The Bargain (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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TO THE SCREEN—SHES GRAND! etait esate ( A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE HIT PRIZE PICTURE OF 1931! Cut No. 4 Cut aoc Mat roc a Covington, Kentucky Girl Folk Songs Interest Doris Prominent In “Bargain” | Kenyon Of “The Bargain” (Advance Reader) The unusual and captivating humor of Una Merkel is given its greatest ve in “The Bargain,” the First ynal picture which comes to the Theatre for a run of days. She is cast as a housemaid who is prevailed upon to accept the position of artist’s model, for her employer who belatedly takes up painting. Others in the cast are Lewis Stone, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth, Doris Kenyon, John Darrow, Oscar Apfel, and Nella Walker. Robert Milton directed. Like Father Like Son! os Their Own Problem Was Their Son’s Problem! How Did They Settle It? * % Heart-warming Domestic Drama That Might Happen in Ten Million Homes! * * * * * * * %* * * * * CATCHLINES Opportunity Knocked at Their Door But Love Opened It! These Two Men React? She Knew Her Husband Had Given Up His Career For Her? What Did She Do? She Feared Her Son Would Wreck His Career By Marriage, As Her Husband Had Done! Can a Lost Career Be Regained? They Wanted to Give Their Son What They Had Missed! But—A Woman Stood In the Way! Love Planned a Great Career—Marriage Broke the Bargain! (Advance Reader) Doris Kenyon, prominent in the cast of “The Bargain” the First National picture which comes to the Theatre next is deeply interested in folk songs, and has lately acquired several prized highly. Miss Kenyon plans a European concert tour for the coming year. Others featured in “The Bargain” are Lewis Stone, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth, John Darrow, Oscar Apfel, Una Merkel and Nella Walker. Robert Milton directed. Marriage or Career? ee * * * % How Did * 6 * * ** * *% * * * DORIS KENYON KEEPS YOUTHFUL FORM, FACE AND OUTLOOK ON LIFE IN WAYS WHICH MAY BE FOLLOWED BY ANYBODY Lovely Screen Favorite, Seen In A Leading Role In “The Bargain,” First National Drama Of Domestic Life, Now At The Strand, Tells How To Ward Off The Years (Feature for Women’s Page—Plant in No. 1 Paper, Second Day of Run) Hollywood, Calif.—Slimness is not just a qaulity—it’s a state of mind! People who know me and some who see me on the screen often ask me what I do to keep shim. After all, what can one do other than the things perfectly obvious to any in telligence? None of us do anything particularly extraordinary in keeping slender other than the old story of exercise and diet, but it is the way we do these things that makes it torture for some and not for others. I personally find keeping in perfect physical condition, and slim, very simple. I am fond of walking, and so I walk a lot. And though I am very fond of rich pastries and strange desserts from far and interesting countries, the most I do is nibble at them; and that only when I crave it tremendously. That is my only material sacrifice to the Goddess of the Svelte. I truly think, though, that my habit of walking is responsible for my sliimness. Long, long ago I formed the habit of early rising and taking long walks before breakfast. People whom I have occasion to call early in the morning are often surprised when they find a message on their desks awaiting them when they arrive in their offices. “So early,” they say. “I thought motion picture people slept late in the mornings.” Yet it is simple habits like these that can make all the difference in the world between a delightfully slender person and one who is heavy. It is a very rare occasion indeed when I do not get up early in the morning and walk at least a mile in the fresh, clear morning air before breakfast. It does wonders not only for the figure but for the work of the day. One is so much more alert and active that the added energy with which one works in itself is reducing, at least one thinks so and that helps. It seems to me that every one can find some pleasurable exercise equivalent to this to make a habit. All this is not much to give to those who clamor for strange recipes for reducing and slenderness. Yet the only answer I can give is what I have said before—lots of exercise and a sensible diet taken in the form that suits you best will do the trick more effectively than anything else. And try to think young thoughts—for youth and slimness nearly always go together by a natural affinity! Another way in which I keep the youthful physique is by singing— for proper breathing is a necessity. Every lesson I take aids not only my voice but my body and my thought-world, too. Others featured in “The Bargain” are Lewis Stone, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth, John Darrow, Osear Apfel, Una Merkel and Nella Walker. The picture is an adaptation of “You and I” the Harvard Prize Play by Philip Barry, which ran for over a year on Broadway. Robert Milton directed. Beautiful Player Of ‘The Bargain” Was Once Lame (Advance Reader) Evalyn Knapp, known as one of the most beautiful and vivacious players of the screen, and to be seen locally in “The Bargain,” the First National picture which comes to the PNOAtTO 2: ai~. ses te for a run of days, at the age of four was supposed to be hopelessly crippled, following an attack of scarlet fever. The will to conquer her affliction together with the tireless care of her mother at last set the shut-in free. Others featured in “The Bargain” the Lewis Stone, Charles Butterworth, Doris Kenyon, John Darrow, Osear Apfel, Ina Merkel and Nella Walker, Robert Milton directed. Greet Mae Madison Who Was Mariska Medgyzsi Once (Current—Plant 2nd Day) “The Bargain” the First National picture which is now at the ee ee Theatre, gives just a fleeting glimpse of pretty blonde Mae Madison, who until recently was known as Mariska Medgyzsi. Miss Madison is a pupil of the Warner Bros.-First National School for Actng, of which Ivan Simpson is di rector. Those prominently featured in “The Bargain” are Lewis Stone, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth, Doris Kenyon, John Darrow, Oscar Apfel, Una Merkel and Nella Wal er. The picture is an adaptation of “You and I” the Harvard Prize Play hy Philip Barry, which enjoyed a year’s run on Broadway. It has to do with the conflict between marriage and a career, effecting both a father and his twenty-year-old son. Robert Milton directed. Uniquely Natural Set Is Built For Filming “Bargain” (Current—Plant 4th Day) Interior and exterior of an entire house, from ground floor to attic, and from front drive to back garden, was constructed on one huge stage at the First National Studio for filming of “The Bargain,” which is now playing at the Theatre. As far as the ground floor was concerned, there were no disconnected sets. way to front door, open that and enter the entrance hallway, with stairs leading up. The living rooms One could walk from drive and dining room connect with the hallway, and one can roam around as though he were in an actual house, furnished completely and in good taste. The stairways, however, did not lead to on actual upstairs. The bedrooms were connected, just as the ground floor was, and were constructed on an adjoining portion of the stage. Walking out of the door of the ground floor, one entered a garden with grass, trees, shrubs and flowers. Everything was real, having been transplanted to its indoor setting. The attic, in which Lewis Stone is depicted at work as an artist, also came in for accurate detail in construction. The cast of “The Bargain” includes besides Lewis Stone, Doris Kenyon, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth, John Darrow, Una Merkel, Oscar Apfel and Nella Walker. The picture is an adaptation of “You and I,” the Harvard prize play by Philip Barry, which enjoyed a _ year’s Broadway run. Out of the surge of the inconceivable came the creation of life—of man! With the spark inherited from infinity came his craving to create —to accomplish! He realized man’s highest reward in life is achievement! Man's greatest fear has ever he could of — At last a picture that dares tell the truth! Lifts the curtain on_ inhibitions! been of leaving his life's task unfinished — leaving before carry out his par Life’s suppressed desires! Stifled impulses! Lost ambitions overflow in a surging stream of heart's blood! It's mag nificent — overwhelming — irresistible! WITH LEWIS STONE CHARLES BUTTERWORTH DORIS KENYON EVELYN KNAPP JOHN DARROW ) TPA Le -A_ FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE SENSATION! ST RAN It's Life itself! UNA MERKEL ~ v 4,” Cut No. 26 Cut goc Mat toc Page Seven iadyv