Lee aE tego Theatre — For any theatre patron who seeks exciting entertainment—and who does not seek it—there is a great Creatine store sate thea t) 2. ees Theatre where Warner Bros. last night presented Monte Blue in “Skin Deep.” From the Mark Ed mund Jones story Gordon Rigby Jhas developed an enthralling enter tainment and the director, Ray Enright, has caught the sinister mood of the story. The story concerns a certain crowd of underworld characters, but they are given a distinctly new slant. The human equation enters into this story as it has entered into none others we remember having seen. Monte Blue plays the leader of a gang of crooks with all that deft artistry which has made him _ so popular. He shows the heart of the erook as effectively as though he were not outside the law. The girl he marries conspires to have him sent to prison and then seeks to induce him to commit murder to have him out of the way. The manner in which she is thwarted, and the good impulses of the crook win out, are interesting phases of the thrilling story. Warner Bros. has_ surrounded Monte Blue with an excellent cast. The fact that this is an all-talking film makes. the selection of the players more important.. The cast includes adorable Davey Lee, Betty Compson, John Davidson, Alice Day, John Bowers, Georgie Stone, Tully Marshall and Robert © Perry—all names that insure clever characterization. “Skin Deep”: is the ‘type. of drama which entertains. every type of playgoer. oO. ytis BLUE’S TALKIE : aes HITS CROWD “Skin Deep,” Warner Bros. alltalking Vitaphone picture starring Monte Blue was heartily applauded last night at the Theatre. Monte Blue assumes an entirely new character—the dual role of a gangster, before and after suffering has remade him. He succeeds in making the audience understand and sympathize with the character. The direction of Ray Enright ‘is superb and Mr. Blue is supported by a company which adds to the dramatie appeal. First of all there is the inimitable baby star Davey Lee, Betty Compson, John Davidson, Alice Day, John Bowers, Georgie Stone, Tully Marshall, Robert Perry and many others. “Skin Deep” as a talking picture is as nearly perfect as any seen to date—as a human document, splendidly played, it is without a superior. Blue has never been quite so effeetive as in the unique dual role of Joe Daley.