Star Witness (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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ae ee Y. CAMPAIGN OTE OOOO oS An Open Letter to the People of New York! — I came to this city at least seventy-five years before the oldest inhabitant — or so it seems to me. [I’m probably the oldest man alive. I knew Lincoln — Grant — and the others. I fought at Bull Run—Chickamauga! I can prove it by the cannon ball in my leg. And now a lot of these young, yellow bellied, white livered skunks are threatening my life if | tell what I saw that night. Well I didn’t follow Grant for nothin’! I didn’t see your forefathers and their brothers go down before battlefire to save this country for a lot of gangsters — racketeers —leeches. No Sir! Threaten me! To hell with them! I saw who fired that gun. | see him now as I saw him then. Pll talk! VIl tell! I'll offer my life again, if necessary to keep America safe for my grandchildren and their children’s children. MONDAY NIGHT, AUGUST 3rd I’LL TELL THE WHOLE INSIDE STORY AT THE WINTER GARDEN B’way at 50th St. 7:45 P.M. THE STAR WITNESS Cut 60c, Mat 15c Cut No. 30 ¥ Second of the series of type ads. WHANG ® It had people standing in groups on the streets discussing the most widely-heralded motion pictures in a decade ! Who couldn’t love this child? thing in order to save his life? RIGHT UP THE ALLEY of people who like their movies with great personalities that caused all critics and all who have ‘seen it to hail... $TAR WITNESS g with | WALTER | HUSTON “The a tear | 2 pean) wane as the year’s greatest and most Chic Sale timely dramatic sensation! .. . Se Another Warner B’way & & Bros. & Vita phone Hitl 50th St. & coo. WINTER GARDEN Ooops etnaeneete eerste anata ecard altaiaeceectecaeeeeaceaeeateaeanaseyev setter onteseeteteteetceireeneereseleaeeetetes tenes eterna eee ‘It might have happenea | to YOU! “YOU might have been sitting at your dinner table... ~ «laughing. .< wholesome family life... YOUR wife... YOUR children around you... and because something dreadful occurred outside YOUR window ... and you wanted to see what was going on... “YOUR whole family doomed — because they had dared look, and listen!“ ‘tre STAR WITNESS A Warner Bros. & Vitaphone Dramatic Thunderbolt ! with WALTER HUSTON : FRANCES STARR: CHIC SALE u c a c Right up the right 7? wow ! alley! Walter Huston talking right from the shoulder to every citizen that has ever heard about organized crime ! “I’m a mother with four of the sweetest child_ Frenintheworld!” @ “Last night at dinner i ...we heard shots... rushed to the window ...saw a man kill two fleeing men. “And because we can = identify him, they’re = after us!” It’s drama! Real drama! Drama that will burn” * itself into your heart! Hailed by every critic as the season’s greatest entertainment! = 9 cteSTAR WITNESS | WALTER HUSTON : FRANCES STARR : CHIC SALE “GRIPPING ... THRILLING .. . POWERFUL!”—American att WINTER GARDEN 3st COOL 50th St. Sanat a ere neneecinetenatetannceteeteteara sa tatatteratl seteetathiasteieieceinereeraseistaeteetateetaiel states aieteateir' aie etsseltaie'wststeaty etetateftatoteeta’ tats’ sistetetcteitatetsunatesseeremangecanatiri eit in eac nae esac acereeenaa =e Cut No. 32 SMASH!" "=e: * angle! This one gets over the tremendous femin ine appeal that the critics raved about. Page Nir