Stranded (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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ADVERTISING THEATRE ‘I DON'T CARE WHAT THEY THINK OF ME... I'D DO THE SAME FOR ANY MAN!’ “Yes ... it’s true what they say ... But I don’t regret it for a minute! Let them sneer—the whole dried-up, inhuman pack of them! Come and see for yourself what really happened . [know you won't condemn me!” hAY FRANCIS Ly — a Se L 2 e es tides —— PATRICIA E rR EL i 4 vr DONALD Ww oo D Se ee A Warner Bros. Eletste with BARTON MASkTON GEORGE BRENT 330 Lines Mat No. 303—30c KAY FRANCIS, ‘STRANDED’ Warner Bros.’ hit with GEORGE BRENT PATRICIA ELLIS DONALD WOODS ROBERT BARRAT-BARTON MACLANE 60 Lines Mat No. 208-—20c THEATRE THEATRE "I'VE “EE DOESN'T PAY TO BE GOOD TOA MAN! —but I couldn't save myself from disillusionment and heartache!” — says Kay as Lynn Palmer, facing a woman's greatest problem, in her most unusual role. hAY FRANCIS s Lynon Palme ‘STRANDED’ A Warner Bros. Picture with GEORGE BRENT PATRICIA ELLIS DONALD WOODS 208 Lines Mat No. 205—20c HELPED HUNDREDS OF GIRLS IN TROUBLE ‘Look what it got me! Heartache and disillusionment . all because I put pity above discretion in the kind of crisis that comes only once in a woman’s life !”” KAY FRANCIS ‘STRANDED" Warner Bros.’ hit with GEORGE BRENT PATRICIA ELLIS DONALD WOODS ROBERT BARRAT-BARTON MA°LANE 202 Lines Mat No. 211—20c Page Five