The Adventurous Blonde (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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6"x 9" + E RA L D $1.75 ae ie $9.00 per M 5M AND OVER LESS THAN 5M HEY, FOLKS, REMEMBER ME? I'M MRS. BLANE'S TROUBLE-HUNTING LITTLE GIRL--TORCHY ! I've got a pip of a murder-mysterycomedy this time! It's got loads of clues, alibis by the dozen and a jailfull of confessions! So stick around and watch me untangle the mess! It'll be a picnic and a panic rolled into one! I'll be seein' you o+eam the movies ! Youre Tor Anritis; TORCHY BLANE THE ADVENTUROUS BLONDE” with GLENDA FARRELL BARTON MacLANE Anne Nagel « Tom Kennedy « Natalie Moorhead and all the characters you roared at in “Smart Blonde” and “Fly Away Baby’! Directed by Frank McDonald Original Screen Play by Robertson White and David Diamond A First National Picture Presented by Warner Bros. MADE IN USA Here is a reproduction of the actual herald. It shows some of the best scenes of the picture with a display of good selling copy. Printing on one side only gives ample allowance on reverse side for local copy. 11° x 14° COLOR-GLOS AUTOGRAPHED STAR PORTRAITS PRIGES: 10 to 24....30c cn 25 & over....20¢ ea. OTHER WARNER STARS AVAILABLE IN 11” x 14” COLOR-GLOS STAR PORTRAITS MARION DAVIES KENNY BAKER LESLIE HOWARD WAYNE MORRIS DICK POWELL BEVERLY ROBERTS PAUL MUNI JUNE TRAVIS RUBY KEELER PAT O'BRIEN FERNAND GRAVET OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND JOAN BLONDELL GEORGE BRENT KAY FRANCIS MARGARET LINDSAY ERROL FLYNN HUGH HERBERT FRANK McHUGH JOSEPHINE HUTCHINSON BORIS KARLOFF CLAUDE RAINS ANITA LOUISE EDWARD G. ROBINSON BILLY & BOBBY MAUCH BETTE DAVIS DICK FORAN GLENDA FARRELL HUMPHREY BOGART IAN HUNTER BARTON MacLANE ek EN DA y BARTON | ELL’ 24" x 60” es LOBBY DISPLAYS Take advantage SHIDE 60028 os ces Beet ot ee range of display accessories. a Drop us a postcard today. Let us tell you how a Rae your theatre can have these disREGULAR WINDOW CARD plays at a reasonable weekly PRICES: rental fee. POLAR mean. (oc Seeks eres Tc ea. Se ON Dee poate Cera Late 40” x 60” 100 Grover. oa. Oe eae MIDGET WINDOW CARD AMERICAN DISPLAY CO., Inc. 525 W. 43rd St. New York RRIG Ese tei eas aA taiay Page Eleven