That Mans Here Again (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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oR , HUGH HERBERT MARY MAGUIR “TOM BROWN A First National Pictur Presented by Warner Bros, JOSEPH KING °* Directed by LOUIS KING TEDDY HART °* 54 Lines Mat No. 206—20c ett ee MARY MAGUIRE + TOM BROWN ; A FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE Presented by Warner Bros. Joseph King.» Teddy Hart « Directed by LOUIS KING 14 Lines Mat No. 102—10c DID YOU EVER SEE A SCREAM WALKING? HUGH HERBERT MARY MAGUIRE TOM BROWN A FIRST NAT'L PICTURE * Presented by Warner Bros. JOSEPH KING *© TEDDY HART «¢ Directed by LOUIS KING 15 Lines Mat No. 204—20c )) ' PRESERVERS! HUGH HERBERT MARY MAGUIRE + A FIRST NAT'L PICTURE + TOM BROWN Presented by Warner Bros. : Joseph King » Teddy Rart + Directed by LOUIS KING 27 Lines Mat No. 101—10c 54 Lines Mat No. 202-——20c AD VER TIS 1h G WE'S Nurs to YOu! That budding fool, Hugh Herbert, has blossomed into a blooming idiot in the funniest, pPunniest, goofiest, spoofiest role of his career! Starring HUGH HERBERT MARY MAGUIRE * TOM BROWN Joseph King © Teddy Hart Directed by Louis King * Presented by Warner Bros.*A Fixst National Picture THEATRE 70 Lines Mat No. 104—10c WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE LAUGHING, SALUTE HUGH! Joseph King * Teddy Hart + Directed by LOUIS KING 4 ines <aWat Ne 1102 1c Page Seven