The Bargain (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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LENGTH (VITAPHONE) 6364 Feet RUNNING TIME 70 Minutes TALKING Rites ¢ ioc sleyetol | Pictures 321 WEST 44th STREET FIRST NATIONAL AND TAP Hon PICTURES is granted licensed exhibitors to Permission reproduce with proper notice of copyright all matter contained herein. NEW YORK CITY, U.S. A. PRIZE PICTURE OF 19311! BARGAIN wit LEWIS STONE—DORIS KENYON ee SUMMARY _ Phillip Barry’s power.! play of suppressed desires, stifled emotions and secret hopes! A prize film perfectly cast and superbly di rected! SYNOPSIS (Not for Publication ) Copyright 1931 by Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Maitland White still has an ambition to be an artist—though he has for years been in the soap business, aS a surer means of making a living for Nancy and their son Ricky, who is now grown and def ‘“ of becoming an architect. .. “kr plan to send Ricky to Paris Lisaay, but the boy suddenly announces that Ronny Daune has accepted him and that he, too, is going to work in the soap factory. The parents are grieved but cannot reproach the lad, since they had done the same thing. Nancy decides that her husband is to take a belated chance to paint and prevails on him to fix the attic as a studio and use Etta, the maid, as a model. The maid accepts the assignment and tries to play the great lady, with amusing results. The Whites have copper stock which provides a living of a sort and after six months at painting, Maitland’s former boss hires another man to fill his place in the soap factory. Copper promptly goes down. Geoffrey Nichols a kindly and eccentric friend, takes Maitland’s portrait of the maid to an art gathering hoping to sell it. The Whites are pnes+ a masquerade party to anE ae the engagement of Ricky and fe.“ when Nichols brings the picture back, unsold. Things look black for the Whites. The former boss, arrives in haste to say that he has seen the painting and wants to use it as a poster ad for his soap! He insists that Maitland come back as manager of the advertising campaign. Hurt, and yet happy to again see money in prospect, Maitland accepts and tells Ricky that an inheritance from his grandfather has made it possible for him to go to Paris, taking Ronny as his wife. Ronny has just told Ricky that she fears he doesn’t care for her as much as he cares for art, and refused to marry him—but the new turn of affairs straightens things out. All are happy again and Maitland and Nancy appear among the guests —he disguised as an artist! PRINTED IN U. S. A. ONE PICTURE IN A THOUSAND! She Stood in Her Husbands Way--/ ae she loved him too well/ You’ve seen a thousand pictures in which a woman’s love made a man! Here’s the @ s. story of a great love Na. Sk ee that nearly ruined one! ARGAIN Philip Barry’s Prize Play with LEWIS STONE CHARLES BUTTERWORTH EVALYN KNAPP, DORIS KENYON, Una Merkel, John Darrow and Oscar Apfel. OPENS THURS. WARNER A FIRST NATIONAL VITAPHONE HIT Cut No. 6 Cut 4oc Mat roc “The Bargain.” Ney Racket,” “The Argyle Case,” “Hell’s Angels,” “The Lady Refuses.” ROUTINE STORY (This story contains all the important facts about “The Bargain.” Release it to all newspapers several days before run begins) WANEOCI ao ee iy OP StnG = ase ee eee Theatre AUNOUNCOR=! nase ek next as the opening date for “The Bargain,” the First National adaptation of the Harvard prize play, “You and I” by Phillip Barry, which won such acclaim on Broadway. “The Bargain” is a heart-warming domestic drama, the sort that might happen in any of ten million homes. It concerns Maitland and Nancy White—their grown son Ricky and his girl friend Ronny as well as an amazing maid—an eccentric and resourceful bachelor friend the enthusiastic boss of a soap factory and some other interesting folks. Maitland White has for years made a fairly good living at a soap factory though his wife knows that he has hankered in spite of his kindness to her and the boy for the fulfillment of his early ambition to be a painter. The two plan to send Ricky to Paris to study architecture, but at the crucial moment he announces that he means to marry Ronny, and take a job in the soap factory. Their objections are of no moment. Nancy gets the brilliant idea that her husband must take a year away from the soap factory, fix up the home attic as a studio, impress Etta the pretty maid as model, and paint to his heart’s content. He reluctantly, though eagerly accepts. The portrait is completed, just as word comes that the job at the soap factory has been filled, and that the copper stock which has been providing an income, has gone down, if not out. An eccentric but kindly friend whisks the painting off to rich art fanciers he knows, apparently without results—and things look black for the Whites—when an astonishingly amusing and at the same time tender, series of happenings puts things on the uproad again— but not as you expect at all. Lewis Stone and lovely Doris Kenyon play the captivating parents— Ricky the son is portrayed with boyish ardor by John Darrow, while Evalyn Knapp is just the sort of sweetheart you would want your son to have. The eccentric friend is Charles Butterworth’s most amusing role, which is saying a lot, and the maid who peacocks it so wistfully as the ludicrous artist’s model is done by Una Merkel, who was the Ann Rutledge in “Lincoln.” Oscar Apfel is convincing as the big soap man. Nella Walker also appears as a gushing art patroness. Robert Milton, who directed “Outward Bound” directs “The Bargain.” FOE CAST MAITLAND WHITE—Father of a grown son still longing to be a painter, though employed in a soa SOOT 2 ee LEWIS STONE VERONICA—Son’s sweetheart—preity, pouting, positive. ee re EVALYN KNAPP GEOFFREY—Friend of the family—comical, eccentric, pesmurcefd ee CHARLES BUTTERWORTH NANCY — Wife of Maitland — courageous, wistfully CRP co DORIS KENYON RODERICK WHITE—Son of Maitland and Nancy—un decided between love and art_________. JOHN DARROW G. T. WARREN—Owner of the soap factory — ecstatic On Thestubject ee OSCAR APFEL ETTA — Family maid who becomes the family artist WOUEE See ae UNA MERKEL Born in Syracuse, JOHN DARROW—Sereen in “The Play A “Girls Going Wild” and Born in New WHO'S WHO LEWIS STONE—Star of stage and sereen. Seen on screen recently in “Trial of Mary Dugan,” “Madame xX,” “Woman of Affairs,” “Wild Orchids”, “The Office Wife,” “My Past,” “Bather’s Son” and “The Bargain.” Born in Worcester, Mass. EVALYN KNAPP—Scereen in “Sinners’ Holiday,” “River’s End,” “Mothers Frenchmen,” “The Millionaire,” and Cry,” “Fifty Million “The Bargain.” Born in Kansas City, Mo. CHARLES BUTTERWORTH — Comedy hit of stage and sereen. On screen in “Life of the Party,” “Tllicit,’ “The Bargain.” Born in South Bend, Indiana. DORIS KENYON—Sereen in “Men of Steel,” “Burning Daylight,” “Mismates,” “Interference”? “Thief in Paradise” “Strictly Business.” and York City. OSCAR APFEL—Screen in “Hurdy-Gurdy,” “Cheaters,” “Half Way to Heaven,” “Right to Love,” “The Virtuous Sin,” “Big Business Girl,” “The Maltese Falcon.” Born in Cleveland, Ohio. UNA MERKEL—Sereen in “Eyes of the World,” “Abraham Lincoln,” “The Maltese Falcon” and “The Bargain.” Born in Covington, Ky. NELLA WALKER—Screen § in “Extravagance,” “What a Widow” “The Hot Heiress” and “The Bargain.” | VITAPHONE Short Subject With This Feature! PageOne <—