The Adventures of Mark Twain (Warner Bros.) (1944)

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Cast of Characters Samuel Clemens ................. FREDRIC MARCH Stage Coach Passenger .................... Frank Pharr Olisne deangdon’ oo A ALEXIS SMITH Ratyard Kaping ceo ee oe ae eee Paul Scardon Te Pont eee ea a DONALD CRISP “Peele BOY ce 7 6-04 oo ra GecGdin oe ALAN HALE Hagia: Boys, (oe: ec gp spe ce Robert Herrick ere eet Peiglisn Boy oo nn Se ea eae ss ee les eck Oxtord Chancellor 25 CUAUBREY SMELT yvelish Pay: cee ok ee ee Bill Lechner Pret Piarte Oe a Sey eS JOHNS: GARRADINE: (Ben Lane =. oe oe a ee Norman Willis Charles bangqon:..... sce WILLIAM HENRY Bystander RPE EL. £0 Ses ae eee ee Dick Elliot fe ROBERT BARRAT Foe SUGHe nee Piha ta Perma Langdon 2 WALTER HAMPDEN qc go 0a ae Clara Clemens ca JOYCE REYNOLDS Jj udge Bia eae Ole seme Oe Chester Conklin Joe Goodwin tie oS he ee Lk Se es Whitford Kane Cross-eyed Man <.-. 5.05 John (skins) Miller BIO Sie cn otc fics 6 Ve ye emer PO ee Ae, 6 assess is bos ee Willie Fung Pb tee OANOdOR 5.0% oh vx5 Sos kc oy Bos Cot Nana Deyene «Wan wits Mule... 6.en, ee Creighton Hale aU oe he Noe ok os ee prenns Donnelly Old May 6225s i a a a Fred Kelsey PURE CIETY Sa ek ene erepuet etemey “Miner oes a ee Oliver Prickett George Reed Barner 65 Ss eS a ee ee Leo White PEECSS Fock: bee kp ae tar toe es Sam McDaniel PrOMgler 57 oS Fore Se ee ES Joseph Crehan Dudley Dickerson PriespectOr. 2. 6 ees bs os eee ee Cliff Saum Mien. Betty Roadman Assistant Editor .................0..00.05. Harry Tyler ET Se Saree nS sae eal ae oes Viole Clataban: Editor = 28 a ee Roland Drew dotge Glemens. oii i OR Praik Wilcox ~~ Tolegrapher +5.) 3.0 Walter Solderling Lippy. LAVIOr «Storekeeper... ie as.otci eee Sailor Vincent PRMOP NV ORM oa FS ee sy sen Pilla RanGoiph Mite Cec, 6. evs dace ea Richard Kipling Mildred Gover: Mat: < 5 6. satire tics Gist ee ees Bill Edwards Sam Clemens (age 15 yrs.) ................ Prekie: Jones: Mani 4 corp i elie ee Bill Kennedy See eremn@lta 2 Fi ee aes AS May JOnNSOn > Maiti 5 25; FeO ae a a Stuart Holmes Sam Clemens (age 12 yrs.) ............... Jackie Brown . Wonran 54 Se ee Joan Winfield ee MEN os ee a doe es Eugene: Plolland:: Woman. eo oo Sarah Edwards Tom Bey oe, ee oe Whehael Wier: Woman 7 ek ee Leah Baird J BEEN 2 gic ble Wk ema 8g oe Wile so Siew es os Frederick opepeer 9 Dacioe (22300 eS Frank Reicher Orion RONEN Se Cn a PL URsG 1 e1CNG0G Nia a ee Pie ee George Haywood RMS ets Fo oie oy RE! Victor Kilian Stign Ketter o.<s 62. Ge a Frank Darien DO ers es. a Os Christian Rub William Dean Howells .................. Douglas Wood le aR IS RE le erere eee batty Woods | Geordie. igs ea ae a Willie Best Per eOUOteY os a oe ae ee! Eddie Waller Oliver W: Holinmes ©. 6 Burr Caruth Gi OUMORNGT ies ah ty bo as cs Earle Dewey John G. Whittier .......3....505....002Harry Hilliard Cowboy Se ae ees is 8 ae ee ee Lee Powell Ralph W. Emerson ................2..:: Brandon Hurst RE MOE acy ieee ce ge ee Sammy McKim Henry W. Longfellow ................-.. Davison Clark Rani Ce es peas Oe nce ferry Wort ‘Drmnken Guest... .. oe eee Harry Holman Oe aise tesa g es os os Say bee “lasses” Witte Hondsjon: o.oo di oe ede nk Frank Dae Deh eo ee ee Pirie Gens: Bevis, i eas ee Henry Blair Officer ee eee ee ee are a eR 5a Wiis 90a. Pare. 2962 Nee Francis Pierlot Missourian RA She ha eS pene PR es Arthur Aylsworth General Grant ...............0.cceeeeeee Joseph Crehan Ist BOE eke nage cs ere tc yack Wiower Housekeeper... 6.6 rs Ae Jessie Grayson BEE ENO so oe ok teint as, ee Meank Miave Bogs yn ee ee Bobby Larson WE ree ie ae nae ins: William Flaade. Henry He Rogers... s.r George Lessey aie ig 8 Ts Pega em Mobert Flomans Kate Leaty:. 62... os. 54 fee. cs Dorothy Vaughan 3rd Pilot Pre he east 6 cs ce ne eis SS Lew Kelly Susie (as a child) .;............... Gloria Ann Crawford 4th Pilot oe Re ean eer Eg a ae Paul : Panzer. Susid arene. a RS Lynne Baggett Oa a hae ae oo Monte Blue Clara (as a child) ................. Carol Joyce Coombs Boss Deck: Dang 3. itt G82 Sy, Paul Newlan Jean (as achild) ..................... Charlene Salerno ics an mi esi oc ral aia aaa armenia Regia We rereRSIGY PORE tea Joyce Tucker Repeater ee ee es ee eh Ee Bmnictty: smith. Dr Ountacd 2 oe Charles Waldron aero Mice fos... ee ErAe CP IANO WARE Fe i ee a ea Pe Jack Gardner BPUROOIOL is on, ore ec a ey iseoree pierwood Mian io er os as es oe eee Jack Gargan TOG DORN OR ee gee we dialed Miaren Nato. Sr hs wa eda ce bebe Francis Sayles BO Fe et sae a eS. Charles McAvoy English Reporter .................000005. Charles Irwin Peper Se ee Jim Farley William Dean Howell’s Secretary ............ Ross Ford Ligh et ete Gee Pe Ge Rosina Gall: Mark Twain Film At Strand Today Stars Fredric March, Alexis Smith “The Adventures of Mark Twain,” Warner Bros’ colorful and inspiring film of America’s most beloved literary genius, comes to the Strand today starring Fredric March and Alexis Smith. The production shows March as Mark Twain in four hundred and nineteen scenes, covering a period from his birth in a small town on the banks of the Mississippi in 1835, through his adventurous boyhood and adult life, through the Civil War past the turn of the Century when death wrote finis to a brilliant career. Alexis Smith is cast as Olivia Langdon, the feminine lead. Irving Rapper, whose sympathetic guidance was responsible for “Dark Victory,” is also the director of this film. Featured on the imposing list of supporting players are Donald Crisp, Alan Hale, C. Aubrey Smith, Walter Hampden, John Carradine, Bill Henry, Robert Barrat and Joyce Reynolds. Max Steiner composed the music for this Jesse L. Lasky production, adapted for the sereen by Alan LeMay, Harold M. Sherman and Harry Chandlee from the screen play by Mr. LeMay. Ses Still MT 507; Mat 205—30c Alexis Smith appears in the leading feminine role opposite Fredric March in “The Adventures of Mark Twain,” produced by Jesse L. Lasky for Warner Bros. and coming to the .......... Theatre on .......... Boys Overseas Rate ‘Twain’ Film-Of-Month Servicemen in the Middle East War area rated Warner Bros.’ film “The Adventures of Mark Twain,” currently playing at the Strand, as the most popular photoplay shown there during March. This was reported by the Army Overseas Motion Picture Service in a letter to Warner Bros. This reaction to Hollywood’s latest fare is gratifying, for the film capital, conscious of its obligation to promote GI morale by providing tops in entertainment, has been doing just that. With this in mind, productions are shown overseas several months in advance of release in this country. One of the most recent of these is “The Adventures of Mark Twain” starring Fredric March and _ Alexis Smith, supported by an impressive cast which features Donald Crisp, Alan Hale and others. The thrill-packed sequences of every colorful phase of Twain’s life on the American scene are just what the doctor ordered for our boys away from home. Irving Rapper lent his able direction to this Jesse L. Lasky production. Literary Humorist Makes Screen Bow At Strand Today (Opening Day Reader) The fascinating saga of Mark Twain, a typically American story of this country’s beloved and famous humorist, forms the background for the Warner Bros. film “The Adventures of Mark Twain,” opening today at the Strand. Still MT 541; Mat 101—15c FREDRIC MARCH Starring Fredric March in the title role, the picture tells of Twain’s boyhood against a Mississippi background and of his friendship with Tom Sawyer (Michael Miller) and Huckleberry Finn (Eugene Holland), three rafting explorers of the river, who hunt buried treasure and imaginary pirate’s gold. The film goes along showing how the adventures of the river so intrigue Twain that he is lured away from his apprenticeship as a printer, learns to navigate, becomes a full fledged pilot, takes his own steamer down the river, falls in love with the photograph of a beautiful girl, Olivia Langdon, played by costar Alexis Smith, of his determination to marry her, his quest for money to make this possible and of his recording of a frog jumping contest which inadvertently launches him on the road to literary fame. Featured on the long and imposing list of supporting players are Donald Crisp, Alan Hale, C. Aubrey Smith, John Carradine, Bill Henry, Robert Barrat, Walter Hampden and Joyce Reynolds. The film was directed by Irving Rapper, who may be remembered for the excellent job he did with “Dark Victory,” and produced by Jesse L. Lasky. It was adapted by Alan LeMay, Harold M. Sherman and Harry Chandlee from the screen play by Mr. LeMay. The original music was by Max Steiner. Weather Predicted Despite War Bans “Rain today and tomorrow,” read the forecast in bold, black letters. Despite the ban on weather reports in the Southern California defense area, there were no objections from the censors. The forecast was posted on the Warner Bros.’ call board for “‘The Adventures of Mark Twain,” the film currently showing at the Strand with Fredric March and _ Alexis Smith co-starred. The rain predicted was artificially created, falling only inside the studio sound stage.