The Bargain (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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“ON THIS ONE-—THEY'LL LOVE IT! LIFTS THE CURTAIN ON INHIBITIONS: Butterworth Humor LIFE’S SUPPRESSED DESIRES! STIFLED IMPULSES! SECRETHOPES! LOST AMBITIONS! Philip Barry’s pen opens the flood gates of your heart with soul-searing drama. ie DARGAIN LEWIS | Rcd ONE BUTTERWORTH DORIS KENYON A. FIRST NATIONAL VITAPHONE PICTURE ~Gut 0. 5 Cut goc Mat roc American Barry Is The Author Of “The Bargain’ (Current Reader) Philip Barry, author of “The Bar ” the First National production is now playing at the re, is the author of three other plays which have been both stage and screen successes... He wrote ‘Paris Bound,” “Holiday” and “Rebound.” His latest play, “Tomorrow and To morrow” is duplicating the success of his earlier efforts on the New York stage. Lewis Stone In “Bargain,” Is Vet Of Two Wars (Current Reader) Lewis Stone, who is featured in _ “The Bargain,” the First National —pFfoduetion which is currently running Sa 8 UC: eee prs Theatre, is a veteran of two wars. He served in the American army during the Spanish-American war, and abandoned his stage career to enter the service again during the late World War. Others in “The Bargain” are Doris Kenyon, Charles Butterworth, Evalyn ™ 1p and Una Merkel. Robert Milrected. BRILLIANT MASQUERADE SHOWN IN ‘THE BARGAIN’ (Current Reader) In order to achieve colorful variety in a masquerade party scene for “The Bargain,” the First National picture now playing at the Theatre, Director Robert Milton conceived the idea of having the majority of his fifty extras dress in the cos DREAD OF FIRE HAUNTS STAR Evalyn Knapp, the beautiful young player, who is featured in “The Bargain,” the First National picture which comes to the___.__. Theatre next, has a dread of fire, caused hv three experiences she has had the friendly element that be so devastating. __«ter first trial by fire was on a Fourth of July celebration when she was a young child, when an exploding rocket ignited her clothes and almost ended her life. Her second was in an apartment house in which she was living. Her third, and it is to be hoped, her last, was in a studio fire where many other players lost their lives. Featured also in “The Bargain”? are Lewis Stone, Charles Butterworth, Doris Kenyon, John Darrow, Oscar Apfel, Una Mer| kel and Nella Walker. The picture is an adaptation of “You and I’, the Harvard Prize Play by Philip Barry which enjoyed a year’s run on Broadway. Robert Milton directed. Una Merkel Lauded For Role In “The Bargain” (Current Reader) Una Merkel, who plays the part of the timid maid in “The Bargain,” the First National production now playing at the Theatre, got her start on the stage when Jerome Storm took her out of a New York Dramatic school to play a sister part with Lillian Gish. She was later the Ann Rutledge in “Lincoln.” “The Bargain” features Lewis Stone, Doris Kenyon, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth and others. Robert Milton directed. TRIP TO HOLLYWOOD BROUGHT HER LUCK |: ‘amen Reader) Evalyn Knapp first came to Hollywood to take a small part in “Maybe It’s Love”. Warner Bros. executives took one look at her tests and took her out of the part, giving her instead the lead in “Sinners’ Holiday”. She lived up to the ability they recognized in her, and she is now scoring highly in First National’s “The Bargain,” the feature offering now running at the Theatre. In the cast are Lewis Stone, Doris Kenyon, Charles Butterworth and others. Robert Milton directed. tumes of various nations. Featured are Lewis Stone, Doris Kenyon, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth and others. Most Effective In Rare “The Bargain” (Biography, June 15, 1931) Charles Butterworth was born in South Bend, Indiana, on July 26, 1899. He received his high school education there and attended Notre Dame University from where he emerged with a degree in law. The study of law was to appease his parents, for he had no desire for the profession. Instead, he was much interested in dramaties and took part in all campus productions. A parody on a Rotary banquet speech led him ultimately to the professional stage. He wrote it and used it during his college days, and after a varied career in amateur dramatics, performances at dinners and _ banquets, vaudeville and newspaper work, this speech won him a part in “Americana,” 4 revue which ran at the Belmont Theatre in New York. His brilliant humor coupled with his immobile, unsmiling face won the appreciative attention of the critics who hailed him as one of the rarest comedians on the American stage. Parts in other stage productions soon followed, and Butterworth found a coveted niche in musical comedy. His best stage work, and the part he liked best, was in “Sweet Adeline,” in which he appeared with Helen Morgan. He was discovered by Warner Bros., who took him to Hollywood where he played in “Life of the Party” with Winnie Lightner, and in “Tllicit,” with Barbara Stanwyck. Following these two productions, he returned to complete his tour of “Sweet Adeline” on the stage. This finished his connection with the stage, and he again returned to the coast to take a featured role in First National’s “The Bargain.” Mr. Butterworth is five feet, seven inches tall, weighs one hundred and thirty-seven pounds and has blue eyes and brown hair, Notre Dame Wag Gives Up Law For Lunacy (Current Reader) Charles Butterworth, the droll comedian who appears in “The Bargain,” the First National picture now playing atthe: Ne ee ae Theatre, graduated Notre Dame University with a degree in law. He never had a chance to make use of it, for the lure of the stage made itself felt even during his college days, and he went right into it after graduation. Featured in “The Bargain” are Lewis Stone, Doris Kenyon, Evalyn Knapp, John Darrow and Una Merkel. Robert Milton directed. MAGNIFICIENT! OVERWHELMING! IRRESISTIBLE! Drama that dares invade, the private chamber of the soul. It writes in heart’s blood, the inhibited story of desire. . impulse. . .ambition! It lifts the seventh secret veil on life itself! LEWIS STONE CHARLES BUTTERWORTH DORIS KENYON EVALYN KNAPP UNA MERKEL — JOHN DARROW—OSCAR APFEL BARGAIN Philip Barry’s great story of You and Me CIRCLE A FIRST NATIONAL VITAPHONE HIT Cut No. 2 Cut goc Mat roc ‘BARGAIN” STIRS IMAGINATION OF AUDIENCE BY HUMOR AND PATHOS OF ITS UNIQUE DOMESTIC DRAMA Lewis Stone, Evalyn Knapp, Doris Kenyon, Charles Butterworth And Others Appear In First National Production, Now At The Strand For Week’s Run (Review Featuring the Story) The large audience at the Strand last evening gave hearty evidence of their approval of ‘‘The Bargain,’’ the latest First National production. Fandom is not the first group of citizens to put the mark of approval on this story. “You and I” it won the coveted Pulitzer prize, and had a long run on the Broadway stage. It is the work of Philip Barry, who has written so many successes, and whose “Tomorrow and Tomorrow” is one of the big current hits along the Great White Way. The characters are so real as to seem to be lifelong acquaintances. First there are Maitland and Nancy White and their grown son, Ricky, whom they mean to send to Paris to continue the study of architecture, in which he has shown interest and ability. Maitland White has since his marriage to Nancy won a good enough living as an executive at a soap factory. The fly in the ointment is the fact that Nancy knows he has always regretted having thrown away the chance for a career as a painter, by marrying her. Ricky suddenly sets plans awry by announcing that he means to marry Ronny and also take a job in the soap shop. Nancy sees another mistake in the offing—such as his father made, and to try to make up to Maitland, urges him to fix up the attic as a studio, to impress the pretty maid into service as a model, to give up his job for a year, and paint. This he reluctantly does. How the soap factory job is given to some one else, how the White copper stocks go down, how the Maitland painting of the former maid succeeeds in seeming to fail, how Ricky and gushing soap-king arrives on _ the scene, and how a well-meaning but amusing friend. puts in an oar—go to make up one of the most fascinating stories that has been seen here in many a day. The fine cast features Lewis Stone, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth, Doris Kenyon, John Darrow, Oscar Apfel, Una Merkel and Nella Walker. Robert Milton directed with fine understanding. Take the whole family for the treat of their lives—“‘The Bargain.” To Get Atmosphere Sister Of Star Is Extra in ‘‘Bargain”’ (Advance—Plant 6 Days Before) “During the filming of “The Bargain,” the First National picture which comes to the Theatre next, much curiosity was caused by the frequent visits of Loretta Young, from the set on which she was working, for the purpose of talking with one of the very young and very pretty extras. It was divulged in time that the extra was Loretta’s younger sister, Polly Ann, who has been bitten by the writing bug, and was in the picture to get the atmosphere she wanted for a masquerade scene in her story. Those featured in “The Bargain” are Lewis Stone, Evalyn Knapp, Charles Butterworth, Doris Kenyon, John Darrow, Oscar Apfel, Una Merkel, and Nella Walker. The picture is an adaptation of “You and I” the Harvard Prize play by Philip Barry, which enjoyed a year’s run on Broadway. The story has to do with the conflict between love for art and love for love, which implicates a father and his twenty-year-old son. Robert Milton, who directed the stage production, directed. PHILLIP BARRY IS INTERNATIONALLY GIVE HIM FAMOUS. PLENTY OF BILLING. \ A FIRST NATIONAL VITAPHONE HIT Under the name of STRAND FZ CLOSEST Lind 2 HUMANITY, Bonny figure in the mixup, how the| 7 BARcan ‘LEWIS STONE’ CHARLES BUTTERWORTH$ DORIS KENYON EVALYN KNAPP nN UNA MERKEL JOHN DARROW OSCAR APFEL is my Cut No. 11 Cut 20c Mat 5c SHE WANTS WHAT SHE WANTS WHEN SHE WANTS IT Evalyn Knapp, featured in “The Bargain” the First National success now at the Theatre has likes and dislikes, as everybody else has of course though probably not with Evalyn’s emphasis. Her hobbies, to hear her tell it, are good books and apples. She has no pets, not even of the human variety, unless it be her mother. She drives a Ford but means to discard it for a bigger car. She likes hotels better than apartments and dislikes dentists, oddly enough. She hates parsnips. She loathes microscopic mustaches on men. She is enthusiastic over Steak a la Knapp, which consists of a filet mignon broiled with mushrooms and stripped bacon. She never needs to diet and exercises because it is fun. She has no beauty secrets, but has the beauty. She never means to go back on her old home town, Saint Louis—and wants more than anything else to feel that every day in every way she is acting better and better. Increasing fan ma’ assures her that she is. Page Ele