Stage Struck (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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EXPLOITATION STAGE AMATEUR CONTEST ae. ea Pa eo ia | SB, & Amateur contests still have a spot in hearts of entertainment-followers and you might run one on your stage for stage struck youngsters. Stunt can be worked into big affair if you hop around getting merchants and newspaper to co-op with you on prizes and publicity. It's natural to let ams pick their own numbers but you might induce a couple to sing songs from film. If not, yon can plant a singer or two to plug 'em. Don't forget that when your M. C. introduces these plants to mention that they are going to render songs trom pic which open............. next. ORKS PLAY KNOCK-KNOCK And then there's the latest musical craze —''Knock-Knock"'. Most likely some of local broadcasting orks are playing it with each tooter knocking out a pun. Here are several playing with film's stars and title that might be used by band stuck for new ones. You know how it goes ... first person says knock-knock. Other asks who's there. First mentions name like Dick, for instance. Second asks—Dick who. And then the knocker replies with gag — Digga digga do, digga do do. (Not good, but not bad.) Get it,. Above example can be used for first part of Dick Powell's name. Other part—Powell (pal) of my cradle days. The rest are: Stage—Stage (stay) as sweet as you are; Struck — Everybody started Struck-in’ (Truckin'); Joan—Joan (down) by the old mill ‘stream; Blondell — Any Blondel (blond'll) do in a pinch; Frank—Franks (thanks) a million; McHugh (if you) were the only girl in the world; Warren—Werren (weren't) you there, Honey; William —Wiilliam (will you) come up and see me sometime; Carol—Let me Carol (call) you sweetheart; Hughes (youse)is a viper. That's all it is and you should be able to get lots of fun out of it as well as pluas. Keep in mind that when orks play it, they mention that names and puns are taxen from pic. NOW YOU CAN SWING IT... ORIGINAL LYRIC CONTEST By this time you're probably familiar with the Yacht Club Boys’ style of singing and you know that theme of their numbers range from politics to pins. It goes without staying that the lyrics are racy, funny and often spicy (if you know what we mean). Try to line up a couple of their recordings and play ‘em in your lobby spotting placard asking patrons to write additional verses. Best ten nab ducs. And if they're plugged enough, you might use ‘em for your singing program. If local paper ties-in with you, stunt might be good for break with possibility of winning verses printed. _ EASY PHONOGRAPH STUNT We don't have to tell you of the showstealing propensities of the Yacht Club Boys when they go through their extrafunny routines, ‘cause you probably know what they did in ''The Singing Kid'' and "Thanks A Million". At any rate they're knock-outs and you'll want to capitalize on their popularity. Play their records out front, on float and possibly tab local radio station to devote period to their recordings. If this last works, announcer might mention that quartet is playing in film at your theatre. If nixed, spot your announcement after program. HAVE "COMMUNITY SING" 'IN YOUR OWN QUIET WAY‘ otc As, ALL TOGETHER NOW The latest radio craze which promises to even out-do the amateur contest is the new-fangled idea of ‘Community Sings’. It's an affair where a large crowd gets together and sing just for the love of singing. And they're not professionals, either. Best effects are gotten through broadcasting and this is your tip to contact station officials about using your theatre tor the ''sing''. And instead of distributing song sheets, all you do is flash numbers on screen via slides with organ accomp. Your plug comes in with numbers from pic and also by announcer who plugs show between tunes. PLUG SONGS' RECORDING « re 7 Xie It's a sate bet to say that songs from past Warner musicals have been in "'big-hit'' class by reason of their catchy lyrics and tinkling rhythms. Which is your cue to attach your P. A. system to phonograph and let those past recordings blare out so passing crowds get an earful. Where could you get 'em? Local music shop should be willing to string along on this. Of course, main objective is to plug songs from this pic. And if you can swing it .. . suggest to local broadcasters that they devote period of fifteen minutes or half hour playing well-known songs from past Warner musical hits, as well as this one. Some will be new to air audience. HIT SONG AS CO-OP LINE Title of one of film's song hits ''In Your Own Quiet Way" lends itself easily for co-op ads with mechanical contraptions like electric refrigerators, automobiles, washing machines, etc. Hop down to dealers that handle these products and see how they feel about the line. Star stills can be used as part of ad's illustration. If they won't stand cost of newspaper space, window display will do just as well—so long as it plugs. RECORDS BY TOP BANDS All top name-bands have made recordings of film's song numbers, which guarantees different styles of orchestrations. They are done in swing, waltz, fox-trot, etc. Music store might co-op with you by lending stack of these records which you can play over P. A. system out front, on float and even possibly over air if station O. K.'s. On this last angle records are played without naming band and listeners are asked to guess orks according to styles of arrangements. Dance hounds should be able to identify 'em but keep the count down by handing ducats to first ten guessers. ‘cause the hit tunes from Warner pictures are back on the air and going stronger than ever. So step around to your radio station and music dealers and see that they go places plugging the two song hits from this film. All the dope on the music is included on the back cover of this book. Turn to it at once—get set on your accessories . .. and when you get your music campaign planned .. . be sure you put on the steam and SWING IT! Page Nine