Submarine D I (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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HOW TO WIN FEMMES Here’s How with the / WAYNE MORRIS PLAN Seezes diiotier hit. ee this picture he’s a heart-breaker Gs well as a chin-buster. Tell the femmes*, in this way: Display still of Morris ; in sailor outfit in all ls, Ww ] and this. copy: 3 “Girls! ‘Heres sa gee scart ‘Sm, He'll make you dance with Hee | ing Distribute autographed fan fotos of Westie Morris.. Available: in large. quantities ‘ated teripg, * fe os : Ee eee the Strand on Saturday.” They won't forget “Kid Galahad Mount stills of Wayne Morris in boxing poses: in lobby with stills from “Submarine DI."" vuiiibons This Year Are NAUTICAL AND “NICE Resort fashions are a big feature with départment stores at this season., This provides you _ with q@ natural tie-in with your show. Work “»ewith ‘them “on window displays of marine ee , fashions, using stills and window cards plugging * ‘Submarine: *“Copy:' “Ship-shape slacks ga “Be tag toxthe’. for sunny ‘Soiithern days.” Navy in this nautical sailor frock. Doris Weston Calot for MILLINERY SHOP. “Still number S432 shows Doris Weston wear| ing a calot—a very popularitype.of hat which every store stocks. Using,ca\blow-up"of this still, get stores to make, up counter dow display and run a special on the “Doris : Weston Calot” during:your run. © iio ntanmsnameen i AabES" debacle estan nance .. Personal Notes: Distributed oy cashier mS “Wayne Morrif'is back for another knockout. ~ | 8 too will fall for him'i in ‘Submarine, DY isa ob for you. Ss oe fe gee W priéés See details on page 0. Distribtitee i | : 3, or soda foun can be worked up.into a very | ‘angle for them as well ds for your show. This _doesn't have to ‘be confinedtowwomens wear, particularly if they. choose @ deep shade of blue that is’men’s clothing: “Work with the store on co-op ads“and window displays with stills and other art. ‘Store Sponteiie Color “SUBMARINE BLUE” ‘Get oneiot.the larger stores to sponsor a certain shade of blue as “Submarine Blue.” If they get behind this with a big promotion, it BEAUTY SHOP TIE. UP | Tie up with the Iéading beauty shop on a’ ®. "Doris Weston promiction. Her formula for a facial: A thorough cleansing with warm olive i * oil, then hot towels, followed by a mask of “tich. “Sieg g, SMe” a gigorous scrubbing Ip ter c aids soft face brush, iether crear” and an ace astringent. rennet You inightyget the shop. to feature this facial, — », with: a@ shampoo dnd..wave. dt an. “attractive price, Be sire to give: them plenty. 3 stills to make an, attractive: window: at Ask the. Femmes ~ PICK,.BEST MAN — Give the women @ charice toexpréss their opinion by. asking them to Vote irl"the lobby after seeing the show. The question®Which man would you’have choseri and why? Best _ answer gets a prize whether she voted for _ Wayne Morris or Pat O'Brien. Rig up a real balloting box and provide mimeographed _ answer blanks to give the s stunt aay: SMILE CONTEST Doris Weston’s smile won her a screen test. » Playing on this, why not run.a smile contest? Have a cameraman take snapshots, of your femme patrons. Prettiést smile—or the. one most like Weston’s.wins a prize. Might make this a photographic sitting, tieing it ip with a . ; local photographer, who might be me to. a take bac lobby Snapshots as. well.” [5] ine selling | ger en oa Ae NEG Mis SAS