Stage Struck (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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EXPLOITATION 6 DAY OPPORTUNITY CONTES Here's a three-way contest that should appeal to every fan with talent—and most of them have it, or think they do. It's something editors may go for because it should sell papers and build good will. Here's how it works. Have newspaper play up the talent opportunity contest and tie up with the local radio station if possible. Editor publishes coupon and you arrange a special private audition for all fans who submit coupon and photograph. Pick ten candidates te appear on your stage or over the radio or both and let the audience select the prize winners. Or you may have a number of qualifying tests. Offer ducats as additional prizes. Some theatres may want to give a limited engagement to the best one or two performers. Photographs can be published by paper and used in lobby frame in the theatre. Merchants may co-operate in prizes. This contest is flexible—it's up to you exhibitors to make it as big or as small as you wish. It can be used for a couple of days or a week. Why not take it up with your editor and see how it appeals to him. Complete set of half column mats for contest may also be used for general publicity. For complete set Order Mat No. 403—40c (Lead Off Publicity) WantTo Act? You May Find Chance In NEWS Contest Do you feel that if you really had the chance, you could make good on the screen or on the stage or over the air? If you think you have real talent, you'll get your oportunity through, THE ccicocpsecnenses (name of newspaper) which tomorrow begins a new and unique opportunity contest for its readers. Talent scouts for the movies, for the stage and for the radio are constantly seeking really accomplished performers, even though these companies pay scant attention to applicants who try to break into the profession of entertaining by besieging the offices of producers. The best chance for talented performers is to have their abilities called to the attention of the proper people by those in whose judgment they have confidence. That’s the reason this newspaper has inaugurated its opportunity contest. If you have real talent, get the slgaaiasienpeenatas (newspaper) tomorrow and fill out the coupon you'll find. Send it, together with your photograph to the Stage Struck Contest Editor of the paper. An audition will be arranged for you at ET NCGaariccatestsvtcsateeaneer Theatre, and the more talented contestants will be given a chance to go on the air Over Station........0..00 (identify). The ten contestants who show the most promise will receive valuable awards and they will be called to the attention of producers who are co-operating in this quest for new screen, stage and radio personalities. Remember, no newspaper or theatre manager can promise any contestant a job in a Broadway production or in Hollywood. Nothing like that is implied. But what the manager Of the........-+0+ Theatre can and will do, is to submit the names, photographs and a record of the ability of the best entertainers uncovered in this contest to those engaged in seeking new talent. In brief, he can present you and thus give you the opportunity for which you have been seeking. Even if it does not bring you personal contact with talent scouts, there are still many prizes all worth striving for. And if you have the talent you'll get your chance to prove it. Besides this, everyone should have a lot of fun. And here’s something else—25 contestants chosen for ability by the judges will each receive two free tickets to the............. Theatre to see Dick Powell, Joan Blondell, Warren William, Frank McHugh, ‘the Yacht Club Boys and hundreds of others in the new First National picture, “Stage Struck”, which opens at the... Theatre Now put in your order for toMOTTOW’S...scecesenee (newspaper) and get your coupon in early. Page Ten (First Day Story) Stage Struck? ... Here’s A Chance For Your Talents (Name of Paper)—(Name of Theatre) (Or Radio Station) Offers Opportunity To Clever (Citizens) They say that old man opportunity knocks but once upon any one’s door . . . that may or may not be so, but we do know that the old fellow is making a terrific noise right now . . . pounding on the portals of every reader of this paper. How often have you visited the................ (NAME OF THEATRE) and watched the famous Warner Bros.’ stars upon the screen, wishing that you might have an opportunity to show that you, too, have talent? ... How often have friends told you that you should become a professional entertainer, whether it be on the stage, radio or screen? Well! Here is your big opportunity to show what you can do. Through arrangement with the Staion (NAME OF THEATRE) an sseicisnvisiin (NAME OF RADIO STATION IF ANY IN CITY). Stes han (NAME OF PAPER) today introduces a “STAGE STRUCK” CONTEST as a salute to the new First National picture, “Stage Struck”, which stars Dick Powell, Joan Blondell, Warren William, Frank McHugh, The Yacht Club Boys and a tremendous cast, which COMES: TO EC sisecccsccaseacocnsssceres Theatre Starting today and continuing for six days thumbnail sketches of the careers of the various stars of “Stage Struck” will be published to show you that they, too, became “Stage Struck” and harkened to the call of Opportunity. You can do the same. If you have talent, just read the rules of the contest. > Then fill in the coupon and comply with the few simple regulations and requirements. We will see that you get the opportunity for which you have wished so long. Under, stand, this is NOT an Amateur Contest in any sense of the word. There will be no gong or any other similar humiliating appliances used. Everyone will be given a private audition and those who qualify will be afforded an opportunity to appear before the public. Valuable awards will be given the winners: LIST PRIZES and in addition .. . Manager.......... Of TRE. ackscseovense Theatre, has promised to pass on the names of those who show exceptional talent, to men and women interested in discovering new talent. And here’s something else. The 25 contestants who, in the opinion of the judges, make the best showing in the private auditions, will each receive two free tickets to the Spee Beara ee Theatre to see “Stage Struck”. (First Day Sketch) Dick Powell Was Stage Struck And Made It Pay No one ever had less chance to become a screen and radio star than Dick Powell, the young Warner Bros. star who heads the cast of “Stage Struck”, the new First National picture coming to the dacecstsistanas TheALTE OM...cceseoeees He was raised in Arkansas, which is, in sympathy, a million miles from Broadway or Hollywood. But he had the ability and he made his own opportunity. Read his story and then see if you, too, can’t help yourself to a slice of fame and fortune by participating in the.......... (newspaper) big OPPORTUNITY CONTEST for readers with talent. When Dick Powell was six years old he was taught his first song by an old railroad engineer. It was “Casey Jones”. Remember Dick lived out in the country and had to ride to school on the back of a horse behind his older brother. But he managed to get through High School and one year in Little Rock College, by working at all kinds of odd jobs from fixing telephones to “jerking sodas” and clerking in a grocery store. He organized his own orchestra and played and sang for dances, funerals, weddings and in church choirs. His career really began when a travelling orchestra hired him as a singing and playing member. Then came engagements at hotels and finally a call to Pittsburgh, where for three and onehalf years he was master of ceremonies at a big motion picture theatre. There he was discovered by a Warner Bros.’ talent scout, and put on the way to stardom. Right now he’s one of the nation’s most popular stars on the screen and radio with a fan mail that is in excess of 8,000 letters a week. He made the grade, but he'd have made it easier if he had the kind of a chance offered talented qinideks (newspaper) readers who fill out the OPPORTUNITY CONTEST coupon and make good. (RUN THIS COUPON DAILY) If You Are Stage Struck Fill Out This Coupon STAGE STRUCK OPPORTUNITY EDITOR (newspaper) I want a chance to prove my ability as an entertainer for INDICATE WHETHER STAGE, SCREEN OR RADIO I am enclosing my photograph, which I understand will not be returned. years old and have had ( ) professional ex perience. You are at liberty to publish or display my picture in any way you see fit, and I agree to abide by all rules of the Contract. My tele PU OVIG SAUTE Y SS aopas kd cansea cesticcessanctacsoen Prrrrrrrrrrtriirreerriie ete If a minor, the following must be signed by parent or guardians. Mr. Mrs. Miss I have given the applicant PARENT OR GUARDIAN These rules should be run daily RULES OF CONTEST Everyone is eligible to enter this OPPORTUNITY CON TEST except employees of the Theatre, Radio Station of their families. (newspaper) the and members No candidate will receive an audition unless he or she sends the coupon and photograph to the Stage Struck Contest Editor of the (newspaper) before The judges selected will be in charge of the auditions, their verdict will be final and the (newspaper) will not enter into a discussion regarding them. PRIZES Add list of prizes ete. (2nd Day Sketch) Stage Struck Jeanne Madden Plays Lead In First Film Too many real artists live forever unrecognized because of lack of opportunity to show what they can do. Many a new name would have been added to the list of the famous had such an opportunity been present ( newspaper ) now offers its readers. Just think. All a talented singer, actor or musician need do is fill in the coupon printed here and send it, with his or her photograph to the Contest Editor of this newspaper. And if the talent is there and is shown at the private audition to be arranged, the contestant will get a chance to be heard in public over station............00 and on the stage of the.............. Theatre. Besides that there is the chance to win one of the ten awards of merit ADA MEONR RCE S ..cKeicot-cid-o (name) OE ANG. a ciccacy cs Theatre has promised to call the attention of talent scouts to:some of the more promising. Then too, 50 free tickets to see “Stage Struck”, the new film in which Dick Powell, Joan Blondell, Warren William, the Yacht Club Boys and Jeanne Madden will apWC Ade SAU SRE Crrrescces casreatesesventtsce Theatre eae ee ee , will go to the 25 first contestants. Incidentally, Jeanne Madden is making her film debut as Dick Powell’s sweetheart in this film. Jeanne is only 18 years old and ‘graduated from High School at Scranton, Penna., last year. She had a glorious singing voice, so her parents obtained an audition for her by executives of the Metropolitan Opera Company. They gave her a contract and sent her to the famous prima donna, Queena Mario for further teaching. She was called to the attention of Warner Bros.’ talent scouts and now she has a leading role in her first picture. Others can do the same.